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Organizing Your Code with Lightning


What we covered in this video lecture

In this video, we introduced the core Lightning API components for PyTorch models, namely, the LightningModule and the Trainer.

The LightningModule is a wrapper around a PyTorch model, and the Trainer is trains the wrapped model via the .fit() method.

Additional resources if you want to learn more

If you want to learn more about the capabilities of the Trainer, I recommend checking out the “Trainer flags” in the Trainer API documentation referenced above. However, since the Trainer comes with many bells and whistles, I recommend just bookmarking this resource and revisiting it later once you finish units 5 and 6 — we will go through a lot of its core functionality in these two units.

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Quiz: 5.1 Organizing Your Code with PyTorch Lightning

Which of the following five methods are essential methods of a LightningModule?

Correct. The forward method defines the forward pass for calling the PyTorch model. We can use it inside the other methods below. Furthermore, it’s required if we want to use the LightningModule for inference without the trainer, i.e., via my_lightning_model = MyLightningModel(PyTorchModel, ...); my_lightning_model(data).

Correct. This method defines how we run a forward pass on a single batch, and it returns the loss for optimization.

Correct. This method returns defines how we create the predictions for an input batch. (Often, the content is similar to test_step).

Correct. This method returns defines how we create the predictions for an input batch. (Often, the content is similar to validation_step).

Correct. Here we configure the optimizers that are used for model training.

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