



Merge a sequence with dictionaries into one dictionary by aggregating the same keys with some given function.


Returns the real experiment on rank 0 and otherwise the DummyExperiment.



Dummy experiment.


Dummy logger for internal use.


Base class for experiment loggers.


The LoggerCollection class is used to iterate all logging actions over the given logger_iterable.

Abstract base class used to build new loggers.

class pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.DummyExperiment[source]

Bases: object

Dummy experiment.

class pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.DummyLogger[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.LightningLoggerBase

Dummy logger for internal use.

It is useful if we want to disable user’s logger for a feature, but still ensure that user code can run

log_hyperparams(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Record hyperparameters.

  • paramsNamespace containing the hyperparameters

  • args – Optional positional arguments, depends on the specific logger being used

  • kwargs – Optional keyword arguments, depends on the specific logger being used

Return type


log_metrics(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Records metrics. This method logs metrics as as soon as it received them. If you want to aggregate metrics for one specific step, use the agg_and_log_metrics() method.

  • metrics – Dictionary with metric names as keys and measured quantities as values

  • step – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded

Return type


property experiment: pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.DummyExperiment

Return the experiment object associated with this logger.

Return type


property name: str

Return the experiment name.

Return type


property version: str

Return the experiment version.

Return type


class pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.LightningLoggerBase(agg_key_funcs=None, agg_default_func=None)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Base class for experiment loggers.

  • agg_key_funcs (Optional[Mapping[str, Callable[[Sequence[float]], float]]]) – Dictionary which maps a metric name to a function, which will aggregate the metric values for the same steps.

  • agg_default_func (Optional[Callable[[Sequence[float]], float]]) – Default function to aggregate metric values. If some metric name is not presented in the agg_key_funcs dictionary, then the agg_default_func will be used for aggregation.

  • deprecated: (..) – v1.6: The parameters agg_key_funcs and agg_default_func are deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8.


The agg_key_funcs and agg_default_func arguments are used only when one logs metrics with the agg_and_log_metrics() method.


Called after model checkpoint callback saves a new checkpoint.


checkpoint_callback – the model checkpoint callback instance

agg_and_log_metrics(metrics, step=None)[source]

Aggregates and records metrics. This method doesn’t log the passed metrics instantaneously, but instead it aggregates them and logs only if metrics are ready to be logged.

Deprecated since version v1.6: This method is deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8. Please use LightningLoggerBase.log_metrics instead.

  • metrics (Dict[str, float]) – Dictionary with metric names as keys and measured quantities as values

  • step (Optional[int]) – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded


Do any cleanup that is necessary to close an experiment.

See deprecation warning below.

Deprecated since version v1.5: This method is deprecated in v1.5 and will be removed in v1.7. Please use LightningLoggerBase.finalize instead.

Return type



Do any processing that is necessary to finalize an experiment.


status (str) – Status that the experiment finished with (e.g. success, failed, aborted)

Return type


log_graph(model, input_array=None)[source]

Record model graph.

  • model (LightningModule) – lightning model

  • input_array – input passes to model.forward

Return type


abstract log_hyperparams(params, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Record hyperparameters.

  • params (Namespace) – Namespace containing the hyperparameters

  • args – Optional positional arguments, depends on the specific logger being used

  • kwargs – Optional keyword arguments, depends on the specific logger being used

abstract log_metrics(metrics, step=None)[source]

Records metrics. This method logs metrics as as soon as it received them. If you want to aggregate metrics for one specific step, use the agg_and_log_metrics() method.

  • metrics (Dict[str, float]) – Dictionary with metric names as keys and measured quantities as values

  • step (Optional[int]) – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded


Save log data.

Return type


update_agg_funcs(agg_key_funcs=None, agg_default_func=<function mean>)[source]

Update aggregation methods.

Deprecated since version v1.6: update_agg_funcs is deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8.

  • agg_key_funcs (Optional[Mapping[str, Callable[[Sequence[float]], float]]]) – Dictionary which maps a metric name to a function, which will aggregate the metric values for the same steps.

  • agg_default_func (Callable[[Sequence[float]], float]) – Default function to aggregate metric values. If some metric name is not presented in the agg_key_funcs dictionary, then the agg_default_func will be used for aggregation.

property group_separator

Return the default separator used by the logger to group the data into subfolders.

abstract property name: str

Return the experiment name.

Return type


property save_dir: Optional[str]

Return the root directory where experiment logs get saved, or None if the logger does not save data locally.

Return type


abstract property version: Union[int, str]

Return the experiment version.

Return type

Union[int, str]

class pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.LoggerCollection(logger_iterable)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.LightningLoggerBase

The LoggerCollection class is used to iterate all logging actions over the given logger_iterable.

Deprecated since version v1.6: LoggerCollection is deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8. Directly pass a list of loggers to the Trainer and access the list via the trainer.loggers attribute.


logger_iterable (Iterable[LightningLoggerBase]) – An iterable collection of loggers


Called after model checkpoint callback saves a new checkpoint.


checkpoint_callback – the model checkpoint callback instance

agg_and_log_metrics(metrics, step=None)[source]

Aggregates and records metrics. This method doesn’t log the passed metrics instantaneously, but instead it aggregates them and logs only if metrics are ready to be logged.

Deprecated since version v1.6: This method is deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8. Please use LightningLoggerBase.log_metrics instead.

  • metrics (Dict[str, float]) – Dictionary with metric names as keys and measured quantities as values

  • step (Optional[int]) – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded


Deprecated since version v1.5: This method is deprecated in v1.5 and will be removed in v1.7. Please use LoggerCollection.finalize instead.

Return type



Do any processing that is necessary to finalize an experiment.


status (str) – Status that the experiment finished with (e.g. success, failed, aborted)

Return type


log_graph(model, input_array=None)[source]

Record model graph.

  • model (LightningModule) – lightning model

  • input_array – input passes to model.forward

Return type



Record hyperparameters.

  • params (Union[Dict[str, Any], Namespace]) – Namespace containing the hyperparameters

  • args – Optional positional arguments, depends on the specific logger being used

  • kwargs – Optional keyword arguments, depends on the specific logger being used

Return type


log_metrics(metrics, step=None)[source]

Records metrics. This method logs metrics as as soon as it received them. If you want to aggregate metrics for one specific step, use the agg_and_log_metrics() method.

  • metrics (Dict[str, float]) – Dictionary with metric names as keys and measured quantities as values

  • step (Optional[int]) – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded

Return type



Save log data.

Return type


update_agg_funcs(agg_key_funcs=None, agg_default_func=<function mean>)[source]

Update aggregation methods.

Deprecated since version v1.6: update_agg_funcs is deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8.

  • agg_key_funcs (Optional[Mapping[str, Callable[[Sequence[float]], float]]]) – Dictionary which maps a metric name to a function, which will aggregate the metric values for the same steps.

  • agg_default_func (Callable[[Sequence[float]], float]) – Default function to aggregate metric values. If some metric name is not presented in the agg_key_funcs dictionary, then the agg_default_func will be used for aggregation.

property experiment: List[Any]

Returns a list of experiment objects for all the loggers in the logger collection.

Return type


property name: str

Returns the unique experiment names for all the loggers in the logger collection joined by an underscore.

Return type


property save_dir: Optional[str]

Returns None as checkpoints should be saved to default / chosen location when using multiple loggers.

Return type


property version: str

Returns the unique experiment versions for all the loggers in the logger collection joined by an underscore.

Return type


pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.merge_dicts(dicts, agg_key_funcs=None, default_func=<function mean>)[source]

Merge a sequence with dictionaries into one dictionary by aggregating the same keys with some given function.

  • dicts (Sequence[Mapping]) – Sequence of dictionaries to be merged.

  • agg_key_funcs (Optional[Mapping[str, Callable[[Sequence[float]], float]]]) – Mapping from key name to function. This function will aggregate a list of values, obtained from the same key of all dictionaries. If some key has no specified aggregation function, the default one will be used. Default is: None (all keys will be aggregated by the default function).

  • default_func (Callable[[Sequence[float]], float]) – Default function to aggregate keys, which are not presented in the agg_key_funcs map.

Return type



Dictionary with merged values.


>>> import pprint
>>> d1 = {'a': 1.7, 'b': 2.0, 'c': 1, 'd': {'d1': 1, 'd3': 3}}
>>> d2 = {'a': 1.1, 'b': 2.2, 'v': 1, 'd': {'d1': 2, 'd2': 3}}
>>> d3 = {'a': 1.1, 'v': 2.3, 'd': {'d3': 3, 'd4': {'d5': 1}}}
>>> dflt_func = min
>>> agg_funcs = {'a': np.mean, 'v': max, 'd': {'d1': sum}}
>>> pprint.pprint(merge_dicts([d1, d2, d3], agg_funcs, dflt_func))
{'a': 1.3,
 'b': 2.0,
 'c': 1,
 'd': {'d1': 3, 'd2': 3, 'd3': 3, 'd4': {'d5': 1}},
 'v': 2.3}

Returns the real experiment on rank 0 and otherwise the DummyExperiment.

Return type
