Hi all, I implemented __init__, forward, training_step, training_epoch_end, validation_step, validation_epoch_end, and configure_optimizers in my pl.LightningModule.The model is training, however training_epoch_end is never called. Am I missing something? I use the latest stable pytorch_lightning version 1.1.8.
Edit: This only happens when called from a Notebook in JupyterLab. When executing the script in the terminal, everything works fine.
Hello, my apology for the late reply. We are slowly converging to deprecate this forum in favor of the GH build-in version… Could we kindly ask you to recreate your question there - Lightning Discussions
Hi thanks, for the answer! I’m not really sure what happened there and as everything works without using JupyterLab, I think it’s rather a problem with that than with pytorch lightning. I’ll recreate the question in the github forum when the problem occurs again and I can isolate it better!