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Speed up model training

There are multiple ways you can speed up your model’s time to convergence:

GPU/TPU training

Use when: Whenever possible!

With Lightning, running on GPUs, TPUs or multiple node is a simple switch of a flag.

GPU training

Lightning supports a variety of plugins to further speed up distributed GPU training. Most notably:

# run on 1 gpu
trainer = Trainer(gpus=1)

# train on 8 gpus, using the DDP strategy
trainer = Trainer(gpus=8, strategy="ddp")

# train on multiple GPUs across nodes (uses 8 gpus in total)
trainer = Trainer(gpus=2, num_nodes=4)

GPU Training Speedup Tips

When training on single or multiple GPU machines, Lightning offers a host of advanced optimizations to improve throughput, memory efficiency, and model scaling. Refer to Advanced GPU Optimized Training for more details.

Prefer DDP over DP

DataParallelPlugin performs three GPU transfers for EVERY batch:

  1. Copy model to device.

  2. Copy data to device.

  3. Copy outputs of each device back to master.

Whereas DDPPlugin only performs 1 transfer to sync gradients, making DDP MUCH faster than DP.

When using DDP plugins, set find_unused_parameters=False

By default we have set find_unused_parameters to True for compatibility reasons that have been observed in the past (see the discussion for more details). This by default comes with a performance hit, and can be disabled in most cases.


It applies to all DDP plugins that support find_unused_parameters as input.

from pytorch_lightning.plugins import DDPPlugin

trainer = pl.Trainer(
from pytorch_lightning.plugins import DDPSpawnPlugin

trainer = pl.Trainer(
When using DDP on a multi-node cluster, set NCCL parameters

NCCL is the NVIDIA Collective Communications Library which is used under the hood by PyTorch to handle communication across nodes and GPUs. There are reported benefits in terms of speedups when adjusting NCCL parameters as seen in this issue. In the issue we see a 30% speed improvement when training the Transformer XLM-RoBERTa and a 15% improvement in training with Detectron2.

NCCL parameters can be adjusted via environment variables.


AWS and GCP already set default values for these on their clusters. This is typically useful for custom cluster setups.


When building your DataLoader set num_workers > 0 and pin_memory=True (only for GPUs).

Dataloader(dataset, num_workers=8, pin_memory=True)

The question of how many workers to specify in num_workers is tricky. Here’s a summary of some references, [1], and our suggestions:

  1. num_workers=0 means ONLY the main process will load batches (that can be a bottleneck).

  2. num_workers=1 means ONLY one worker (just not the main process) will load data but it will still be slow.

  3. The num_workers depends on the batch size and your machine.

  4. A general place to start is to set num_workers equal to the number of CPU cores on that machine. You can get the number of CPU cores in python using os.cpu_count(), but note that depending on your batch size, you may overflow RAM memory.


Increasing num_workers will ALSO increase your CPU memory consumption.

The best thing to do is to increase the num_workers slowly and stop once you see no more improvement in your training speed.

For debugging purposes or for dataloaders that load very small datasets, it is desirable to set num_workers=0. However, this will always log a warning for every dataloader with num_workers <= min(2, os.cpu_count()). In such cases, you can specifically filter this warning by using:

import warnings

    "ignore", ".*does not have many workers. Consider increasing the value of the `num_workers` argument*"

When using strategy=ddp_spawn or training on TPUs, the way multiple GPUs/TPU cores are used is by calling .spawn() under the hood. The problem is that PyTorch has issues with num_workers > 0 when using .spawn(). For this reason we recommend you use strategy=ddp so you can increase the num_workers, however your script has to be callable like so:

python my_program.py

TPU training

You can set the tpu_cores trainer flag to 1 or 8 cores.

# train on 1 TPU core
trainer = Trainer(tpu_cores=1)

# train on 8 TPU cores
trainer = Trainer(tpu_cores=8)

To train on more than 8 cores (ie: a POD), submit this script using the xla_dist script.


python -m torch_xla.distributed.xla_dist
-- python your_trainer_file.py

Read more in our Accelerators and Plugins guides.

Mixed precision (16-bit) training

Use when:

  • You want to optimize for memory usage on a GPU.

  • You have a GPU that supports 16 bit precision (NVIDIA pascal architecture or newer).

  • Your optimization algorithm (training_step) is numerically stable.

  • You want to be the cool person in the lab :p

Mixed precision combines the use of both 32 and 16 bit floating points to reduce memory footprint during model training, resulting in improved performance, achieving +3X speedups on modern GPUs.

Lightning offers mixed precision training for GPUs and CPUs, as well as bfloat16 mixed precision training for TPUs.

# 16-bit precision
trainer = Trainer(precision=16, gpus=4)

Control Training Epochs

Use when: You run a hyperparameter search to find good initial parameters and want to save time, cost (money), or power (environment). It can allow you to be more cost efficient and also run more experiments at the same time.

You can use Trainer flags to force training for a minimum number of epochs or limit to a max number of epochs. Use the min_epochs and max_epochs Trainer flags to set the number of epochs to run.

trainer = Trainer(min_epochs=1, max_epochs=1000)

If running iteration based training, i.e. infinite / iterable dataloader, you can also control the number of steps with the min_steps and max_steps flags:

trainer = Trainer(max_steps=1000)

trainer = Trainer(min_steps=100)

You can also interupt training based on training time:

# Stop after 12 hours of training or when reaching 10 epochs (string)
trainer = Trainer(max_time="00:12:00:00", max_epochs=10)

# Stop after 1 day and 5 hours (dict)
trainer = Trainer(max_time={"days": 1, "hours": 5})

Learn more in our Trainer flags guide.

Control Validation Frequency

Check validation every n epochs

Use when: You have a small dataset, and want to run less validation checks.

You can limit validation check to only run every n epochs using the check_val_every_n_epoch Trainer flag.

trainer = Trainer(check_val_every_n_epoch=1)

Set validation check frequency within 1 training epoch

Use when: You have a large training dataset, and want to run mid-epoch validation checks.

For large datasets, it’s often desirable to check validation multiple times within a training loop. Pass in a float to check that often within 1 training epoch. Pass in an int k to check every k training batches. Must use an int if using an IterableDataset.

trainer = Trainer(val_check_interval=0.95)

# check every .25 of an epoch
trainer = Trainer(val_check_interval=0.25)

# check every 100 train batches (ie: for `IterableDatasets` or fixed frequency)
trainer = Trainer(val_check_interval=100)

Learn more in our Trainer flags guide.

Limit Dataset Size

Use data subset for training, validation, and test

Use when: Debugging or running huge datasets.

If you don’t want to check 100% of the training/validation/test set set these flags:

trainer = Trainer(limit_train_batches=1.0, limit_val_batches=1.0, limit_test_batches=1.0)

# check 10%, 20%, 30% only, respectively for training, validation and test set
trainer = Trainer(limit_train_batches=0.1, limit_val_batches=0.2, limit_test_batches=0.3)

If you also pass shuffle=True to the dataloader, a different random subset of your dataset will be used for each epoch; otherwise the same subset will be used for all epochs.


limit_train_batches, limit_val_batches and limit_test_batches will be overwritten by overfit_batches if overfit_batches > 0. limit_val_batches will be ignored if fast_dev_run=True.


If you set limit_val_batches=0, validation will be disabled.

Learn more in our Trainer flags guide.

Preload Data Into RAM

Use when: You need access to all samples in a dataset at once.

When your training or preprocessing requires many operations to be performed on entire dataset(s), it can sometimes be beneficial to store all data in RAM given there is enough space. However, loading all data at the beginning of the training script has the disadvantage that it can take a long time and hence it slows down the development process. Another downside is that in multiprocessing (e.g. DDP) the data would get copied in each process. One can overcome these problems by copying the data into RAM in advance. Most UNIX-based operating systems provide direct access to tmpfs through a mount point typically named /dev/shm.

  1. Increase shared memory if necessary. Refer to the documentation of your OS how to do this.

  2. Copy training data to shared memory:

    cp -r /path/to/data/on/disk /dev/shm/
  3. Refer to the new data root in your script or command line arguments:

    datamodule = MyDataModule(data_root="/dev/shm/my_data")

Model Toggling

Use when: Performing gradient accumulation with multiple optimizers in a distributed setting.

Here is an explanation of what it does:

  • Considering the current optimizer as A and all other optimizers as B.

  • Toggling means that all parameters from B exclusive to A will have their requires_grad attribute set to False.

  • Their original state will be restored when exiting the context manager.

When performing gradient accumulation, there is no need to perform grad synchronization during the accumulation phase. Setting sync_grad to False will block this synchronization and improve your training speed.

LightningOptimizer provides a toggle_model() function as a contextlib.contextmanager() for advanced users.

Here is an example for advanced use-case:

# Scenario for a GAN with gradient accumulation every 2 batches and optimized for multiple gpus.
class SimpleGAN(LightningModule):
    def __init__(self):
        self.automatic_optimization = False

    def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
        # Implementation follows the PyTorch tutorial:
        # https://pytorch.org/tutorials/beginner/dcgan_faces_tutorial.html
        g_opt, d_opt = self.optimizers()

        X, _ = batch
        X.requires_grad = True
        batch_size = X.shape[0]

        real_label = torch.ones((batch_size, 1), device=self.device)
        fake_label = torch.zeros((batch_size, 1), device=self.device)

        # Sync and clear gradients
        # at the end of accumulation or
        # at the end of an epoch.
        is_last_batch_to_accumulate = (batch_idx + 1) % 2 == 0 or self.trainer.is_last_batch

        g_X = self.sample_G(batch_size)

        # Optimize Discriminator #
        with d_opt.toggle_model(sync_grad=is_last_batch_to_accumulate):
            d_x = self.D(X)
            errD_real = self.criterion(d_x, real_label)

            d_z = self.D(g_X.detach())
            errD_fake = self.criterion(d_z, fake_label)

            errD = errD_real + errD_fake

            if is_last_batch_to_accumulate:

        # Optimize Generator #
        with g_opt.toggle_model(sync_grad=is_last_batch_to_accumulate):
            d_z = self.D(g_X)
            errG = self.criterion(d_z, real_label)

            if is_last_batch_to_accumulate:

        self.log_dict({"g_loss": errG, "d_loss": errD}, prog_bar=True)

Set Grads to None

In order to modestly improve performance, you can override optimizer_zero_grad().

For a more detailed explanation of pros / cons of this technique, read the documentation for zero_grad() by the PyTorch team.

class Model(LightningModule):
    def optimizer_zero_grad(self, epoch, batch_idx, optimizer, optimizer_idx):

Things to avoid

.item(), .numpy(), .cpu()

Don’t call .item() anywhere in your code. Use .detach() instead to remove the connected graph calls. Lightning takes a great deal of care to be optimized for this.


Don’t call this unnecessarily! Every time you call this ALL your GPUs have to wait to sync.

Tranfering tensors to device

LightningModules know what device they are on! Construct tensors on the device directly to avoid CPU->Device transfer.

# bad
t = torch.rand(2, 2).cuda()

# good (self is LightningModule)
t = torch.rand(2, 2, device=self.device)

For tensors that need to be model attributes, it is best practice to register them as buffers in the modules’s __init__ method:

# bad
self.t = torch.rand(2, 2, device=self.device)

# good
self.register_buffer("t", torch.rand(2, 2))