I’m new to pytorch lightning and trying to use the callback to save model checkpoints. But it only saved one file and overwrote it automatically. The code is the following:
checkpoint_callback = ModelCheckpoint(
dirpath='./logs/', every_n_epochs=5, save_on_train_epoch_end=True, filename=None)
model = Pix2Pix(len(forcings), 1)
trainer = pl.Trainer(max_epochs=100, gpus=1,
gradient_clip_val=1., callbacks=[checkpoint_callback])
trainer.fit(model, loader)
If my understanding correctly, it should save checkpoints every 5 epochs so the files should be epoch=4.ckpt, epoch=9.ckpt, epoch=14.ckpt, etc., But I only get one file and it seems the previous ones are all overwritten.
Also the file name has apostrophes with it. Here is a screenshot of my current log directory.
Any suggestions would be appreciated!