Perceptual Path Length (PPL)

Module Interface

class torchmetrics.image.perceptual_path_length.PerceptualPathLength(num_samples=10000, conditional=False, batch_size=128, interpolation_method='lerp', epsilon=0.0001, resize=64, lower_discard=0.01, upper_discard=0.99, sim_net='vgg', **kwargs)[source]

Computes the perceptual path length (PPL) of a generator model.

The perceptual path length can be used to measure the consistency of interpolation in latent-space models. It is defined as


where G is the generator, I is the interpolation function, D is a similarity metric, z1 and z2 are two sets of latent points, and t is a parameter between 0 and 1. The metric thus works by interpolating between two sets of latent points, and measuring the similarity between the generated images. The expectation is approximated by sampling z1 and z2 from the generator, and averaging the calculated distanced. The similarity metric D is by default the LPIPS metric, but can be changed by setting the sim_net argument.

The provided generator model must have a sample method with signature sample(num_samples: int) -> Tensor where the returned tensor has shape (num_samples, z_size). If the generator is conditional, it must also have a num_classes attribute. The forward method of the generator must have signature forward(z: Tensor) -> Tensor if conditional=False, and forward(z: Tensor, labels: Tensor) -> Tensor if conditional=True. The returned tensor should have shape (num_samples, C, H, W) and be scaled to the range [0, 255].


Using this metric with the default feature extractor requires that torchvision is installed. Either install as pip install torchmetrics[image] or pip install torchvision

As input to forward and update the metric accepts the following input

  • generator (Module): Generator model, with specific requirements. See above.

As output of forward and compute the metric returns the following output

  • ppl_mean (Tensor): float scalar tensor with mean PPL value over distances

  • ppl_std (Tensor): float scalar tensor with std PPL value over distances

  • ppl_raw (Tensor): float scalar tensor with raw PPL distances

  • num_samples (int) – Number of samples to use for the PPL computation.

  • conditional (bool) – Whether the generator is conditional or not (i.e. whether it takes labels as input).

  • batch_size (int) – Batch size to use for the PPL computation.

  • interpolation_method (Literal['lerp', 'slerp_any', 'slerp_unit']) – Interpolation method to use. Choose from ‘lerp’, ‘slerp_any’, ‘slerp_unit’.

  • epsilon (float) – Spacing between the points on the path between latent points.

  • resize (Optional[int]) – Resize images to this size before computing the similarity between generated images.

  • lower_discard (Optional[float]) – Lower quantile to discard from the distances, before computing the mean and standard deviation.

  • upper_discard (Optional[float]) – Upper quantile to discard from the distances, before computing the mean and standard deviation.

  • sim_net (Union[Module, Literal['alex', 'vgg', 'squeeze']]) – Similarity network to use. Can be a nn.Module or one of ‘alex’, ‘vgg’, ‘squeeze’, where the three latter options correspond to the pretrained networks from the LPIPS paper.

  • kwargs (Any) – Additional keyword arguments, see Advanced metric settings for more info.

  • ModuleNotFoundError – If torch-fidelity is not installed.

  • ValueError – If num_samples is not a positive integer.

  • ValueError – If conditional is not a boolean.

  • ValueError – If batch_size is not a positive integer.

  • ValueError – If interpolation_method is not one of ‘lerp’, ‘slerp_any’, ‘slerp_unit’.

  • ValueError – If epsilon is not a positive float.

  • ValueError – If resize is not a positive integer.

  • ValueError – If lower_discard is not a float between 0 and 1 or None.

  • ValueError – If upper_discard is not a float between 0 and 1 or None.

>>> import torch
>>> class DummyGenerator(torch.nn.Module):
...    def __init__(self, z_size) -> None:
...       super().__init__()
...       self.z_size = z_size
...       self.model = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(z_size, 3*128*128), torch.nn.Sigmoid())
...    def forward(self, z):
...       return 255 * (self.model(z).reshape(-1, 3, 128, 128) + 1)
...    def sample(self, num_samples):
...      return torch.randn(num_samples, self.z_size)
>>> generator = DummyGenerator(2)
>>> ppl = PerceptualPathLength(num_samples=10)
>>> ppl(generator)
(tensor(...), tensor(...), tensor([...]))
class torchmetrics.image.perceptual_path_length.GeneratorType(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Basic interface for a generator model.

Users can inherit from this class and implement their own generator model. The requirements are that the sample method is implemented and that the num_classes attribute is present when conditional=True metric.


Sample from the generator.


num_samples (int) – Number of samples to generate.

Return type:


property num_classes: int[source]

Return the number of classes for conditional generation.

Functional Interface

torchmetrics.functional.image.perceptual_path_length.perceptual_path_length(generator, num_samples=10000, conditional=False, batch_size=64, interpolation_method='lerp', epsilon=0.0001, resize=64, lower_discard=0.01, upper_discard=0.99, sim_net='vgg', device='cpu')[source]

Computes the perceptual path length (PPL) of a generator model.

The perceptual path length can be used to measure the consistency of interpolation in latent-space models. It is defined as


where G is the generator, I is the interpolation function, D is a similarity metric, z1 and z2 are two sets of latent points, and t is a parameter between 0 and 1. The metric thus works by interpolating between two sets of latent points, and measuring the similarity between the generated images. The expectation is approximated by sampling z1 and z2 from the generator, and averaging the calculated distanced. The similarity metric D is by default the LPIPS metric, but can be changed by setting the sim_net argument.

The provided generator model must have a sample method with signature sample(num_samples: int) -> Tensor where the returned tensor has shape (num_samples, z_size). If the generator is conditional, it must also have a num_classes attribute. The forward method of the generator must have signature forward(z: Tensor) -> Tensor if conditional=False, and forward(z: Tensor, labels: Tensor) -> Tensor if conditional=True. The returned tensor should have shape (num_samples, C, H, W) and be scaled to the range [0, 255].

  • generator (GeneratorType) – Generator model, with specific requirements. See above.

  • num_samples (int) – Number of samples to use for the PPL computation.

  • conditional (bool) – Whether the generator is conditional or not (i.e. whether it takes labels as input).

  • batch_size (int) – Batch size to use for the PPL computation.

  • interpolation_method (Literal['lerp', 'slerp_any', 'slerp_unit']) – Interpolation method to use. Choose from ‘lerp’, ‘slerp_any’, ‘slerp_unit’.

  • epsilon (float) – Spacing between the points on the path between latent points.

  • resize (Optional[int]) – Resize images to this size before computing the similarity between generated images.

  • lower_discard (Optional[float]) – Lower quantile to discard from the distances, before computing the mean and standard deviation.

  • upper_discard (Optional[float]) – Upper quantile to discard from the distances, before computing the mean and standard deviation.

  • sim_net (Union[Module, Literal['alex', 'vgg', 'squeeze']]) – Similarity network to use. Can be a nn.Module or one of ‘alex’, ‘vgg’, ‘squeeze’, where the three latter options correspond to the pretrained networks from the LPIPS paper.

  • device (Union[str, device]) – Device to use for the computation.

Return type:

tuple[Tensor, Tensor, Tensor]


A tuple containing the mean, standard deviation and all distances.

>>> import torch
>>> from torchmetrics.functional.image import perceptual_path_length
>>> class DummyGenerator(torch.nn.Module):
...    def __init__(self, z_size) -> None:
...       super().__init__()
...       self.z_size = z_size
...       self.model = torch.nn.Sequential(torch.nn.Linear(z_size, 3*128*128), torch.nn.Sigmoid())
...    def forward(self, z):
...       return 255 * (self.model(z).reshape(-1, 3, 128, 128) + 1)
...    def sample(self, num_samples):
...      return torch.randn(num_samples, self.z_size)
>>> generator = DummyGenerator(2)
>>> perceptual_path_length(generator, num_samples=10)  
tensor([0.0990, 0.4173, 0.1628, 0.3573, 0.1875, 0.0335, 0.1095, 0.1887, 0.1953]))