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5.6 The Benefits of Logging Your Model Training



Additional resources if you want to learn more

For more information about other types of loggers available via the Lightning Trainer, I recommend checking the official documentation here.

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Quiz: 5.6 The Benefits of Logging Your Model Training (Part 1)

Logging is a good way for reducing overfitting.

Incorrect. Logging can help you detect overfitting more easily, but you still have to address and reduce it by some other means.

Correct. Logging can help you detect overfitting more easily, but you still have to address and reduce it by some other means.

Please answer all questions to proceed.

Quiz: 5.6 The Benefits of Logging Your Model Training (Part 2)

In order to log our model training, we have to specify what we want to log in the

Incorrect. The trainer will always log the model automatically.

Correct. If we want to log anything in addition to the loss returned by the train_step method, we have to specify that via the self.log code in the LightningModule.

Please answer all questions to proceed.

Quiz: 5.6 The Benefits of Logging Your Model Training (Part 3)

One advantage of the CSVLogger is that it makes it a tad easier to plot the log files via Pandas and matplotlib. What is, on the other hand, an advantage of using TensorBoard for logging?

Correct. One advantage of the TensorBoard logger is that you can view the progress more easily live as the model trains.

Incorrect. I would argue CSV files are always easier to archive as they are a more human-readable format and software-independent.

Please answer all questions to proceed.
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