How to give multiple loggers through the command line while using LightningCLI?

I am buliding my project with LightningCLI, and I want to use multiple loggers (TensorBoardLogger and WandbLogger), and I ran into some problems:

1.If I provide only one logger through command line, everything works fine

# no problem
python fit --trainer.logger+=TensorBoardLogger 

# no problem
python fit --trainer.logger+=WandbLogger
  1. If I provide two loggers, I get an error
python fit --trainer.logger+=TensorBoardLogger --trainer.logger+=WandbLogger

here’s what i got:

  1. If I write them in an YAML file, then the command line won’t work
    my YAML file for example:
    - class_path: pytorch_lightning.loggers.TensorBoardLogger
    - class_path: pytorch_lightning.loggers.WandbLogger
        name: FromYAML

and here’s my command:

python fit --config config.yaml --trainer.logger+=WandbLogger

And the logger file’s name will be “FromYAML”, though I gave “FromCLI” in the command. But the TensorBoardLogger was successfully instantiated and worked, which means LightningCLI is able to handle multiple loggers, I wonder how can I provide multiple loggers by command line?