Source code for lightning.fabric.utilities.throughput

# Copyright The Lightning AI team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
# Adapted from
from collections import deque
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Optional, TypeVar, Union

import torch
from typing_extensions import override

from lightning.fabric.utilities.rank_zero import rank_zero_only, rank_zero_warn

    from lightning.fabric import Fabric
    from lightning.fabric.plugins import Precision

_THROUGHPUT_METRICS = dict[str, Union[int, float]]

# The API design of this class follows `torchmetrics.Metric` but it doesn't need to be an actual Metric because there's
# no need for synchronization or reduction as it doesn't use Tensors at all.
class Throughput:
    """Computes throughput.

    | Key                    | Value                                                                               |
    | batches_per_sec        | Rolling average (over ``window_size`` most recent updates) of the number of batches |
    |                        | processed per second                                                                |
    | samples_per_sec        | Rolling average (over ``window_size`` most recent updates) of the number of samples |
    |                        | processed per second                                                                |
    | items_per_sec          | Rolling average (over ``window_size`` most recent updates) of the number of items   |
    |                        | processed per second                                                                |
    | flpps_per_sec          | Rolling average (over ``window_size`` most recent updates) of the number of flops   |
    |                        | processed per second                                                                |
    | device/batches_per_sec | batches_per_sec divided by world size                                               |
    | device/samples_per_sec | samples_per_sec divided by world size                                               |
    | device/items_per_sec   | items_per_sec divided by world size. This may include padding depending on the data |
    | device/flops_per_sec   | flops_per_sec divided by world size.                                                |
    | device/mfu             | device/flops_per_sec divided by world size.                                         |
    | time                   | Total elapsed time                                                                  |
    | batches                | Total batches seen                                                                  |
    | samples                | Total samples seen                                                                  |
    | lengths                | Total items seen                                                                    |


        throughput = Throughput()
        t0 = time()
        for i in range(1000):
            if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.synchronize()  # required or else time() won't be correct
            throughput.update(time=time() - t0, samples=i)
            if i % 10 == 0:

        - The implementation assumes that devices FLOPs are all the same as it normalizes by the world size and only
          takes a single ``available_flops`` value.
        - items_per_sec, flops_per_sec and MFU do not account for padding if present. We suggest using
          samples_per_sec or batches_per_sec to measure throughput under this circumstance.

        available_flops: Number of theoretical flops available for a single device.
        world_size: Number of devices available across hosts. Global metrics are not included if the world size is 1.
        window_size: Number of batches to use for a rolling average.
        separator: Key separator to use when creating per-device and global metrics.


    def __init__(
        self, available_flops: Optional[float] = None, world_size: int = 1, window_size: int = 100, separator: str = "/"
    ) -> None:
        self.available_flops = available_flops
        self.separator = separator
        assert world_size > 0
        self.world_size = world_size

        # throughput is computed over a window of values. at least 2 is enforced since it looks at the difference
        # between the first and last elements
        assert window_size > 1
        # custom class instead of `deque(maxlen=)` because it's easy for users to mess up their timer/counters and log
        # values that do not increase monotonically. this class will raise an error if that happens.
        self._time: _MonotonicWindow[float] = _MonotonicWindow(maxlen=window_size)
        self._batches: _MonotonicWindow[int] = _MonotonicWindow(maxlen=window_size)
        self._samples: _MonotonicWindow[int] = _MonotonicWindow(maxlen=window_size)
        self._lengths: _MonotonicWindow[int] = _MonotonicWindow(maxlen=window_size)
        self._flops: deque[int] = deque(maxlen=window_size)

    def update(
        time: float,
        batches: int,
        samples: int,
        lengths: Optional[int] = None,
        flops: Optional[int] = None,
    ) -> None:
        """Update throughput metrics.

            time: Total elapsed time in seconds. It should monotonically increase by the iteration time with each
            batches: Total batches seen per device. It should monotonically increase with each call.
            samples: Total samples seen per device. It should monotonically increase by the batch size with each call.
            lengths: Total length of the samples seen. It should monotonically increase by the lengths of a batch with
                each call.
            flops: Flops elapased per device since last ``update()`` call. You can easily compute this by using
                :func:`measure_flops` and multiplying it by the number of batches that have been processed.
                The value might be different in each device if the batch size is not the same.

        if samples < batches:
            raise ValueError(f"Expected samples ({samples}) to be greater or equal than batches ({batches})")
        if lengths is not None:
            if lengths < samples:
                raise ValueError(f"Expected lengths ({lengths}) to be greater or equal than samples ({samples})")
            if len(self._samples) != len(self._lengths):
                raise RuntimeError(
                    f"If lengths are passed ({len(self._lengths)}), there needs to be the same number of samples"
                    f" ({len(self._samples)})"
        if flops is not None:
            # sum of flops across ranks
            self._flops.append(flops * self.world_size)

    def compute(self) -> _THROUGHPUT_METRICS:
        """Compute throughput metrics."""
        metrics = {
            "time": self._time[-1],
            "batches": self._batches[-1],
            "samples": self._samples[-1],
        if self._lengths:
            metrics["lengths"] = self._lengths[-1]

        add_global_metrics = self.world_size > 1
        # a different but valid design choice would be to still compute all these metrics even if the window of values
        # has not been filled
        if len(self._time) == self._time.maxlen:
            elapsed_time = self._time[-1] - self._time[0]
            elapsed_batches = self._batches[-1] - self._batches[0]
            elapsed_samples = self._samples[-1] - self._samples[0]
            # we are safe from ZeroDivisionError thanks to `_MonotonicWindow`
            dev_samples_per_sec = elapsed_samples / elapsed_time
            dev_batches_per_sec = elapsed_batches / elapsed_time
                f"device{self.separator}batches_per_sec": elapsed_batches / elapsed_time,
                f"device{self.separator}samples_per_sec": dev_samples_per_sec,
            if add_global_metrics:
                samples_per_sec = dev_batches_per_sec * self.world_size
                    "batches_per_sec": samples_per_sec,
                    "samples_per_sec": dev_samples_per_sec * self.world_size,

            if len(self._lengths) == self._lengths.maxlen:
                elapsed_lengths = self._lengths[-1] - self._lengths[0]
                dev_items_per_sec = elapsed_lengths / elapsed_time
                metrics[f"device{self.separator}items_per_sec"] = dev_items_per_sec
                if add_global_metrics:
                    items_per_sec = dev_items_per_sec * self.world_size
                    metrics["items_per_sec"] = items_per_sec

        if len(self._flops) == self._flops.maxlen:
            elapsed_flops = sum(self._flops) - self._flops[0]
            elapsed_time = self._time[-1] - self._time[0]
            flops_per_sec = elapsed_flops / elapsed_time
            dev_flops_per_sec = flops_per_sec / self.world_size
            if add_global_metrics:
                metrics["flops_per_sec"] = flops_per_sec
            metrics[f"device{self.separator}flops_per_sec"] = dev_flops_per_sec
            if self.available_flops:
                metrics[f"device{self.separator}mfu"] = dev_flops_per_sec / self.available_flops

        return metrics

    def reset(self) -> None:

class ThroughputMonitor(Throughput):
    r"""Computes throughput.

    This class will automatically keep a count of the number of log calls (``step``). But that can be modified as
    desired. For manual logging, using :class:`Throughput` directly might be desired.


        logger = ...
        fabric = Fabric(logger=logger)
        throughput = ThroughputMonitor(fabric)
        t0 = time()
        for i in range(1, 100):
            if torch.cuda.is_available(): torch.cuda.synchronize()  # required or else time() won't be correct
            throughput.update(time=time() - t0, batches=i, samples=i)
            if i % 10 == 0:

        fabric: The Fabric object.
        \**kwargs: See available parameters in :class:`Throughput`


    def __init__(self, fabric: "Fabric", **kwargs: Any) -> None:
        fabric._validate_launched()  # otherwise world_size might be incorrect
        dtype = _plugin_to_compute_dtype(fabric.strategy.precision)
        available_flops = get_available_flops(fabric.device, dtype)
        super().__init__(available_flops=available_flops, world_size=fabric.world_size, **kwargs)
        self._fabric = fabric
        self.step = -1

        self.update = rank_zero_only(self.update)  # type: ignore[method-assign]
        self.compute = rank_zero_only(self.compute, default={})  # type: ignore[method-assign]
        self.compute_and_log = rank_zero_only(self.compute_and_log, default={})  # type: ignore[method-assign]
        self.reset = rank_zero_only(self.reset)  # type: ignore[method-assign]

    def compute_and_log(self, step: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any) -> _THROUGHPUT_METRICS:
        r"""See :meth:`Throughput.compute`

            step: Can be used to override the logging step.
            \**kwargs: See available parameters in :meth:`Throughput.compute`

        self.step = (self.step + 1) if step is None else step
        metrics = self.compute(**kwargs)
        self._fabric.log_dict(metrics=metrics, step=self.step)
        return metrics

[docs]def measure_flops( model: torch.nn.Module, forward_fn: Callable[[], torch.Tensor], loss_fn: Optional[Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]] = None, ) -> int: """Utility to compute the total number of FLOPs used by a module during training or during inference. It's recommended to create a meta-device model for this: Example:: with torch.device("meta"): model = MyModel() x = torch.randn(2, 32) model_fwd = lambda: model(x) fwd_flops = measure_flops(model, model_fwd) model_loss = lambda y: y.sum() fwd_and_bwd_flops = measure_flops(model, model_fwd, model_loss) Args: model: The model whose FLOPs should be measured. forward_fn: A function that runs ``forward`` on the model and returns the result. loss_fn: A function that computes the loss given the ``forward_fn`` output. If provided, the loss and `backward` FLOPs will be included in the result. """ from torch.utils.flop_counter import FlopCounterMode flop_counter = FlopCounterMode(display=False) with flop_counter: if loss_fn is None: forward_fn() else: loss_fn(forward_fn()).backward() return flop_counter.get_total_flops()
_CUDA_FLOPS: dict[str, dict[Union[str, torch.dtype], float]] = { # Hopper # source: "h100 nvl": { torch.float64: 67e12, torch.float32: 133.8e12, "tfloat32": 989.4e12, torch.bfloat16: 1978.8e12, torch.float16: 1978.8e12, torch.int8: 3957.8e12, }, "h100 sxm": { torch.float64: 33.5e12, torch.float32: 66.9e12, "tfloat32": 494.7e12, torch.bfloat16: 989.4e12, torch.float16: 989.4e12, torch.int8: 1978.9e12, }, "h100 pcie": { torch.float64: 25.6e12, torch.float32: 51.2e12, "tfloat32": 378e12, torch.bfloat16: 756e12, torch.float16: 756e12, torch.int8: 1513e12, }, # Ada # source: "rtx 4090": { torch.float32: 82.6e12, "tfloat32": 82.6e12, torch.bfloat16: 82.6e12, torch.float16: 82.6e12, torch.int8: 660.6e12, "int4": 1321.2e12, }, "rtx 4080": { torch.float32: 48.7e12, "tfloat32": 48.7e12, torch.bfloat16: 48.7e12, torch.float16: 48.7e12, torch.int8: 389.9e12, "int4": 779.8e12, }, "rtx 4080 super": { torch.float32: 52.2e12, "tfloat32": 52.2e12, torch.bfloat16: 52.2e12, torch.float16: 52.2e12, torch.int8: 417.6e12, "int4": 835.2e12, }, "l4": { torch.float32: 30.3e12, "tfloat32": 60e12, torch.bfloat16: 121e12, torch.float16: 121e12, torch.int8: 242e12, "int4": 484e12, }, "l40": { torch.float32: 90.5e12, "tfloat32": 90.5e12, torch.bfloat16: 181e12, torch.float16: 181e12, torch.int8: 362e12, "int4": 724e12, }, # Ampere # source: # sxm and pcie have same flop counts "a100": { torch.float64: 9.7e12, torch.float32: 19.5e12, "tfloat32": 156e12, torch.bfloat16: 312e12, torch.float16: 312e12, torch.int8: 624e12, }, "a6000": { torch.float32: 38.7e12, "tfloat32": 77.4e12, torch.bfloat16: 38.7e12, torch.float16: 38.7e12, torch.int8: 309.7e12, "int4": 619.3e12, }, "a40": { torch.float32: 37.4e12, "tfloat32": 74.8e12, torch.bfloat16: 37.4e12, torch.float16: 37.4e12, torch.int8: 299.3e12, "int4": 598.7e12, }, # source: "a10g": { torch.float32: 31.2e12, "tfloat32": 62.5e12, torch.bfloat16: 125e12, torch.float16: 125e12, torch.int8: 250e12, "int4": 500e12, }, "rtx 3090 ti": { torch.float32: 40e12, "tfloat32": 40e12, torch.bfloat16: 40e12, torch.float16: 40e12, torch.int8: 320e12, "int4": 640e12, }, "rtx 3090": { torch.float32: 35.6e12, "tfloat32": 35.6e12, torch.bfloat16: 35.6e12, torch.float16: 35.6e12, torch.int8: 284e12, "int4": 568e12, }, "rtx 3080 ti": { torch.float32: 34.1e12, "tfloat32": 34.1e12, torch.bfloat16: 34.1e12, torch.float16: 34.1e12, torch.int8: 272.8e12, "int4": 546.6e12, }, "rtx 3080": { torch.float32: 29.8e12, "tfloat32": 29.8e12, torch.bfloat16: 29.8e12, torch.float16: 29.8e12, torch.int8: 238e12, "int4": 476e12, }, "rtx 3070": { torch.float32: 20.3e12, "tfloat32": 20.3e12, torch.bfloat16: 20.3e12, torch.float16: 20.3e12, torch.int8: 162.6e12, "int4": 325.2e12, }, # Turing # source: # sxm and pcie have same flop counts "t4": { torch.float32: 8.1e12, torch.float16: 65e12, torch.int8: 130e12, "int4": 260e12, }, # "quadro rtx 5000": { torch.float32: 11.2e12, torch.float16: 89.2e12, }, "rtx 2080 super": { torch.float32: 11.2e12, torch.float16: 22.3e12, torch.int8: 178.4e12, "int4": 356.8e12, }, "rtx 2080 ti": { torch.float32: 14.2e12, torch.float16: 28.5e12, torch.int8: 227.7e12, "int4": 455.4e12, }, "rtx 2080": { torch.float32: 10.6e12, torch.float16: 21.2e12, torch.int8: 169.6e12, "int4": 339.1e12, }, # "rtx 2070 super": { torch.float32: 9.1e12, torch.float16: 18.1e12, torch.int8: 145e12, "int4": 290e12, }, "titan rtx": { torch.float32: 16.3e12, torch.float16: 32.6e12, torch.int8: 261e12, "int4": 522e12, }, # Volta # source: "v100 sxm": { torch.float64: 7.8e12, torch.float32: 15.7e12, torch.float16: 125e12, }, "v100 pcie": { torch.float64: 7e12, torch.float32: 14e12, torch.float16: 112e12, }, "v100s pcie": { torch.float64: 8.2e12, torch.float32: 16.4e12, torch.float16: 130e12, }, } _TPU_FLOPS = { # flop count for each TPU generation is the same for all precisions # since bfloat16 precision is always used for performing matrix operations # for more info: # source: "v2": 45e12, # source: "v3": 123e12, # source: "v4": 275e12, # source: "v5litepod": 197e12, } def get_available_flops(device: torch.device, dtype: Union[torch.dtype, str]) -> Optional[int]: """Returns the available theoretical FLOPs. This is an optimistic upper limit that could only be achievable if only thick matmuls were run in a benchmark environment. """ if device.type == "cuda": device_name = torch.cuda.get_device_name(device) chip = device_name.lower() if "h100" in chip: if "hbm3" in chip: chip = "h100 sxm" elif "nvl" in chip: chip = "h100 nvl" elif "pcie" in chip or "hbm2e" in chip: chip = "h100 pcie" elif "l4" in chip: chip = "l40" if "tesla" in chip else "l4" elif "geforce rtx" in chip: number = chip.split(" ")[3] extra = "" if "super" in chip: extra = " super" elif "ti" in chip: extra = " ti" chip = f"rtx {number}{extra}" elif "a6000" in chip: chip = "a6000" elif "a100" in chip: chip = "a100" elif "a40" in chip: chip = "a40" elif "a10g" in chip: chip = "a10g" elif "t4" in chip: chip = "t4" elif "quadro rtx 5000" in chip: chip = "quadro rtx 5000" elif "titan rtx" in chip: chip = "titan rtx" elif "v100-sxm" in chip: chip = "v100 sxm" elif "v100-pcie" in chip: chip = "v100 pcie" elif "v100s-pcie" in chip: chip = "v100s pcie" else: # the flops list is not exhaustive, return with a warning rank_zero_warn(f"FLOPs not found for {device_name!r}") return None if chip not in _CUDA_FLOPS: # parsing is implemented but we don't have the stats rank_zero_warn(f"FLOPs not found for {device_name!r}, chip is {chip!r}") return None dtype_to_flops = _CUDA_FLOPS[chip] if dtype is torch.float32: from lightning.fabric.accelerators.cuda import _is_ampere_or_later if _is_ampere_or_later() and torch.get_float32_matmul_precision() != "highest": dtype = "tfloat32" if dtype not in dtype_to_flops: # for example, T4 doesn't support bfloat16. it might also be that we are missing this dtype from the list rank_zero_warn(f"{device_name!r} does not support {dtype}") return None return int(dtype_to_flops[dtype]) if device.type == "xla": from lightning.fabric.accelerators.xla import _XLA_GREATER_EQUAL_2_1 if _XLA_GREATER_EQUAL_2_1: from torch_xla._internal import tpu else: from torch_xla.experimental import tpu tpu_env = tpu.get_tpu_env() # not all TPU generations define the "TYPE" envar. example: TYPE="V4", ACCELERATOR_TYPE="v4-8" device_name = tpu_env.get("TYPE") or tpu_env["ACCELERATOR_TYPE"].split("-")[0] chip = device_name.lower() assert isinstance(device_name, str) if chip not in _TPU_FLOPS: rank_zero_warn(f"FLOPs not found for TPU {device_name!r} with {dtype}") return None return int(_TPU_FLOPS[chip]) def _plugin_to_compute_dtype(plugin: "Precision") -> torch.dtype: # TODO: integrate this into the precision plugins from lightning.fabric.plugins import ( BitsandbytesPrecision, DeepSpeedPrecision, DoublePrecision, FSDPPrecision, HalfPrecision, MixedPrecision, Precision, TransformerEnginePrecision, XLAPrecision, ) if not isinstance(plugin, Precision): raise RuntimeError(f"Expected a precision plugin, got {plugin}") if isinstance(plugin, BitsandbytesPrecision): return plugin.dtype if isinstance(plugin, (HalfPrecision, MixedPrecision)): return plugin._desired_input_dtype if isinstance(plugin, DoublePrecision): return torch.double if isinstance(plugin, (XLAPrecision, DeepSpeedPrecision)): return plugin._desired_dtype if isinstance(plugin, TransformerEnginePrecision): return torch.int8 if isinstance(plugin, FSDPPrecision): return plugin.mixed_precision_config.reduce_dtype or torch.float32 if isinstance(plugin, Precision): return torch.float32 raise NotImplementedError(plugin) T = TypeVar("T", bound=float) class _MonotonicWindow(list[T]): """Custom fixed size list that only supports right-append and ensures that all values increase monotonically.""" def __init__(self, maxlen: int) -> None: super().__init__() self.maxlen = maxlen @property def last(self) -> Optional[T]: if len(self) > 0: return self[-1] return None @override def append(self, x: T) -> None: last = self.last if last is not None and last >= x: raise ValueError(f"Expected the value to increase, last: {last}, current: {x}") list.append(self, x) # truncate excess if len(self) > self.maxlen: del self[0] @override def __setitem__(self, key: Any, value: Any) -> None: # assigning is not implemented since we don't use it. it could be by checking all previous values raise NotImplementedError("__setitem__ is not supported")