Unable to access RichProgressBar

I have ‘rich’ version of 13.7.0 but ModuleNotFoundError still appears

from lightning.pytorch.callbacks.progress import TQDMProgressBar, RichProgressBar
ModuleNotFoundError                       Traceback (most recent call last)
Cell In[94], line 10
      2 checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint(
      3     monitor="val_acc",         # Monitor the validation accuracy for saving checkpoints
      4     save_top_k=1,              # Save the top 1 best model based on validation accuracy
      5     mode="max",                # Choose the mode 'max' to maximize the monitored metric (accuracy)
      6     every_n_epochs=1           # Save a checkpoint every epoch
      7 )
      9 # Create a customized progress bar theme
---> 10 progress_bar = RichProgressBar(
     11     refresh_rate=10,           # Refresh the progress bar every 10 steps
     12     leave=True,                # Leave the progress bar displayed upon completion
     13     theme=RichProgressBarTheme(
     14         description="green_yellow",           # Theme color for the description
     15         progress_bar="green1",                # Theme color for the progress bar
     16         progress_bar_finished="green1",       # Theme color for the finished progress bar
     17         progress_bar_pulse="#6206E0",         # Theme color for the pulsing progress bar
     18         batch_progress="green_yellow",        # Theme color for batch progress
     19         time="grey82",                        # Theme color for time display
     20         processing_speed="grey82",            # Theme color for processing speed display
     21         metrics="grey82"                      # Theme color for metrics display
     22     )
     23 )
    268         )
    270     super().__init__()
    271     self._refresh_rate: int = refresh_rate

ModuleNotFoundError: `RichProgressBar` requires `rich` >= 10.2.2. Install it by running `pip install -U rich`.
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