
Module Interface

class torchmetrics.text.infolm.InfoLM(model_name_or_path='bert-base-uncased', temperature=0.25, information_measure='kl_divergence', idf=True, alpha=None, beta=None, device=None, max_length=None, batch_size=64, num_threads=0, verbose=True, return_sentence_level_score=False, **kwargs)[source]

Calculate InfoLM.

InfoLM measures a distance/divergence between predicted and reference sentence discrete distribution using one of the following information measures:

InfoLM is a family of untrained embedding-based metrics which addresses some famous flaws of standard string-based metrics thanks to the usage of pre-trained masked language models. This family of metrics is mainly designed for summarization and data-to-text tasks.

The implementation of this metric is fully based HuggingFace transformers’ package.

As input to forward and update the metric accepts the following input:

  • preds (Sequence): An iterable of hypothesis corpus

  • target (Sequence): An iterable of reference corpus

As output of forward and compute the metric returns the following output:

  • infolm (Tensor): If return_sentence_level_score=True return a tuple with a tensor with the corpus-level InfoLM score and a list of sentence-level InfoLM scores, else return a corpus-level InfoLM score

  • model_name_or_path (Union[str, PathLike]) – A name or a model path used to load transformers pretrained model. By default the “bert-base-uncased” model is used.

  • temperature (float) – A temperature for calibrating language modelling. For more information, please reference InfoLM paper.

  • information_measure (Literal['kl_divergence', 'alpha_divergence', 'beta_divergence', 'ab_divergence', 'renyi_divergence', 'l1_distance', 'l2_distance', 'l_infinity_distance', 'fisher_rao_distance']) – A name of information measure to be used. Please use one of: [‘kl_divergence’, ‘alpha_divergence’, ‘beta_divergence’, ‘ab_divergence’, ‘renyi_divergence’, ‘l1_distance’, ‘l2_distance’, ‘l_infinity_distance’, ‘fisher_rao_distance’]

  • idf (bool) – An indication of whether normalization using inverse document frequencies should be used.

  • alpha (Optional[float]) – Alpha parameter of the divergence used for alpha, AB and Rényi divergence measures.

  • beta (Optional[float]) – Beta parameter of the divergence used for beta and AB divergence measures.

  • device (Union[str, device, None]) – A device to be used for calculation.

  • max_length (Optional[int]) – A maximum length of input sequences. Sequences longer than max_length are to be trimmed.

  • batch_size (int) – A batch size used for model processing.

  • num_threads (int) – A number of threads to use for a dataloader.

  • verbose (bool) – An indication of whether a progress bar to be displayed during the embeddings calculation.

  • return_sentence_level_score (bool) – An indication whether a sentence-level InfoLM score to be returned.


>>> from torchmetrics.text.infolm import InfoLM
>>> preds = ['he read the book because he was interested in world history']
>>> target = ['he was interested in world history because he read the book']
>>> infolm = InfoLM('google/bert_uncased_L-2_H-128_A-2', idf=False)
>>> infolm(preds, target)
plot(val=None, ax=None)[source]

Plot a single or multiple values from the metric.

  • val (Union[Tensor, Sequence[Tensor], None]) – Either a single result from calling metric.forward or metric.compute or a list of these results. If no value is provided, will automatically call metric.compute and plot that result.

  • ax (Optional[Axes]) – An matplotlib axis object. If provided will add plot to that axis

Return type:

tuple[Figure, Union[Axes, ndarray]]


Figure and Axes object


ModuleNotFoundError – If matplotlib is not installed

>>> # Example plotting a single value
>>> from torchmetrics.text.infolm import InfoLM
>>> metric = InfoLM('google/bert_uncased_L-2_H-128_A-2', idf=False)
>>> preds = ['he read the book because he was interested in world history']
>>> target = ['he was interested in world history because he read the book']
>>> metric.update(preds, target)
>>> fig_, ax_ = metric.plot()
>>> # Example plotting multiple values
>>> from torchmetrics.text.infolm import InfoLM
>>> metric = InfoLM('google/bert_uncased_L-2_H-128_A-2', idf=False)
>>> preds = ["this is the prediction", "there is an other sample"]
>>> target = ["this is the reference", "there is another one"]
>>> values = [ ]
>>> for _ in range(10):
...     values.append(metric(preds, target))
>>> fig_, ax_ = metric.plot(values)
property higher_is_better: bool[source]

Returns a bool indicating whether a higher value of the information measure is better.

Done this way as depends on if the information measure is positive or negative.

Functional Interface

torchmetrics.functional.text.infolm.infolm(preds, target, model_name_or_path='bert-base-uncased', temperature=0.25, information_measure='kl_divergence', idf=True, alpha=None, beta=None, device=None, max_length=None, batch_size=64, num_threads=0, verbose=True, return_sentence_level_score=False)[source]

Calculate InfoLM [1].

InfoML corresponds to distance/divergence between predicted and reference sentence discrete distribution using one of the following information measures:

InfoLM is a family of untrained embedding-based metrics which addresses some famous flaws of standard string-based metrics thanks to the usage of pre-trained masked language models. This family of metrics is mainly designed for summarization and data-to-text tasks.

If you want to use IDF scaling over the whole dataset, please use the class metric.

The implementation of this metric is fully based HuggingFace transformers’ package.

  • preds (Union[str, Sequence[str]]) – An iterable of hypothesis corpus.

  • target (Union[str, Sequence[str]]) – An iterable of reference corpus.

  • model_name_or_path (Union[str, PathLike]) – A name or a model path used to load transformers pretrained model.

  • temperature (float) – A temperature for calibrating language modelling. For more information, please reference InfoLM paper.

  • information_measure (Literal['kl_divergence', 'alpha_divergence', 'beta_divergence', 'ab_divergence', 'renyi_divergence', 'l1_distance', 'l2_distance', 'l_infinity_distance', 'fisher_rao_distance']) – A name of information measure to be used. Please use one of: [‘kl_divergence’, ‘alpha_divergence’, ‘beta_divergence’, ‘ab_divergence’, ‘renyi_divergence’, ‘l1_distance’, ‘l2_distance’, ‘l_infinity_distance’, ‘fisher_rao_distance’]

  • idf (bool) – An indication of whether normalization using inverse document frequencies should be used.

  • alpha (Optional[float]) – Alpha parameter of the divergence used for alpha, AB and Rényi divergence measures.

  • beta (Optional[float]) – Beta parameter of the divergence used for beta and AB divergence measures.

  • device (Union[str, device, None]) – A device to be used for calculation.

  • max_length (Optional[int]) – A maximum length of input sequences. Sequences longer than max_length are to be trimmed.

  • batch_size (int) – A batch size used for model processing.

  • num_threads (int) – A number of threads to use for a dataloader.

  • verbose (bool) – An indication of whether a progress bar to be displayed during the embeddings calculation.

  • return_sentence_level_score (bool) – An indication whether a sentence-level InfoLM score to be returned.

Return type:

Union[Tensor, tuple[Tensor, Tensor]]


A corpus-level InfoLM score. (Optionally) A list of sentence-level InfoLM scores if return_sentence_level_score=True.


>>> from torchmetrics.functional.text.infolm import infolm
>>> preds = ['he read the book because he was interested in world history']
>>> target = ['he was interested in world history because he read the book']
>>> infolm(preds, target, model_name_or_path='google/bert_uncased_L-2_H-128_A-2', idf=False)


[1] InfoLM: A New Metric to Evaluate Summarization & Data2Text Generation by Pierre Colombo, Chloé Clavel and Pablo Piantanida InfoLM