
Source code for pytorch_lightning.loggers.test_tube

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Test Tube Logger
from argparse import Namespace
from typing import Any, Dict, Optional, Union

import pytorch_lightning as pl
from pytorch_lightning.loggers.base import LightningLoggerBase, rank_zero_experiment
from pytorch_lightning.utilities import _module_available
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.logger import _add_prefix, _convert_params, _flatten_dict
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero import rank_zero_deprecation, rank_zero_only, rank_zero_warn

_TESTTUBE_AVAILABLE = _module_available("test_tube")

    from test_tube import Experiment
    Experiment = None

[docs]class TestTubeLogger(LightningLoggerBase): r""" Log to local file system in `TensorBoard <>`_ format but using a nicer folder structure (see `full docs <>`_). Warning: The test-tube package is no longer maintained and PyTorch Lightning will remove the :class:´TestTubeLogger´ in v1.7.0. Install it with pip: .. code-block:: bash pip install test_tube .. code-block:: python from pytorch_lightning import Trainer from pytorch_lightning.loggers import TestTubeLogger logger = TestTubeLogger("tt_logs", name="my_exp_name") trainer = Trainer(logger=logger) Use the logger anywhere in your :class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule` as follows: .. code-block:: python from pytorch_lightning import LightningModule class LitModel(LightningModule): def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): # example self.logger.experiment.whatever_method_summary_writer_supports(...) def any_lightning_module_function_or_hook(self): self.logger.experiment.add_histogram(...) Args: save_dir: Save directory name: Experiment name. Defaults to ``'default'``. description: A short snippet about this experiment debug: If ``True``, it doesn't log anything. version: Experiment version. If version is not specified the logger inspects the save directory for existing versions, then automatically assigns the next available version. create_git_tag: If ``True`` creates a git tag to save the code used in this experiment. log_graph: Adds the computational graph to tensorboard. This requires that the user has defined the `self.example_input_array` attribute in their model. prefix: A string to put at the beginning of metric keys. Raises: ModuleNotFoundError: If required TestTube package is not installed on the device. """ __test__ = False LOGGER_JOIN_CHAR = "-" def __init__( self, save_dir: str, name: str = "default", description: Optional[str] = None, debug: bool = False, version: Optional[int] = None, create_git_tag: bool = False, log_graph: bool = False, prefix: str = "", ): rank_zero_deprecation( "The TestTubeLogger is deprecated since v1.5 and will be removed in v1.7. We recommend switching to the" " `pytorch_lightning.loggers.TensorBoardLogger` as an alternative." ) if Experiment is None: raise ModuleNotFoundError( "You want to use `test_tube` logger which is not installed yet," " install it with `pip install test-tube`." ) super().__init__() self._save_dir = save_dir self._name = name self.description = description self.debug = debug self._version = version self.create_git_tag = create_git_tag self._log_graph = log_graph self._prefix = prefix self._experiment = None @property @rank_zero_experiment def experiment(self) -> Experiment: r""" Actual TestTube object. To use TestTube features in your :class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.lightning.LightningModule` do the following. Example:: self.logger.experiment.some_test_tube_function() """ if self._experiment is not None: return self._experiment self._experiment = Experiment( save_dir=self.save_dir, name=self._name, debug=self.debug, version=self.version, description=self.description, create_git_tag=self.create_git_tag, rank=rank_zero_only.rank, ) return self._experiment
[docs] @rank_zero_only def log_hyperparams(self, params: Union[Dict[str, Any], Namespace]) -> None: # TODO: HACK figure out where this is being set to true self.experiment.debug = self.debug params = _convert_params(params) params = _flatten_dict(params) self.experiment.argparse(Namespace(**params))
[docs] @rank_zero_only def log_metrics(self, metrics: Dict[str, float], step: Optional[int] = None) -> None: # TODO: HACK figure out where this is being set to true metrics = _add_prefix(metrics, self._prefix, self.LOGGER_JOIN_CHAR) self.experiment.debug = self.debug self.experiment.log(metrics, global_step=step)
[docs] @rank_zero_only def log_graph(self, model: "pl.LightningModule", input_array=None): if self._log_graph: if input_array is None: input_array = model.example_input_array if input_array is not None: self.experiment.add_graph(model, model._apply_batch_transfer_handler(input_array)) else: rank_zero_warn( "Could not log computational graph since neither the" " `model.example_input_array` attribute is set nor" " `input_array` was given", )
[docs] @rank_zero_only def save(self) -> None: super().save() # TODO: HACK figure out where this is being set to true self.experiment.debug = self.debug
[docs] @rank_zero_only def finalize(self, status: str) -> None: super().finalize(status) # TODO: HACK figure out where this is being set to true self.experiment.debug = self.debug self.close()
[docs] @rank_zero_only def close(self) -> None: super().save() # TODO: HACK figure out where this is being set to true self.experiment.debug = self.debug if not self.debug: exp = self.experiment exp.close()
@property def save_dir(self) -> Optional[str]: """Gets the save directory. Returns: The path to the save directory. """ return self._save_dir @property def name(self) -> str: """Gets the experiment name. Returns: The experiment name if the experiment exists, else the name specified in the constructor. """ if self._experiment is None: return self._name return @property def version(self) -> int: """Gets the experiment version. Returns: The experiment version if the experiment exists, else the next version. """ if self._experiment is None: return self._version return self.experiment.version # Test tube experiments are not pickleable, so we need to override a few # methods to get DDP working. See # # for more info. def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[Any, Any]: state = self.__dict__.copy() state["_experiment"] = self.experiment.get_meta_copy() return state def __setstate__(self, state: Dict[Any, Any]): self._experiment = state["_experiment"].get_non_ddp_exp() del state["_experiment"] self.__dict__.update(state)

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