



Merge a sequence with dictionaries into one dictionary by aggregating the same keys with some given function.


Returns the real experiment on rank 0 and otherwise the DummyExperiment.



Dummy experiment.


Dummy logger for internal use.


Base class for experiment loggers.


The LoggerCollection class is used to iterate all logging actions over the given logger_iterable.

Abstract base class used to build new loggers.

class pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.DummyExperiment[source]

Bases: object

Dummy experiment.

class pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.DummyLogger[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.LightningLoggerBase

Dummy logger for internal use.

It is useful if we want to disable user’s logger for a feature, but still ensure that user code can run

log_hyperparams(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Record hyperparameters.

  • paramsNamespace containing the hyperparameters

  • args – Optional positional arguments, depends on the specific logger being used

  • kwargs – Optional keywoard arguments, depends on the specific logger being used

Return type


log_metrics(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Records metrics. This method logs metrics as as soon as it received them. If you want to aggregate metrics for one specific step, use the agg_and_log_metrics() method.

  • metrics – Dictionary with metric names as keys and measured quantities as values

  • step – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded

Return type


property experiment: pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.DummyExperiment

Return the experiment object associated with this logger.

property name: str

Return the experiment name.

property version: str

Return the experiment version.

class pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.LightningLoggerBase(agg_key_funcs=None, agg_default_func=<function mean>)[source]

Bases: abc.ABC

Base class for experiment loggers.

  • agg_key_funcs (Optional[Mapping[str, Callable[[Sequence[float]], float]]]) – Dictionary which maps a metric name to a function, which will aggregate the metric values for the same steps.

  • agg_default_func (Callable[[Sequence[float]], float]) – Default function to aggregate metric values. If some metric name is not presented in the agg_key_funcs dictionary, then the agg_default_func will be used for aggregation.


The agg_key_funcs and agg_default_func arguments are used only when one logs metrics with the agg_and_log_metrics() method.


Called after model checkpoint callback saves a new checkpoint.


checkpoint_callback – the model checkpoint callback instance

agg_and_log_metrics(metrics, step=None)[source]

Aggregates and records metrics. This method doesn’t log the passed metrics instantaneously, but instead it aggregates them and logs only if metrics are ready to be logged.

  • metrics (Dict[str, float]) – Dictionary with metric names as keys and measured quantities as values

  • step (Optional[int]) – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded


Do any cleanup that is necessary to close an experiment.

See deprecation warning below. :rtype: None

Deprecated since version v1.5: This method is deprecated in v1.5 and will be removed in v1.7. Please use LightningLoggerBase.finalize instead.


Do any processing that is necessary to finalize an experiment.


status (str) – Status that the experiment finished with (e.g. success, failed, aborted)

Return type


log_graph(model, input_array=None)[source]

Record model graph.

  • model (LightningModule) – lightning model

  • input_array – input passes to model.forward

Return type


abstract log_hyperparams(params, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Record hyperparameters.

  • params (Namespace) – Namespace containing the hyperparameters

  • args – Optional positional arguments, depends on the specific logger being used

  • kwargs – Optional keywoard arguments, depends on the specific logger being used

log_image(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Log image.

Arguments are directly passed to the logger.

Return type


abstract log_metrics(metrics, step=None)[source]

Records metrics. This method logs metrics as as soon as it received them. If you want to aggregate metrics for one specific step, use the agg_and_log_metrics() method.

  • metrics (Dict[str, float]) – Dictionary with metric names as keys and measured quantities as values

  • step (Optional[int]) – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded

log_text(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Log text.

Arguments are directly passed to the logger.

Return type



Save log data.

Return type


update_agg_funcs(agg_key_funcs=None, agg_default_func=<function mean>)[source]

Update aggregation methods.

  • agg_key_funcs (Optional[Mapping[str, Callable[[Sequence[float]], float]]]) – Dictionary which maps a metric name to a function, which will aggregate the metric values for the same steps.

  • agg_default_func (Callable[[Sequence[float]], float]) – Default function to aggregate metric values. If some metric name is not presented in the agg_key_funcs dictionary, then the agg_default_func will be used for aggregation.

abstract property experiment: Any

Return the experiment object associated with this logger.

property group_separator

Return the default separator used by the logger to group the data into subfolders.

abstract property name: str

Return the experiment name.

property save_dir: Optional[str]

Return the root directory where experiment logs get saved, or None if the logger does not save data locally.

abstract property version: Union[int, str]

Return the experiment version.

class pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.LoggerCollection(logger_iterable)[source]

Bases: pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.LightningLoggerBase

The LoggerCollection class is used to iterate all logging actions over the given logger_iterable.


logger_iterable (Iterable[LightningLoggerBase]) – An iterable collection of loggers


Called after model checkpoint callback saves a new checkpoint.


checkpoint_callback – the model checkpoint callback instance

agg_and_log_metrics(metrics, step=None)[source]

Aggregates and records metrics. This method doesn’t log the passed metrics instantaneously, but instead it aggregates them and logs only if metrics are ready to be logged.

  • metrics (Dict[str, float]) – Dictionary with metric names as keys and measured quantities as values

  • step (Optional[int]) – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded


Deprecated since version v1.5: This method is deprecated in v1.5 and will be removed in v1.7. Please use LoggerCollection.finalize instead.

Return type



Do any processing that is necessary to finalize an experiment.


status (str) – Status that the experiment finished with (e.g. success, failed, aborted)

Return type


log_graph(model, input_array=None)[source]

Record model graph.

  • model (LightningModule) – lightning model

  • input_array – input passes to model.forward

Return type



Record hyperparameters.

  • params (Union[Dict[str, Any], Namespace]) – Namespace containing the hyperparameters

  • args – Optional positional arguments, depends on the specific logger being used

  • kwargs – Optional keywoard arguments, depends on the specific logger being used

Return type


log_image(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Log image.

Arguments are directly passed to the logger.

Return type


log_metrics(metrics, step=None)[source]

Records metrics. This method logs metrics as as soon as it received them. If you want to aggregate metrics for one specific step, use the agg_and_log_metrics() method.

  • metrics (Dict[str, float]) – Dictionary with metric names as keys and measured quantities as values

  • step (Optional[int]) – Step number at which the metrics should be recorded

Return type


log_text(*args, **kwargs)[source]

Log text.

Arguments are directly passed to the logger.

Return type



Save log data.

Return type


update_agg_funcs(agg_key_funcs=None, agg_default_func=<function mean>)[source]

Update aggregation methods.

  • agg_key_funcs (Optional[Mapping[str, Callable[[Sequence[float]], float]]]) – Dictionary which maps a metric name to a function, which will aggregate the metric values for the same steps.

  • agg_default_func (Callable[[Sequence[float]], float]) – Default function to aggregate metric values. If some metric name is not presented in the agg_key_funcs dictionary, then the agg_default_func will be used for aggregation.

property experiment: List[Any]

Returns a list of experiment objects for all the loggers in the logger collection.

property name: str

Returns the experiment names for all the loggers in the logger collection joined by an underscore.

property save_dir: Optional[str]

Returns None as checkpoints should be saved to default / chosen location when using multiple loggers.

property version: str

Returns the experiment versions for all the loggers in the logger collection joined by an underscore.

pytorch_lightning.loggers.base.merge_dicts(dicts, agg_key_funcs=None, default_func=<function mean>)[source]

Merge a sequence with dictionaries into one dictionary by aggregating the same keys with some given function.

  • dicts (Sequence[Mapping]) – Sequence of dictionaries to be merged.

  • agg_key_funcs (Optional[Mapping[str, Callable[[Sequence[float]], float]]]) – Mapping from key name to function. This function will aggregate a list of values, obtained from the same key of all dictionaries. If some key has no specified aggregation function, the default one will be used. Default is: None (all keys will be aggregated by the default function).

  • default_func (Callable[[Sequence[float]], float]) – Default function to aggregate keys, which are not presented in the agg_key_funcs map.

Return type



Dictionary with merged values.


>>> import pprint
>>> d1 = {'a': 1.7, 'b': 2.0, 'c': 1, 'd': {'d1': 1, 'd3': 3}}
>>> d2 = {'a': 1.1, 'b': 2.2, 'v': 1, 'd': {'d1': 2, 'd2': 3}}
>>> d3 = {'a': 1.1, 'v': 2.3, 'd': {'d3': 3, 'd4': {'d5': 1}}}
>>> dflt_func = min
>>> agg_funcs = {'a': np.mean, 'v': max, 'd': {'d1': sum}}
>>> pprint.pprint(merge_dicts([d1, d2, d3], agg_funcs, dflt_func))
{'a': 1.3,
 'b': 2.0,
 'c': 1,
 'd': {'d1': 3, 'd2': 3, 'd3': 3, 'd4': {'d5': 1}},
 'v': 2.3}

Returns the real experiment on rank 0 and otherwise the DummyExperiment.

Return type
