Deep Learning Fundamentals
- Deep Learning Fundamentals
- Unit 1Intro to ML and DL
- Unit 2Using Tensors w/ PyTorch
- Unit 3Model Training in PyTorch
- Unit 3.1Using Logistic Regression for Classification
- Unit 3.2The Logistic Regression Computation Graph
- Unit 3.3Model Training with Stochastic Gradient Descent
- Unit 3.4Automatic Differentiation in PyTorch
- Unit 3.5The PyTorch API
- Unit 3.6Training a Logistic Regression Model in PyTorch
- Unit 3.7 Feature Normalization
- Unit 3 ExercisesUnit 3 Exercies
- Unit 4Training Multilayer Neural Networks Overview
- Unit 4.1Logistic Regression for Multiple Classes
- Unit 4.2Multilayer Neural Networks
- Unit 4.3Training a Multilayer Neural Network in PyTorch
- Unit 4.4Defining Efficient Data Loaders
- Unit 4.5Multilayer Neural Networks for Regression
- Unit 4.6Speeding Up Model Training Using GPUs
- Unit 4 ExercisesUnit 4 Exercises
- Unit 5Organizing Your Code with Lightning
- Unit 5.1 Organizing Your Code with Lightning
- Unit 5.2Training a Multilayer Perceptron using the Lightning Trainer
- Unit 5.3Computing Metrics Efficiently with TorchMetrics
- Unit 5.4Making Code Reproducible
- Unit 5.5Organizing Your Data Loaders with Data Modules
- Unit 5.6The Benefits of Logging Your Model Training
- Unit 5.7Evaluating and Using Models on New Data
- Unit 5.8Add Functionality with Callbacks
- Unit 5 ExercisesUnit 5 Exercises
- Unit 6Essential Deep Learning Tips & Tricks
- Unit 6.1 Model Checkpointing and Early Stopping
- Unit 6.2Learning Rates and Learning Rate Schedulers
- Unit 6.3Using More Advanced Optimization Algorithms
- Unit 6.4Choosing Activation Functions
- Unit 6.5Automating The Hyperparameter Tuning Process
- Unit 6.6Improving Convergence with Batch Normalization
- Unit 6.7Reducing Overfitting With Dropout
- Unit 6.8Debugging Deep Neural Networks
- Unit 6 ExercisesUnit 6 Exercises
- Unit 7Getting Started with Computer Vision
- Unit 7.1Working With Images
- Unit 7.2How Convolutional Neural Networks Work
- Unit 7.3Convolutional Neural Network Architectures
- Unit 7.4Training Convolutional Neural Networks
- Unit 7.5Improving Predictions with Data Augmentation
- Unit 7.6Leveraging Pretrained Models with Transfer Learning
- Unit 7.7Using Unlabeled Data with Self-Supervised
- Unit 7 ExercisesUnit 7 Exercises
- Unit 8Natural Language Processing and Large Language Models
- Unit 8.1Working with Text Data
- Unit 8.2Training A Text Classifier Baseline
- Unit 8.3Introduction to Recurrent Neural Networks
- Unit 8.4From RNNs to the Transformer Architecture
- Unit 8.5Understanding Self-Attention
- Unit 8.6Large Language Models
- Unit 8.7A Large Language Model for Classification
- Unit 8 ExercisesUnit 8 Exercises
- Unit 9Techniques for Speeding Up Model Training
- Unit 10 The Finale: Our Next Steps After AI Model Training
4.3 Training a Multilayer Neural Network in PyTorch (PART 1-5)
- The official MNIST website:
- Parts 1-2: XOR dataset, 4.3-mlp-pytorch-part1-2-xor
- Parts 3-5: MNIST dataset, 4.3-mlp-pytorch-part3-5-mnist
What we covered in this video lecture
In this series of coding videos, we trained our first multilayer perceptron in PyTorch.
First, we started with the XOR dataset as a warm-up exercise. Then, we moved to the MNIST handwritten digit classification dataset.
The MNIST dataset consists of 28×28 handwritten digits, which we reshaped into a vector format for our multilayer perceptron model. Since the MNIST dataset is relatively small and simple, we were able to achieve a relatively high prediction accuracy of 96%.
Additional resources if you want to learn more
If you are looking for simple but more challenging datasets, also check out EMNIST dataset, which extends the MNIST dataset with handwritten letters:
- Gregory Cohen, Saeed Afshar, Jonathan Tapson, André van Schaik (2017). EMNIST: An Extension of MNIST to Handwritten Letters,
Another popular dataset is Fashion-MNIST, which has the same format as MNIST (28×28 grayscale images from 10 classes) but consists of fashion products:
- Han Xiao, Kashif Rasul, Roland Vollgraf (2017). Fashion-MNIST: a Novel Image Dataset for Benchmarking Machine Learning Algorithms,
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Quiz: 4.3 Training a Multilayer Perceptron in PyTorch
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Unit 4.3