- class lightning.pytorch.accelerators.HPUAccelerator[source]
Accelerator for HPU devices.
Use of this accelerator beyond import and instantiation is experimental.
- static auto_device_count()[source]
Returns the number of HPU devices when the devices is set to auto.
- Return type
- get_device_stats(device)[source]
Returns a map of the following metrics with their values:
Limit: amount of total memory on HPU device.
InUse: amount of allocated memory at any instance.
MaxInUse: amount of total active memory allocated.
NumAllocs: number of allocations.
NumFrees: number of freed chunks.
ActiveAllocs: number of active allocations.
MaxAllocSize: maximum allocated size.
TotalSystemAllocs: total number of system allocations.
TotalSystemFrees: total number of system frees.
TotalActiveAllocs: total number of active allocations.
- static get_parallel_devices(devices)[source]
Gets parallel devices for the Accelerator.
- static is_available()[source]
Returns a bool indicating if HPU is currently available.
- Return type
- setup_device(device)[source]
- Raises
MisconfigurationException – If the selected device is not HPU.
- Return type