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2.7 Seeing Predictive Models as Computation Graphs

What we covered in this video lecture

In this lecture, we created a computation graph visualization representing the perceptron model. Creating a computation graph is a great way to make a complex model more accessible. This also allows us to view the prediction (forward path) and parameter learning (backward path) in a step-wise fashion. In future units, we will use computation graphs to make complicated mathematical concepts of learning algorithms more intuitive.

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Quiz: 2.7 Seeing Predictive Models as Computation Graphs

Suppose you wrote the following code to convert the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit: fahrenheit = (celsius * 9/5) +32). Note that this function does not have any learnable parameters. Nonetheless, we want to create a visual representation, can we create a computation graph?

Correct. A function or computation does not need to have learnable parameters to represent it as a graph.

Incorrect. A function or computation does not need to have learnable parameters to represent it as a graph.

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