# Copyright The Lightning AI team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import inspect
from collections.abc import Generator, Iterable, Mapping, Sized
from dataclasses import fields
from typing import Any, Optional, Union
import torch
from lightning_utilities.core.apply_func import is_dataclass_instance
from torch import Tensor
from torch.utils.data import BatchSampler, DataLoader, IterableDataset, RandomSampler, Sampler, SequentialSampler
from typing_extensions import TypeGuard
import lightning.pytorch as pl
from lightning.fabric.utilities.data import (
from lightning.fabric.utilities.warnings import PossibleUserWarning
from lightning.pytorch.overrides.distributed import _IndexBatchSamplerWrapper
from lightning.pytorch.trainer.states import RunningStage
from lightning.pytorch.utilities.exceptions import MisconfigurationException
from lightning.pytorch.utilities.rank_zero import WarningCache, rank_zero_warn
BType = Union[Tensor, str, Mapping[Any, "BType"], Iterable["BType"]]
warning_cache = WarningCache()
def _extract_batch_size(batch: BType) -> Generator[Optional[int], None, None]:
if isinstance(batch, Tensor):
if batch.ndim == 0:
yield 1
yield batch.size(0)
elif isinstance(batch, (Iterable, Mapping)) and not isinstance(batch, str):
if isinstance(batch, Mapping):
batch = batch.values()
for sample in batch:
yield from _extract_batch_size(sample)
elif is_dataclass_instance(batch):
for field in fields(batch): # type: ignore[arg-type]
yield from _extract_batch_size(getattr(batch, field.name))
yield None
[docs]def has_len_all_ranks(
dataloader: object,
strategy: "pl.strategies.Strategy",
allow_zero_length_dataloader_with_multiple_devices: bool = False,
) -> TypeGuard[Sized]:
"""Checks if a given object has ``__len__`` method implemented on all ranks."""
local_length = sized_len(dataloader)
if local_length is None:
# __len__ is not defined, skip these checks
return False
total_length = strategy.reduce(torch.tensor(local_length, device=strategy.root_device), reduce_op="sum")
if total_length == 0:
f"Total length of `{type(dataloader).__name__}` across ranks is zero."
" Please make sure this was your intention."
if total_length > 0 and local_length == 0:
dataloader_cls_name = type(dataloader).__name__
if not allow_zero_length_dataloader_with_multiple_devices:
raise RuntimeError(
f"`{dataloader_cls_name}` within local rank has zero length."
" Please make sure that it returns at least 1 batch."
f"Total length of `{dataloader_cls_name}` across ranks is zero, but local rank has zero"
" length. Please be cautious of uneven batch length."
if has_iterable_dataset(dataloader):
"Your `IterableDataset` has `__len__` defined."
" In combination with multi-process data loading (when num_workers > 1),"
" `__len__` could be inaccurate if each worker is not configured independently"
" to avoid having duplicate data."
return True
def _update_dataloader(
dataloader: DataLoader, sampler: Union[Sampler, Iterable], mode: Optional[RunningStage] = None
) -> DataLoader:
dl_args, dl_kwargs = _get_dataloader_init_args_and_kwargs(dataloader, sampler, mode)
return _reinstantiate_wrapped_cls(dataloader, *dl_args, **dl_kwargs)
def _get_dataloader_init_args_and_kwargs(
dataloader: DataLoader,
sampler: Union[Sampler, Iterable],
mode: Optional[RunningStage] = None,
) -> tuple[tuple[Any], dict[str, Any]]:
if not isinstance(dataloader, DataLoader):
raise ValueError(f"The dataloader {dataloader} needs to subclass `torch.utils.data.DataLoader`")
was_wrapped = hasattr(dataloader, "__pl_saved_args")
if was_wrapped:
dl_args = dataloader.__pl_saved_args
dl_kwargs = dataloader.__pl_saved_kwargs
arg_names = dataloader.__pl_saved_arg_names
original_dataset = dataloader.__dataset # we have this saved from _wrap_init
# get the dataloader instance attributes
attrs = {k: v for k, v in vars(dataloader).items() if not k.startswith("_")}
# We cannot be 100% sure the class sets dataset argument. Let's set it to None to be safe
# and hope we can get it from the instance attributes
original_dataset = None
# not part of `vars`
attrs["multiprocessing_context"] = dataloader.multiprocessing_context
arg_names = ()
# get the dataloader instance `__init__` parameters
params = dict(inspect.signature(dataloader.__init__).parameters) # type: ignore[misc]
has_variadic_kwargs = any(p.kind is p.VAR_KEYWORD for p in params.values())
if has_variadic_kwargs:
# if the signature takes **kwargs, assume they will be passed down with `super().__init__(**kwargs)`
if was_wrapped:
# if the dataloader was wrapped in a hook, only take arguments with default values
# and assume user passes their kwargs correctly
k: v for k, v in inspect.signature(DataLoader.__init__).parameters.items() if v.default is not v.empty
params.pop("self", None)
if not was_wrapped:
# keep only the params whose default is different to the current attr value
non_defaults = {name for name, p in params.items() if name in attrs and p.default is not attrs[name]}
# add `dataset` as it might have been replaced with `*args`
# kwargs to re-construct the dataloader
dl_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in attrs.items() if k in non_defaults}
dl_args = ()
dataset = dl_kwargs.get("dataset", original_dataset)
if isinstance(dataset, IterableDataset):
dl_kwargs["batch_sampler"] = None
dl_kwargs["sampler"] = None
dl_kwargs.update(_dataloader_init_kwargs_resolve_sampler(dataloader, sampler, mode))
required_args = {
for p in params.values()
and p.default is p.empty
and p.name not in dl_kwargs
and p.name not in arg_names
# the dataloader has required args which we could not extract from the existing attributes
if required_args:
sorted_required_args = sorted(required_args)
dataloader_cls_name = dataloader.__class__.__name__
missing_args_message = ", ".join(f"`self.{arg_name}`" for arg_name in sorted_required_args)
raise MisconfigurationException(
f"Trying to inject custom `Sampler` into the `{dataloader_cls_name}` instance. "
"This would fail as some of the `__init__` arguments are not available as instance attributes. "
f"The missing attributes are {sorted_required_args}. If you instantiate your `{dataloader_cls_name}` "
"inside a `*_dataloader` hook of your module, we will do this for you."
f" Otherwise, define {missing_args_message} inside your `__init__`."
if not has_variadic_kwargs:
# the dataloader signature does not allow keyword arguments that need to be passed
missing_kwargs = (set(dl_kwargs) | set(arg_names)) - params.keys()
if missing_kwargs:
sorted_missing_kwargs = sorted(missing_kwargs)
dataloader_cls_name = dataloader.__class__.__name__
raise MisconfigurationException(
f"Trying to inject parameters into the `{dataloader_cls_name}` instance. "
"This would fail as it doesn't expose all its attributes in the `__init__` signature. "
f"The missing arguments are {sorted_missing_kwargs}. HINT: If you wrote the `{dataloader_cls_name}` "
"class, add the `__init__` arguments or allow passing `**kwargs`"
return dl_args, dl_kwargs
def _dataloader_init_kwargs_resolve_sampler(
dataloader: DataLoader,
sampler: Union[Sampler, Iterable],
mode: Optional[RunningStage] = None,
) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""This function is used to handle the sampler, batch_sampler arguments associated within a DataLoader for its re-
If the dataloader is being used for prediction, the sampler will be wrapped into an `_IndexBatchSamplerWrapper`, so
Lightning can keep track of its indices.
is_predicting = mode == RunningStage.PREDICTING
batch_sampler = getattr(dataloader, "batch_sampler")
batch_sampler_cls = type(batch_sampler)
if batch_sampler is not None and (batch_sampler_cls is not BatchSampler or is_predicting):
if hasattr(batch_sampler, "__pl_saved_args"):
# This is a PyTorch `BatchSampler` subclass for which we captured the init args
args = batch_sampler.__pl_saved_args
kwargs = batch_sampler.__pl_saved_kwargs
default_kwargs = batch_sampler.__pl_saved_default_kwargs
arg_names = batch_sampler.__pl_saved_arg_names
if is_predicting:
success, args, kwargs = _replace_value_in_saved_args(
"drop_last", False, args, kwargs, default_kwargs, arg_names
if not success:
f"Trying to inject `drop_last=False` into batch sampler since you are predicting, however "
f"it seems the class `{batch_sampler_cls.__qualname__}` does not support it. "
"Your predictions might be incomplete. To mitigate this, expose `drop_last` in "
"the `__init__` method of your custom class."
success, args, kwargs = _replace_value_in_saved_args(
"sampler", sampler, args, kwargs, default_kwargs, arg_names
if not success:
raise TypeError(
"Trying to inject a modified sampler into the batch sampler; however, it seems the class "
f"`{batch_sampler_cls.__qualname__}` does not have an argument called `sampler.` To mitigate "
"this, expose an argument `sampler` in the `__init__` method of your custom class."
batch_sampler = _reinstantiate_wrapped_cls(batch_sampler, *args, **kwargs)
elif hasattr(batch_sampler, "batch_size") and hasattr(batch_sampler, "drop_last"):
# This is a sampler for which we could not capture the init args, but it kinda looks like a batch sampler
# even if it does not inherit from PyTorch's interface.
batch_sampler = batch_sampler_cls(
drop_last=(False if is_predicting else batch_sampler.drop_last),
except TypeError as ex:
import re
match = re.match(r".*__init__\(\) (got multiple values)|(missing \d required)", str(ex))
if not match:
# an unexpected `TypeError`, continue failure
# There could either be too few or too many arguments. Customizing the message based on this doesn't
# make much sense since our MisconfigurationException is going to be raised from the original one.
raise TypeError(
" Lightning can't inject a (distributed) sampler into your batch sampler, because it doesn't"
" subclass PyTorch's `BatchSampler`. To mitigate this, either follow the API of `BatchSampler` and"
" instantiate your custom batch sampler inside the `*_dataloader` hook of your module,"
" or set `Trainer(use_distributed_sampler=False)`. If you choose the latter, you will be"
" responsible for handling the distributed sampling within your batch sampler."
) from ex
elif is_predicting:
f"You are using a custom batch sampler `{batch_sampler_cls.__qualname__}` for prediction."
" Lightning would normally set `drop_last=False` to ensure all samples are returned, but for"
" custom samplers it can't guarantee this. Make sure your sampler is configured correctly to return"
" all indices.",
# The sampler is not a PyTorch `BatchSampler`, we don't know how to inject a custom sampler or
# how to adjust the `drop_last` value
raise TypeError(
" Lightning can't inject a (distributed) sampler into your batch sampler, because it doesn't"
" subclass PyTorch's `BatchSampler`. To mitigate this, either follow the API of `BatchSampler`"
" or set `Trainer(use_distributed_sampler=False)`. If you choose the latter, you will be"
" responsible for handling the distributed sampling within your batch sampler."
if is_predicting:
batch_sampler = _IndexBatchSamplerWrapper(batch_sampler)
# batch_sampler option is mutually exclusive with batch_size, shuffle, sampler, and drop_last
return {
"sampler": None,
"shuffle": False,
"batch_sampler": batch_sampler,
"batch_size": 1,
"drop_last": False,
return {"sampler": sampler, "shuffle": False, "batch_sampler": None}
def _is_dataloader_shuffled(dataloader: object) -> bool:
if hasattr(dataloader, "__pl_saved_kwargs"):
# this attribute is not part of PyTorch's DataLoader, but could have been set by
# our `_replace_init_method` context manager
if "shuffle" in dataloader.__pl_saved_kwargs:
return dataloader.__pl_saved_kwargs["shuffle"]
if "shuffle" in dataloader.__pl_saved_arg_names:
return dataloader.__pl_saved_args[dataloader.__pl_saved_arg_names.index("shuffle")]
if hasattr(dataloader, "dataset") and isinstance(dataloader.dataset, IterableDataset):
# shuffling is useless with iterable datasets
return False
if not hasattr(dataloader, "sampler"):
# shuffling is enabled via a sampler. No sampler, no shuffling
return False
batch_sampler = dataloader.batch_sampler
if batch_sampler is not None:
# custom batch samplers may not have an internal .sampler
sampler = batch_sampler.sampler if hasattr(batch_sampler, "sampler") else batch_sampler
sampler = dataloader.sampler
if isinstance(sampler, SequentialSampler):
return False
return isinstance(sampler, RandomSampler)