Configure hyperparameters from the CLI (Intermediate)
Audience: Users who want advanced modularity via a command line interface (CLI).
Pre-reqs: You must already understand how to use the command line and LightningDataModule.
LightningCLI requirements
The LightningCLI
class is designed to significantly ease the implementation of CLIs. To
use this class, an additional Python requirement is necessary than the minimal installation of Lightning provides. To
enable, either install all extras:
pip install "lightning[pytorch-extra]"
or if only interested in LightningCLI
, just install jsonargparse:
pip install "jsonargparse[signatures]"
Implementing a CLI
Implementing a CLI is as simple as instantiating a LightningCLI
object giving as
arguments classes for a LightningModule
and optionally a LightningDataModule
from lightning.pytorch.cli import LightningCLI
# simple demo classes for your convenience
from lightning.pytorch.demos.boring_classes import DemoModel, BoringDataModule
def cli_main():
cli = LightningCLI(DemoModel, BoringDataModule)
# note: don't call fit!!
if __name__ == "__main__":
# note: it is good practice to implement the CLI in a function and call it in the main if block
Now your model can be managed via the CLI. To see the available commands type:
$ python --help
which prints out:
usage: [-h] [-c CONFIG] [--print_config [={comments,skip_null,skip_default}+]]
{fit,validate,test,predict} ...
Lightning Trainer command line tool
optional arguments:
-h, --help Show this help message and exit.
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Path to a configuration file in json or yaml format.
--print_config [={comments,skip_null,skip_default}+]
Print configuration and exit.
For more details of each subcommand add it as argument followed by --help.
fit Runs the full optimization routine.
validate Perform one evaluation epoch over the validation set.
test Perform one evaluation epoch over the test set.
predict Run inference on your data.
The message tells us that we have a few available subcommands:
python [subcommand]
which you can use depending on your use case:
$ python fit
$ python validate
$ python test
$ python predict
Train a model with the CLI
To train a model, use the fit
python fit
View all available options with the --help
argument given after the subcommand:
$ python fit --help
usage: [options] fit [-h] [-c CONFIG]
[--seed_everything SEED_EVERYTHING] [--trainer CONFIG]
[--ckpt_path CKPT_PATH]
--trainer.logger LOGGER
optional arguments:
<class '__main__.DemoModel'>:
--model.out_dim OUT_DIM
(type: int, default: 10)
--model.learning_rate LEARNING_RATE
(type: float, default: 0.02)
<class 'lightning.pytorch.demos.boring_classes.BoringDataModule'>:
--data CONFIG Path to a configuration file.
--data.data_dir DATA_DIR
(type: str, default: ./)
With the Lightning CLI enabled, you can now change the parameters without touching your code:
# change the learning_rate
python fit --model.learning_rate 0.1
# change the output dimensions also
python fit --model.out_dim 10 --model.learning_rate 0.1
# change trainer and data arguments too
python fit --model.out_dim 2 --model.learning_rate 0.1 --data.data_dir '~/' --trainer.logger False
The options that become available in the CLI are the __init__
parameters of the LightningModule
classes. Thus, to make hyperparameters configurable, just add them to your class’s
. It is highly recommended that these parameters are described in the docstring so that the CLI shows
them in the help. Also, the parameters should have accurate type hints so that the CLI can fail early and give
understandable error messages when incorrect values are given.