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Author: JP Hennessy

Google’s Bard Made a $100 Billion Mistake and Bing’s New Chat Capabilities Delights Users
Diffusion Models Under Fire for Privacy Concerns and More
How to Evaluate Machine Learning Models
Office Hours Kicks Off in NYC on Feb 13th!
Open-Source Implementations of ChatGPT’s Training Algorithm Are Released and more
Download the Jupyter Notebook for Long Short-Term Memory with PyTorch + Lightning!!!
Princeton Student Creates Tool To Detect ChatGPT and an AI Bot Just Beat the Rocket League Elite
ChatGPT Inspires Virtual AI “Wife”, DeepMind Introduces DreamerV3, and OpenAI Teases Plans for Premium Chat
The World’s First Robot Lawyer Is Here, Microsoft Hopes ChatGPT Will Make Bing Smarter and Scaling Model Serving in Prod Just Got Easier
How To Scale Model Serving in Production