• Docs >
  • Upgrade from 1.4 to the 2.0

Upgrade from 1.4 to the 2.0

Regular User

reg. user 1.4




relied on the outputs in your LightningModule.on_train_epoch_end or Callback.on_train_epoch_end hooks

rely on either on_training_epoch_end or set outputs as attributes in your LightningModule instances and access them from the hook


accessed Trainer.truncated_bptt_steps

swicth to manual optimization


called LightningModule.write_predictions and LightningModule.write_predictions_dict

rely on predict_step and Trainer.predict + callbacks to write out predictions


passed the period argument to the ModelCheckpoint callback

pass the every_n_epochs argument to the ModelCheckpoint callback


passed the output_filename argument to Profiler

now pass dirpath and filename, that is Profiler(dirpath=...., filename=...)


passed the profiled_functions argument in PytorchProfiler

now pass the record_functions argument


relied on the @auto_move_data decorator to use the LightningModule outside of the Trainer for inference

use Trainer.predict


implemented on_load_checkpoint with a checkpoint only argument, as in Callback.on_load_checkpoint(checkpoint)

now update the signature to include pl_module and trainer, as in Callback.on_load_checkpoint(trainer, pl_module, checkpoint)


relied on pl.metrics

now import separate package torchmetrics


accessed datamodule attribute of LightningModule, that is model.datamodule

now access Trainer.datamodule, that is model.trainer.datamodule


reg. user 1.5




used trainer.fit(train_dataloaders=...)

use trainer.fit(dataloaders=...)


used trainer.validate(val_dataloaders...)

use trainer.validate(dataloaders=...)


passed num_nodes to DDPPlugin and DDPSpawnPlugin

remove them since these parameters are now passed from the Trainer


passed sync_batchnorm to DDPPlugin and DDPSpawnPlugin

remove them since these parameters are now passed from the Trainer


didn’t provide a monitor argument to the EarlyStopping callback and just relied on the default value

pass monitor as it is now a required argument


used every_n_val_epochs in ModelCheckpoint

change the argument to every_n_epochs


used Trainer’s flag reload_dataloaders_every_epoch

use pass reload_dataloaders_every_n_epochs


used Trainer’s flag distributed_backend

use strategy


reg. user 1.6




used Trainer’s flag terminate_on_nan

set detect_anomaly instead, which enables detecting anomalies in the autograd engine


used Trainer’s flag weights_summary

pass a ModelSummary callback with max_depth instead


used Trainer’s flag checkpoint_callback

set enable_checkpointing. If you set enable_checkpointing=True, it configures a default ModelCheckpoint callback if none is provided lightning_pytorch.trainer.trainer.Trainer.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint


used Trainer’s flag stochastic_weight_avg

add the StochasticWeightAveraging callback directly to the list of callbacks, so for example, Trainer(..., callbacks=[StochasticWeightAveraging(), ...])


used Trainer’s flag flush_logs_every_n_steps

pass it to the logger init if it is supported for the particular logger


used Trainer’s flag max_steps to the Trainer, max_steps=None won’t have any effect

turn off the limit by passing Trainer(max_steps=-1) which is the default


used Trainer’s flag resume_from_checkpoint="..."

pass the same path to the fit function instead, trainer.fit(ckpt_path="...")


used Trainer’s flag log_gpu_memory, gpu_metrics

use the DeviceStatsMonitor callback instead


used Trainer’s flag progress_bar_refresh_rate

set the ProgressBar callback and set refresh_rate there, or pass enable_progress_bar=False to disable the progress bar


called LightningModule.summarize()

use the utility function pl.utilities.model_summary.summarize(model)


used the LightningModule.model_size property

use the utility function pl.utilities.memory.get_model_size_mb(model)


relied on the on_trai_dataloader() hooks in LightningModule and LightningDataModule

use train_dataloader


relied on the on_val_dataloader() hooks in LightningModule and LightningDataModule

use val_dataloader


relied on the on_test_dataloader() hooks in LightningModule and LightningDataModule

use test_dataloader


relied on the on_predict_dataloader() hooks in LightningModule and LightningDataModule

use predict_dataloader


implemented the on_keyboard_interrupt callback hook

implement the on_exception hook, and specify the exception type


relied on the TestTubeLogger

Use another logger like TensorBoardLogger


used the basic progress bar ProgressBar callback

use the TQDMProgressBar callback instead with the same arguments


were using GPUStatsMonitor callbacks

use DeviceStatsMonitor callback instead


were using XLAStatsMonitor callbacks

use DeviceStatsMonitor callback instead


reg. user 1.7




have wrapped your loggers with LoggerCollection

directly pass a list of loggers to the Trainer and access the list via the trainer.loggers attribute.


used Trainer.lr_schedulers

access trainer.lr_scheduler_configs instead, which contains dataclasses instead of dictionaries.


used neptune-client API in the NeptuneLogger

upgrade to the latest API


used LightningDataModule.on_save hook

use LightningDataModule.on_save_checkpoint instead


used LightningDataModule.on_load_checkpoint hook

use LightningDataModule.on_load_checkpoint hook instead


used LightningModule.on_hpc_load hook

switch to general purpose hook LightningModule.on_load_checkpoint


used LightningModule.on_hpc_save hook

switch to general purpose hook LightningModule.on_save_checkpoint


used Trainer’s flag weights_save_path

use directly dirpath argument in the ModelCheckpoint callback.


used Trainer’s property Trainer.weights_save_path is dropped


reg. user 1.8




used seed_everything_default=None in LightningCLI

set seed_everything_default=False instead


used Trainer.reset_train_val_dataloaders()

call Trainer.reset_train_dataloaders() and Trainer.reset_val_dataloaders() separately


imported pl.core.lightning

import pl.core.module instead


reg. user 1.9




used Python 3.7

upgrade to Python 3.8 or higher


used PyTorch 1.10

upgrade to PyTorch 1.11 or higher


used Trainer’s flag gpus

use devices with the same number


used Trainer’s flag tpu_cores

use devices with the same number


used Trainer’s flag ipus

use devices with the same number


used Trainer’s flag num_processes

use devices with the same number


used Trainer’s flag resume_from_checkpoint

pass the path to the Trainer.fit(ckpt_path="...") method,


used Trainer’s flag auto_select_gpus

use devices="auto"


called the pl.tuner.auto_gpu_select.pick_single_gpu function

use Trainer’s flag``devices=”auto”``


called the pl.tuner.auto_gpu_select.pick_multiple_gpus functions

use Trainer’s flag``devices=”auto”``


used Trainer’s flag accumulate_grad_batches with a scheduling dictionary value

use the GradientAccumulationScheduler callback and configure it


imported profiles from pl.profiler

import from pl.profilers


used Tuner as part of Trainer in any form

move to a standalone Tuner object or use particular callbacks LearningRateFinder and BatchSizeFinder


used Trainer’s flag auto_scale_batch_size

use BatchSizeFinder callback instead and the Trainer.tune() method was removed

used Trainer’s flag auto_lr_find

use callbacks LearningRateFinder callback instead and the Trainer.tune() method was removed

Advanced User

adv. user 1.4




called ModelCheckpoint.save_function

now call Trainer.save_checkpoint


accessed the Trainer.running_sanity_check property

now access the Trainer.sanity_checking property


used LightningModule.grad_norm

now use the pl.utilities.grad_norm utility function instead


used TrainerTrainingTricksMixin.detect_nan_tensors

now use pl.utilities.grads.grad_norm


used TrainerTrainingTricksMixin.print_nan_gradients

now use pl.utilities.finite_checks.print_nan_gradients


If you relied on TrainerLoggingMixin.metrics_to_scalars

now use pl.utilities.metrics.metrics_to_scalars


selected the i-th GPU with Trainer(gpus="i,j")

now this will set the number of GPUs, just like passing Trainer(devices=i), you can still select the specific GPU by setting the CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES=i,j environment variable


adv. user 1.5




used self.log(sync_dist_op=...)

use self.log(reduce_fx=...) instead. Passing "mean" will still work, but it also takes a callable


used the argument model from pytorch_lightning.utilities.model_helper.is_overridden

use instance instead


returned values from training_step that had .grad defined (e.g., a loss) and expected .detach() to be called for you

call .detach() manually


imported pl.utilities.distributed.rank_zero_warn

import pl.utilities.rank_zero.rank_zero_warn

relied on DataModule.has_prepared_data attribute

manage data lifecycle in customer methods


relied on DataModule.has_setup_fit attribute

manage data lifecycle in customer methods


relied on DataModule.has_setup_validate attribute

manage data lifecycle in customer methods


relied on DataModule.has_setup_test attribute

manage data lifecycle in customer methods


relied on DataModule.has_setup_predict attribute

manage data lifecycle in customer methods


relied on DataModule.has_teardown_fit attribute

manage data lifecycle in customer methods


relied on DataModule.has_teardown_validate attribute

manage data lifecycle in customer methods


relied on DataModule.has_teardown_test attribute

manage data lifecycle in customer methods


relied on DataModule.has_teardown_predict attribute

manage data lifecycle in customer methods


used DDPPlugin.task_idx

use DDPStrategy.local_rank


used Trainer.disable_validation

use the condition not Trainer.enable_validation


adv. user 1.6




passed prepare_data_per_node to the Trainer

set it as a property of DataHooks, accessible in the LightningModule and LightningDataModule instead


used process_position flag

specify your ProgressBar callback and set it as process_position directly


used distributed training attributes add_to_queue and get_from_queue in LightningModule

user the same methods in DDPStrategy(start_method=’spawn’)


called LightningModule.get_progress_bar_dict

use the utility function pl.callbacks.progress.base.get_standard_metrics(module.trainer)


used LightningModule.on_post_move_to_device

remove it as parameters tying happens automatically without the need of implementing your own logic


relied on Trainer.progress_bar_dict

use ProgressBarBase.get_metrics


used LightningDistributed

rely on the logic in DDPStrategy(start_method=’…’)


used the Accelerator collective API Accelerator.barrier, Accelerator.broadcast, and Accelerator.all_gather

call Strategy collectives API directly, without going through Accelerator


used pytorch_lightning.core.decorators.parameter_validation

rely on automatic parameters tying with pytorch_lightning.utilities.params_tying.set_shared_parameters


used LearningRateMonitor.lr_sch_names

access them using LearningRateMonitor.lrs.keys() which will return the names of all the optimizers, even those without a scheduler.


implemented DataModule train_transforms, val_transforms, test_transforms, size, dims

switch to LightningDataModule


adv. user 1.7




used DDP2Strategy

switch to DDPStrategy


used Trainer.training_type_plugin property

now use Trainer.strategy and update the references


used any TrainingTypePluginsn

rename them to Strategy


used DistributedType

rely on protected _StrategyType


used DeviceType

rely on protected _AcceleratorType


used pl.utiltiies.meta functions

switch to built-in https://github.com/pytorch/torchdistx support


have implemented Callback.on_configure_sharded_model hook

move your implementation to Callback.setup


have implemented the Callback.on_before_accelerator_backend_setup hook

move your implementation to Callback.setup


have implemented the Callback.on_batch_start hook

move your implementation to Callback.on_train_batch_start


have implemented the Callback.on_batch_end hook

move your implementation to Callback.on_train_batch_end


have implemented the Callback.on_epoch_start hook

move your implementation to Callback.on_train_epoch_start , to Callback.on_validation_epoch_start , to Callback.on_test_epoch_start


have implemented the Callback.on_pretrain_routine_{start,end} hook

move your implementation to Callback.on_fit_start


used Callback.on_init_start hook

use Callback.on_train_start instead


used Callback.on_init_end hook

use Callback.on_train_start instead


used Trainer’s attribute Trainer.num_processes

it was replaced by Trainer.num_devices


used Trainer’s attribute Trainer.gpus

it was replaced by Trainer.num_devices


used Trainer’s attribute Trainer.num_gpus

use Trainer.num_devices instead


used Trainer’s attribute Trainer.ipus

use Trainer.num_devices instead


used Trainer’s attribute Trainer.tpu_cores

use Trainer.num_devices instead


used Trainer.num_processes attribute

switch to using Trainer.num_devices


used LightningIPUModule

it was removed


logged with LightningLoggerBase.agg_and_log_metrics

switch to LightningLoggerBase.log_metrics


used agg_key_funcs parameter from LightningLoggerBase

log metrics explicitly


used agg_default_func parameters in LightningLoggerBase

log metrics explicitly


used Trainer.validated_ckpt_path attribute

rely on generic read-only property Trainer.ckpt_path which is set when checkpoints are loaded via Trainer.validate(````ckpt_path=...)


used Trainer.tested_ckpt_path attribute

rely on generic read-only property Trainer.ckpt_path which is set when checkpoints are loaded via Trainer.test(````ckpt_path=...)


used Trainer.predicted_ckpt_path attribute

rely on generic read-only property Trainer.ckpt_path, which is set when checkpoints are loaded via Trainer.predict(````ckpt_path=...)


rely on the returned dictionary from Callback.on_save_checkpoint

call directly Callback.state_dict instead


adv. user 1.8




imported pl.callbacks.base

import pl.callbacks.callback


imported pl.loops.base

import pl.loops.loop instead


imported pl.utilities.cli

import pl.cli instead


imported profiler classes from pl.profiler.*

import pl.profilers instead


used pl.accelerators.GPUAccelerator

use pl.accelerators.CUDAAccelerator


used LightningDeepSpeedModule

use strategy="deepspeed" or strategy=DeepSpeedStrategy(...)


used the with init_meta_context() context manager from import pl.utilities.meta

switch to deepspeed-zero-stage-3


used the Lightning Hydra multi-run integration

removed support for it as it caused issues with processes hanging


used pl.utilities.memory.get_gpu_memory_map

use pl.accelerators.cuda.get_nvidia_gpu_stats


adv. user 1.9




used the pl.lite module

switch to lightning_fabric


used Trainer’s flag strategy='dp'

use DDP with strategy='ddp' or DeepSpeed instead


implemented LightningModule.training_epoch_end hooks

port your logic to LightningModule.on_training_epoch_end hook


implemented LightningModule.validation_epoch_end hook

port your logic to LightningModule.on_validation_epoch_end hook


implemented LightningModule.test_epoch_end hooks

port your logic to LightningModule.on_test_epoch_end hook


used Trainer’s flag multiple_trainloader_mode

switch to CombinedLoader(..., mode=...) and set mode directly now


used Trainer’s flag move_metrics_to_cpu

implement particular offload logic in your custom metric or turn it on in torchmetrics


used Trainer’s flag track_grad_norm

overwrite on_before_optimizer_step hook and pass the argument directly and LightningModule.log_grad_norm() hook

#16745 #16745

used Trainer’s flag replace_sampler_ddp

use use_distributed_sample; the sampler gets created not only for the DDP strategies

relied on the on_tpu argument in LightningModule.optimizer_step hook

switch to manual optimization

#16537 Manual Optimization

relied on the using_lbfgs argument in LightningModule.optimizer_step hook

switch to manual optimization

#16538 Manual Optimization

were using nvidia/apex in any form

switch to PyTorch native mixed precision torch.amp instead

#16039 Precision

used Trainer’s flag using_native_amp

use PyTorch native mixed precision

#16039 Precision

used Trainer’s flag amp_backend

use PyTorch native mixed precision

#16039 Precision

used Trainer’s flag amp_level

use PyTorch native mixed precision

#16039 Precision

used Trainer’s attribute using_native_amp

use PyTorch native mixed precision

#16039 Precision

used Trainer’s attribute amp_backend

use PyTorch native mixed precision

#16039 Precision

used Trainer’s attribute amp_level

use PyTorch native mixed precision

#16039 Precision

use the FairScale integration

consider using PyTorch’s native FSDP implementation or outsourced implementation into own project


used pl.overrides.fairscale.LightningShardedDataParallel

use native FSDP instead

#16400 FSDP

used pl.plugins.precision.fully_sharded_native_amp.FullyShardedNativeMixedPrecisionPlugin

use native FSDP instead

#16400 FSDP

used pl.plugins.precision.sharded_native_amp.ShardedNativeMixedPrecisionPlugin

use native FSDP instead

#16400 FSDP

used pl.strategies.fully_sharded.DDPFullyShardedStrategy

use native FSDP instead

#16400 FSDP

used pl.strategies.sharded.DDPShardedStrategy

use native FSDP instead

#16400 FSDP

used pl.strategies.sharded_spawn.DDPSpawnShardedStrategy

use native FSDP instead

#16400 FSDP

used save_config_overwrite parameters in LightningCLI

pass this option and via dictionary of save_config_kwargs parameter


used save_config_multifile parameters in LightningCLI

pass this option and via dictionary of save_config_kwargs parameter


have customized loops Loop.replace()

implement your training loop with Fabric.

#14998 Fabric

have customized loops Loop.run()

implement your training loop with Fabric.

#14998 Fabric

have customized loops Loop.connect()

implement your training loop with Fabric.

#14998 Fabric

used the Trainer’s trainer.fit_loop property

implement your training loop with Fabric

#14998 Fabric

used the Trainer’s trainer.validate_loop property

implement your training loop with Fabric

#14998 Fabric

used the Trainer’s trainer.test_loop property

implement your training loop with Fabric

#14998 Fabric

used the Trainer’s trainer.predict_loop property

implement your training loop with Fabric

#14998 Fabric

used the Trainer.loop and fetching classes

being marked as protected

used opt_idx argument in BaseFinetuning.finetune_function

use manual optimization


used opt_idx argument in Callback.on_before_optimizer_step

use manual optimization

#16539 Manual Optimization

used optimizer_idx as an optional argument in LightningModule.training_step

use manual optimization

#16539 Manual Optimization

used optimizer_idx argument in LightningModule.on_before_optimizer_step

use manual optimization

#16539 Manual Optimization

used optimizer_idx argument in LightningModule.configure_gradient_clipping

use manual optimization

#16539 Manual Optimization

used optimizer_idx argument in LightningModule.optimizer_step

use manual optimization

#16539 Manual Optimization

used optimizer_idx argument in LightningModule.optimizer_zero_grad

use manual optimization

#16539 Manual Optimization

used optimizer_idx argument in LightningModule.lr_scheduler_step

use manual optimization

#16539 Manual Optimization

used declaring optimizer frequencies in the dictionary returned from LightningModule.configure_optimizers

use manual optimization

#16539 Manual Optimization

used optimizer argument in LightningModule.backward

use manual optimization

#16539 Manual Optimization

used optimizer_idx argument in LightningModule.backward

use manual optimization

#16539 Manual Optimization

used optimizer_idx argument in PrecisionPlugin.optimizer_step

use manual optimization

#16539 Manual Optimization

used optimizer_idx argument in PrecisionPlugin.,backward

use manual optimization

#16539 Manual Optimization

used optimizer_idx argument in PrecisionPlugin.optimizer_step

use manual optimization

#16539 Manual Optimization

used optimizer_idx argument in Strategy.backward

use manual optimization

#16539 Manual Optimization

used optimizer_idx argument in Strategy.optimizer_step

use manual optimization

#16539 Manual Optimization

used Trainer’s Trainer.optimizer_frequencies attribute

use manual optimization

Manual Optimization

used PL_INTER_BATCH_PARALLELISM environment flag


used training integration with Horovod

install standalone package/project


used training integration with ColossalAI

install standalone package/project


used QuantizationAwareTraining callback

use Torch’s Quantization directly


had any logic except reducing the DP outputs in LightningModule.training_step_end hook

port it to LightningModule.training_batch_end hook


had any logic except reducing the DP outputs in LightningModule.validation_step_end hook

port it to LightningModule.validation_batch_end hook


had any logic except reducing the DP outputs in LightningModule.test_step_end hook

port it to LightningModule.test_batch_end hook


used pl.strategies.DDPSpawnStrategy

switch to general DDPStrategy(start_method='spawn') with proper starting method


used the automatic addition of a moving average of the training_step loss in the progress bar

use self.log("loss", ..., prog_bar=True) instead.


rely on the outputs argument from the on_predict_epoch_end hook

access them via trainer.predict_loop.predictions


need to pass a dictionary to self.log()

pass them independently.



devel 1.5




called CheckpointConnector.hpc_load()

just call CheckpointConnector.restore()


used TrainerModelHooksMixin

now rely on the corresponding utility functions in pytorch_lightning.utilities.signature_utils


assigned the Trainer.train_loop property

now assign the equivalent Trainer.fit_loop property


accessed LightningModule.loaded_optimizer_states_dict

the property has been removed


devel 1.6




called LightningLoggerBase.close

switch to LightningLoggerBase.finalize.


called LoggerCollection.close

switch to LoggerCollection.finalize.


used AcceleratorConnector.is_slurm_managing_tasks attribute

it is set not as protected and discouraged from direct use


used AcceleratorConnector.configure_slurm_ddp attributes

it is set not as protected and discouraged from direct use


used ClusterEnvironment.creates_children() method

change it to ClusterEnvironment.creates_processes_externally which is property now.


called PrecisionPlugin.master_params()

update it PrecisionPlugin.main_params()


devel 1.7




Removed the legacy Trainer.get_deprecated_arg_names()


used the generic method Trainer.run_stage

switch to a specific one depending on your purpose Trainer.{fit,validate,test,predict} .


used rank_zero_only from pl.utilities.distributed

import it from pl.utilities.rank_zero


used rank_zero_debug from pl.utilities.distributed

import it from pl.utilities.rank_zero


used rank_zero_info from pl.utilities.distributed

import it from pl.utilities.rank_zero


used rank_zero_warn from pl.utilities.warnings

import it from pl.utilities.rank_zero


used rank_zero_deprecation from pl.utilities.warnings

import it from pl.utilities.rank_zero


used LightningDeprecationWarning from pl.utilities.warnings

import it from pl.utilities.rank_zero


used LightningDeprecationWarning from pl.utilities.warnings

import it from pl.utilities.rank_zero


used Trainer.data_parallel_device_ids attribute

switch it to Trainer.device_ids


derived it from TrainerCallbackHookMixin

use Trainer base class


used base class pytorch_lightning.profiler.BaseProfilerto

switch to use pytorch_lightning.profiler.Profiler instead


set distributed backend via the environment variable PL_TORCH_DISTRIBUTED_BACKEND

use process_group_backend in the strategy constructor


used PrecisionPlugin.on_load_checkpoint hooks

switch to PrecisionPlugin.load_state_dict


used PrecisionPlugin.on_save_checkpoint hooks

switch to PrecisionPlugin.load_state_dict


used Trainer.root_gpu attribute

use Trainer.strategy.root_device.index when GPU is used


used Trainer.use_amp attribute

rely on Torch native AMP


used LightingModule.use_amp attribute

rely on Torch native AMP


used Trainer’s attribute Trainer.verbose_evaluate

rely on loop constructor EvaluationLoop(verbose=...)


used Trainer’s attribute Trainer.should_rank_save_checkpoint

it was removed


derived from TrainerOptimizersMixin

rely on core/optimizer.py


derived from TrainerDataLoadingMixin

rely on methods from Trainer and DataConnector


used Trainer’s attribute Trainer.lightning_optimizers

switch to the Strategy and its attributes.


used Trainer.call_hook

it was set as a protected method Trainer._call_callback_hooks, Trainer._call_lightning_module_hook, Trainer._call_ttp_hook, Trainer._call_accelerator_hook and shall not be used.


used Profiler’s attribute SimpleProfiler.profile_iterable

it was removed


used Profiler’s attribute AdvancedProfiler.profile_iterable

it was removed


used the device_stats_monitor.prefix_metric_keys


used on_train_batch_end(outputs, ...) with 2d list with sizes (n_optimizers, tbptt_steps)

chang it to (tbptt_steps, n_optimizers). You can update your code by adding the following parameter to your hook signature: on_train_batch_end(outputs, ..., new_format=True).


used training_epoch_end(outputs) with a 3d list with sizes (n_optimizers, n_batches, tbptt_steps)

change it to (n_batches, tbptt_steps, n_optimizers). You can update your code by adding the following parameter to your hook signature: training_epoch_end(outputs, new_format=True).


devel 1.8




derived from pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.LightningLoggerBase

derive from pytorch_lightning.loggers.logger.Logger


derived from pytorch_lightning.profiler.base.BaseProfiler

derive from pytorch_lightning.profilers.profiler.Profiler


derived from pytorch_lightning.profiler.base.AbstractProfiler

derive from pytorch_lightning.profilers.profiler.Profiler


devel 1.9




passed the pl_module argument to distributed module wrappers

passed the (required) forward_module argument


used DataParallel and the LightningParallelModule wrapper

use DDP or DeepSpeed instead

#16748 DDP

used pl_module argument from the distributed module wrappers

use DDP or DeepSpeed instead

#16386 DDP

called pl.overrides.base.unwrap_lightning_module function

use DDP or DeepSpeed instead

#16386 DDP

used or derived from pl.overrides.distributed.LightningDistributedModule class

use DDP instead

#16386 DDP

used the pl.plugins.ApexMixedPrecisionPlugin`` plugin

use PyTorch native mixed precision


used the pl.plugins.NativeMixedPrecisionPlugin plugin

switch to the pl.plugins.MixedPrecisionPlugin plugin


used the fit_loop.min_steps setters

implement your training loop with Fabric


used the fit_loop.max_steps setters

implement your training loop with Fabric


used the data_parallel attribute in Trainer

check the same using isinstance(trainer.strategy, ParallelStrategy)


used any function from pl.utilities.xla_device

switch to pl.accelerators.TPUAccelerator.is_available()

#14514 #14550

imported functions from pl.utilities.device_parser.*

import them from lightning_fabric.utilities.device_parser.*

#14492 #14753

imported functions from pl.utilities.cloud_io.*

import them from lightning_fabric.utilities.cloud_io.*


imported functions from pl.utilities.apply_func.*

import them from lightning_utilities.core.apply_func.*

#14516 #14537

used any code from pl.core.mixins

use the base classes


used any code from pl.utilities.distributed

rely on Pytorch’s native functions


used any code from pl.utilities.data

it was removed


used any code from pl.utilities.optimizer

it was removed


used any code from pl.utilities.seed

it was removed


were using truncated backpropagation through time (TBPTT) with LightningModule.truncated_bptt_steps

use manual optimization

#16172 Manual Optimization

were using truncated backpropagation through time (TBPTT) with LightningModule.tbptt_split_batch

use manual optimization

#16172 Manual Optimization

were using truncated backpropagation through time (TBPTT) and passing hidden to LightningModule.training_step

use manual optimization

#16172 Manual Optimization

used pl.utilities.finite_checks.print_nan_gradients function

it was removed

used pl.utilities.finite_checks.detect_nan_parameters function

it was removed

used pl.utilities.parsing.flatten_dict function

it was removed

used pl.utilities.metrics.metrics_to_scalars function

it was removed

used pl.utilities.memory.get_model_size_mb function

it was removed

used pl.strategies.utils.on_colab_kaggle function

it was removed


used LightningDataModule.add_argparse_args() method

switch to using LightningCLI


used LightningDataModule.parse_argparser() method

switch to using LightningCLI


used LightningDataModule.from_argparse_args() method

switch to using LightningCLI


used LightningDataModule.get_init_arguments_and_types() method

switch to using LightningCLI


used Trainer.default_attributes() method

switch to using LightningCLI


used Trainer.from_argparse_args() method

switch to using LightningCLI


used Trainer.parse_argparser() method

switch to using LightningCLI


used Trainer.match_env_arguments() method

switch to using LightningCLI


used Trainer.add_argparse_args() method

switch to using LightningCLI


used pl.utilities.argparse.from_argparse_args() function

switch to using LightningCLI


used pl.utilities.argparse.parse_argparser() function

switch to using LightningCLI


used pl.utilities.argparseparse_env_variables() function

switch to using LightningCLI


used get_init_arguments_and_types() function

switch to using LightningCLI


used pl.utilities.argparse.add_argparse_args() function

switch to using LightningCLI


used pl.utilities.parsing.str_to_bool() function

switch to using LightningCLI


used pl.utilities.parsing.str_to_bool_or_int() function

switch to using LightningCLI


used pl.utilities.parsing.str_to_bool_or_str() function

switch to using LightningCLI


derived from pl.utilities.distributed.AllGatherGrad class

switch to PyTorch native equivalent


used PL_RECONCILE_PROCESS=1 env. variable

customize your logger


if you derived from mixin’s method pl.core.saving.ModelIO.load_from_checkpoint

rely on pl.core.module.LightningModule


used Accelerator.setup_environment method

switch to Accelerator.setup_device



implement own logic with Fabric

#16516 #16533

used or derived from public pl.overrides.distributed.IndexBatchSamplerWrapper class

it is set as protected


used the DataLoaderLoop class

use manual optimization

#16726 Manual Optimization

used the EvaluationEpochLoop class

use manual optimization

#16726 Manual Optimization

used the PredictionEpochLoop class

use manual optimization

#16726 Manual Optimization

used trainer.reset_*_dataloader() methods

use Loop.setup_data() for the top-level loops


used LightningModule.precision attribute

rely on Trainer precision attribute


used Trainer.model setter

you shall pass the model in fit/test/predict method


relied on pl.utilities.supporters.CombinedLoaderIterator class

pass dataloders directly


relied on pl.utilities.supporters.CombinedLoaderIterator class

pass dataloders directly


accessed ProgressBarBase.train_batch_idx property

rely on Trainer internal loops’ properties


accessed ProgressBarBase.val_batch_idx property

rely on Trainer internal loops’ properties


accessed ProgressBarBase.test_batch_idx property

rely on Trainer internal loops’ properties


accessed ProgressBarBase.predict_batch_idx property

rely on Trainer internal loops’ properties


used Trainer.prediction_writer_callbacks property

rely on precision plugin


used PrecisionPlugin.dispatch

it was removed


used Strategy.dispatch

it was removed


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