No Free Credits as a free User

@Neil_Bhatt Hi,
Sorry for bothering you, is there any update on my situation (No credits).

Hey @Neil_Bhatt Im also not getting my free credits. I made 4 accounts (didnt know that wasnt allowed) can u enable my 2nd account? its disabled but it has my main studio. I Dont use the other ones. Email of the second account is [email protected] Edit- disable or delete the others idc.
Please help.

I haven’t also got my free credits. Also there is no templates available in the studio template. Please help. I am attaching the pic of my home page.

I have the same issue, I am using business email.

i am a new user and I have the same issue

Hello I also have the same issue please help me. My username is kellychan100590. I think it is verified today but I got no credits.