

Strategy controls the model distribution across training, evaluation, and prediction to be used by the Trainer. It can be controlled by passing different strategy with aliases ("ddp", "ddp_spawn", "deepspeed" and so on) as well as a custom strategy to the strategy parameter for Trainer.

The Strategy in PyTorch Lightning handles the following responsibilities:

  • Launch and teardown of training processes (if applicable).

  • Setup communication between processes (NCCL, GLOO, MPI, and so on).

  • Provide a unified communication interface for reduction, broadcast, and so on.

  • Owns the LightningModule

  • Handles/owns optimizers and schedulers.

Strategy also manages the accelerator, precision, and checkpointing plugins.

Training Strategies with Various Configs

# Training with the DistributedDataParallel strategy on 4 GPUs
trainer = Trainer(strategy="ddp", accelerator="gpu", devices=4)

# Training with the custom DistributedDataParallel strategy on 4 GPUs
trainer = Trainer(strategy=DDPStrategy(...), accelerator="gpu", devices=4)

# Training with the DDP Spawn strategy using auto accelerator selection
trainer = Trainer(strategy="ddp_spawn", accelerator="auto", devices=4)

# Training with the DeepSpeed strategy on available GPUs
trainer = Trainer(strategy="deepspeed", accelerator="gpu", devices="auto")

# Training with the DDP strategy using 3 CPU processes
trainer = Trainer(strategy="ddp", accelerator="cpu", devices=3)

# Training with the DDP Spawn strategy on 8 TPU cores
trainer = Trainer(strategy="ddp_spawn", accelerator="tpu", devices=8)

# Training with the default IPU strategy on 8 IPUs
trainer = Trainer(accelerator="ipu", devices=8)

Create a Custom Strategy

Expert users may choose to extend an existing strategy by overriding its methods.

from pytorch_lightning.strategies import DDPStrategy

class CustomDDPStrategy(DDPStrategy):
    def configure_ddp(self):
        self.model = MyCustomDistributedDataParallel(

or by subclassing the base class Strategy to create new ones. These custom strategies can then be passed into the Trainer directly via the strategy parameter.

# custom plugins
trainer = Trainer(strategy=CustomDDPStrategy())

# fully custom accelerator and plugins
accelerator = MyAccelerator()
precision_plugin = MyPrecisionPlugin()
training_strategy = CustomDDPStrategy(accelerator=accelerator, precision_plugin=precision_plugin)
trainer = Trainer(strategy=training_strategy)

The complete list of built-in strategies is listed below.

Built-In Training Strategies


Strategy for training using the Bagua library, with advanced distributed training algorithms and system optimizations.


DDP2 behaves like DP in one node, but synchronization across nodes behaves like in DDP.


Plugin for Fully Sharded Data Parallel provided by FairScale.


Optimizer and gradient sharded training provided by FairScale.


Optimizer sharded training provided by FairScale.


Spawns processes using the torch.multiprocessing.spawn() method and joins processes after training finishes.


Strategy for multi-process single-device training on one or multiple nodes.


Implements data-parallel training in a single process, i.e., the model gets replicated to each device and each gets a split of the data.


Provides capabilities to run training using the DeepSpeed library, with training optimizations for large billion parameter models.


Plugin for Horovod distributed training integration.


Strategy for distributed training on multiple HPU devices.


Plugin for training on IPU devices.


Plugin for training with multiple processes in parallel.


Strategy that handles communication on a single device.


Strategy for training on single HPU device.


Strategy for training on a single TPU device.


Base class for all strategies that change the behaviour of the training, validation and test- loop.


Strategy for training multiple TPU devices using the torch_xla.distributed.xla_multiprocessing.spawn() method.

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