Callbacks allow you to add arbitrary self-contained programs to your training. At specific points during the flow of execution (hooks), the Callback interface allows you to design programs that encapsulate a full set of functionality. It de-couples functionality that does not need to be in the lightning module and can be shared across projects.
Lightning has a callback system to execute them when needed. Callbacks should capture NON-ESSENTIAL logic that is NOT required for your lightning module to run.
A complete list of Callback hooks can be found in Callback
An overall Lightning system should have:
Trainer for all engineering
LightningModule for all research code.
Callbacks for non-essential code.
from lightning.pytorch.callbacks import Callback
class MyPrintingCallback(Callback):
def on_train_start(self, trainer, pl_module):
print("Training is starting")
def on_train_end(self, trainer, pl_module):
print("Training is ending")
trainer = Trainer(callbacks=[MyPrintingCallback()])
We successfully extended functionality without polluting our super clean lightning module research code.
You can do pretty much anything with callbacks.
Built-in Callbacks
Lightning has a few built-in callbacks.
For a richer collection of callbacks, check out our bolts library.
Finetune a backbone model based on a learning rate user-defined scheduling. |
This class implements the base logic for writing your own Finetuning Callback. |
Base class to implement how the predictions should be stored. |
The |
Abstract base class used to build new callbacks. |
Automatically monitors and logs device stats during training, validation and testing stage. |
Monitor a metric and stop training when it stops improving. |
Change gradient accumulation factor according to scheduling. |
Create a simple callback on the fly using lambda functions. |
The |
Automatically monitor and logs learning rate for learning rate schedulers during training. |
Save the model periodically by monitoring a quantity. |
Model pruning Callback, using PyTorch's prune utilities. |
Generates a summary of all layers in a |
The base class for progress bars in Lightning. |
Generates a summary of all layers in a |
Create a progress bar with rich text formatting. |
Implements the Stochastic Weight Averaging (SWA) Callback to average a model. |
The Timer callback tracks the time spent in the training, validation, and test loops and interrupts the Trainer if the given time limit for the training loop is reached. |
This is the default progress bar used by Lightning. |
Save Callback state
Some callbacks require internal state in order to function properly. You can optionally
choose to persist your callback’s state as part of model checkpoint files using
and load_state_dict()
Note that the returned state must be able to be pickled.
When your callback is meant to be used only as a singleton callback then implementing the above two hooks is enough
to persist state effectively. However, if passing multiple instances of the callback to the Trainer is supported, then
the callback must define a state_key
property in order for Lightning
to be able to distinguish the different states when loading the callback state. This concept is best illustrated by
the following example.
class Counter(Callback):
def __init__(self, what="epochs", verbose=True):
self.what = what
self.verbose = verbose
self.state = {"epochs": 0, "batches": 0}
def state_key(self) -> str:
# note: we do not include `verbose` here on purpose
return f"Counter[what={self.what}]"
def on_train_epoch_end(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.what == "epochs":
self.state["epochs"] += 1
def on_train_batch_end(self, *args, **kwargs):
if self.what == "batches":
self.state["batches"] += 1
def load_state_dict(self, state_dict):
def state_dict(self):
return self.state.copy()
# two callbacks of the same type are being used
trainer = Trainer(callbacks=[Counter(what="epochs"), Counter(what="batches")])
A Lightning checkpoint from this Trainer with the two stateful callbacks will include the following information:
"state_dict": ...,
"callbacks": {
"Counter{'what': 'batches'}": {"batches": 32, "epochs": 0},
"Counter{'what': 'epochs'}": {"batches": 0, "epochs": 2},
The implementation of a state_key
is essential here. If it were missing,
Lightning would not be able to disambiguate the state for these two callbacks, and state_key
by default only defines the class name as the key, e.g., here Counter
Best Practices
The following are best practices when using/designing callbacks.
Callbacks should be isolated in their functionality.
Your callback should not rely on the behavior of other callbacks in order to work properly.
Do not manually call methods from the callback.
Directly calling methods (eg. on_validation_end) is strongly discouraged.
Whenever possible, your callbacks should not depend on the order in which they are executed.
Entry Points
Lightning supports registering Trainer callbacks directly through Entry Points. Entry points allow an arbitrary package to include callbacks that the Lightning Trainer can automatically use, without you having to add them to the Trainer manually. This is useful in production environments where it is common to provide specialized monitoring and logging callbacks globally for every application.
Here is a callback factory function that returns two special callbacks:
If we make this file into an installable package, we can define an entry point for this factory function. Here is a minimal example of the file for the package my-package:
from setuptools import setup
"lightning.pytorch.callbacks_factory": [
# The format here must be [any name]=[module path]:[function name]
The group name for the entry points is lightning.pytorch.callbacks_factory
and it contains a list of strings that
specify where to find the function within the package.
Now, if you pip install -e . this package, it will register the my_custom_callbacks_factory
function and Lightning
will automatically call it to collect the callbacks whenever you run the Trainer!
To unregister the factory, simply uninstall the package with pip uninstall “my-package”.
Callback API
Here is the full API of methods available in the Callback base class.
The Callback
class is the base for all the callbacks in Lightning just like the LightningModule
is the base for all models.
It defines a public interface that each callback implementation must follow, the key ones are:
- Callback.state_key
Identifier for the state of the callback.
Used to store and retrieve a callback’s state from the checkpoint dictionary by
. Implementations of a callback need to provide a unique state key if 1) the callback has state and 2) it is desired to maintain the state of multiple instances of that callback.- Return type
- Callback.on_train_epoch_end(trainer, pl_module)[source]
Called when the train epoch ends.
To access all batch outputs at the end of the epoch, you can cache step outputs as an attribute of the
and access them in this hook:class MyLightningModule(L.LightningModule): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.training_step_outputs = [] def training_step(self): loss = ... self.training_step_outputs.append(loss) return loss class MyCallback(L.Callback): def on_train_epoch_end(self, trainer, pl_module): # do something with all training_step outputs, for example: epoch_mean = torch.stack(pl_module.training_step_outputs).mean() pl_module.log("training_epoch_mean", epoch_mean) # free up the memory pl_module.training_step_outputs.clear()
- Return type
- Callback.on_save_checkpoint(trainer, pl_module, checkpoint)[source]
Called when saving a checkpoint to give you a chance to store anything else you might want to save.
- Parameters
trainer (
) – the currentTrainer
instance.pl_module (
) – the currentLightningModule
instance.checkpoint (
]) – the checkpoint dictionary that will be saved.
- Return type
- Callback.on_load_checkpoint(trainer, pl_module, checkpoint)[source]
Called when loading a model checkpoint, use to reload state.
- Parameters
trainer (
) – the currentTrainer
instance.pl_module (
) – the currentLightningModule
instance.checkpoint (
]) – the full checkpoint dictionary that got loaded by the Trainer.
- Return type