
Lightning Flash

Lightning Flash is a high-level deep learning framework for fast prototyping, baselining, fine-tuning, and solving deep learning problems. Flash makes complex AI recipes for over 15 tasks across 7 data domains accessible to all. It is built for beginners with a simple API that requires very little deep learning background, and for data scientists, Kagglers, applied ML practitioners, and deep learning researchers that want a quick way to get a deep learning baseline with advanced features PyTorch Lightning offers.

pip install lightning-flash

Using Lightning Flash in 3 Steps!

1. Load your Data

All data loading in Flash is performed via a from_* classmethod of a DataModule. Which DataModule to use and which from_* methods are available depends on the task you want to perform. For example, for image segmentation where your data is stored in folders, you would use the SemanticSegmentationData’s from_folders method:

from flash.image import SemanticSegmentationData

dm = SemanticSegmentationData.from_folders(
    image_size=(256, 256),

2. Configure your Model

Our tasks come loaded with pre-trained backbones and (where applicable) heads. You can view the available backbones to use with your task using available_backbones. Once you’ve chosen, create the model:

from flash.image import SemanticSegmentation

# ['deeplabv3', 'deeplabv3plus', 'fpn', ..., 'unetplusplus']

# ['densenet121', ..., 'xception'] # + 113 models

# ['imagenet', 'advprop']

model = SemanticSegmentation(head="fpn", backbone="efficientnet-b0", pretrained="advprop", num_classes=dm.num_classes)

3. Finetune!

from flash import Trainer

trainer = Trainer(max_epochs=3)
trainer.finetune(model, datamodule=datamodule, strategy="freeze")

To learn more about Lightning Flash, please refer to the Lightning Flash documentation.

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