How can I remove metric parameters from model?

Hi, I meet a problem that lightning will save my metric parameters and make pytorch cannot load weights directly, how can I exlude it?
Below is my code and

class IAT_enhancement(L.LightningModule):
    def __init__(self,blk_size,lr,weight_decay):
        self.model = MyModel()
        self.SSIM = StructuralSimilarityIndexMeasure(data_range=1.0)
        self.PSNR = PeakSignalNoiseRatio(data_range=1.0)
        self.LPIPs = LearnedPerceptualImagePatchSimilarity(net_type='squeeze')

Lightning output:

  | Name  | Type                                  | Params
0 | model | MyModel                                  | 729 K
1 | SSIM  | StructuralSimilarityIndexMeasure      | 0
2 | PSNR  | PeakSignalNoiseRatio                  | 0
3 | LPIPs | LearnedPerceptualImagePatchSimilarity | 724 K
731 K     Trainable params
722 K     Non-trainable params
1.5 M     Total params
5.815     Total estimated model params size (MB)