
Source code for pytorch_lightning.loggers.neptune

# Copyright The Lightning AI team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
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Neptune Logger
__all__ = [

import logging
import os
from argparse import Namespace
from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, List, Optional, Set, Union

from lightning_utilities.core.imports import RequirementCache
from torch import Tensor

import pytorch_lightning as pl
from lightning_fabric.utilities.logger import _add_prefix, _convert_params, _sanitize_callable_params
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import Checkpoint
from pytorch_lightning.loggers.logger import Logger, rank_zero_experiment
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.model_summary import ModelSummary
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero import rank_zero_only

# neptune is available with two names on PyPI : `neptune` and `neptune-client`
_NEPTUNE_AVAILABLE = RequirementCache("neptune")
_NEPTUNE_CLIENT_AVAILABLE = RequirementCache("neptune-client")
    # >1.0 package structure
    import neptune
    from neptune import Run
    from neptune.handler import Handler
    from neptune.utils import stringify_unsupported
    # <1.0 package structure
    import as neptune
    from import Run
    from import Handler
    from import stringify_unsupported
    # needed for tests, mocks and function signatures
    neptune, Run, Handler, stringify_unsupported = None, None, None, None

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

_INTEGRATION_VERSION_KEY = "source_code/integrations/pytorch-lightning"

[docs]class NeptuneLogger(Logger): r""" Log using `Neptune <>`_. Install it with pip: .. code-block:: bash pip install neptune or conda: .. code-block:: bash conda install -c conda-forge neptune-client **Quickstart** Pass a NeptuneLogger instance to the Trainer to log metadata with Neptune: .. code-block:: python from pytorch_lightning import Trainer from pytorch_lightning.loggers import NeptuneLogger import neptune neptune_logger = NeptuneLogger( api_key=neptune.ANONYMOUS_API_TOKEN, # replace with your own project="common/pytorch-lightning-integration", # format "workspace-name/project-name" tags=["training", "resnet"], # optional ) trainer = Trainer(max_epochs=10, logger=neptune_logger) **How to use NeptuneLogger?** Use the logger anywhere in your :class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.module.LightningModule` as follows: .. code-block:: python from neptune.types import File from pytorch_lightning import LightningModule class LitModel(LightningModule): def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): # log metrics acc = ... self.append("train/loss", loss) def any_lightning_module_function_or_hook(self): # log images img = ... self.logger.experiment["train/misclassified_images"].append(File.as_image(img)) # generic recipe metadata = ... self.logger.experiment["your/metadata/structure"] = metadata Note that the syntax ``self.logger.experiment["your/metadata/structure"].append(metadata)`` is specific to Neptune and extends the logger capabilities. It lets you log various types of metadata, such as scores, files, images, interactive visuals, and CSVs. Refer to the `Neptune docs <>`_ for details. You can also use the regular logger methods ``log_metrics()``, and ``log_hyperparams()`` with NeptuneLogger. **Log after fitting or testing is finished** You can log objects after the fitting or testing methods are finished: .. code-block:: python neptune_logger = NeptuneLogger(project="common/pytorch-lightning-integration") trainer = pl.Trainer(logger=neptune_logger) model = ... datamodule = ..., datamodule=datamodule) trainer.test(model, datamodule=datamodule) # Log objects after `fit` or `test` methods # model summary neptune_logger.log_model_summary(model=model, max_depth=-1) # generic recipe metadata = ... neptune_logger.experiment["your/metadata/structure"] = metadata **Log model checkpoints** If you have :class:`~pytorch_lightning.callbacks.ModelCheckpoint` configured, the Neptune logger automatically logs model checkpoints. Model weights will be uploaded to the "model/checkpoints" namespace in the Neptune run. You can disable this option with: .. code-block:: python neptune_logger = NeptuneLogger(log_model_checkpoints=False) **Pass additional parameters to the Neptune run** You can also pass ``neptune_run_kwargs`` to add details to the run, like ``tags`` or ``description``: .. testcode:: :skipif: not _NEPTUNE_AVAILABLE from pytorch_lightning import Trainer from pytorch_lightning.loggers import NeptuneLogger neptune_logger = NeptuneLogger( project="common/pytorch-lightning-integration", name="lightning-run", description="mlp quick run with pytorch-lightning", tags=["mlp", "quick-run"], ) trainer = Trainer(max_epochs=3, logger=neptune_logger) Check `run documentation <>`_ for more info about additional run parameters. **Details about Neptune run structure** Runs can be viewed as nested dictionary-like structures that you can define in your code. Thanks to this you can easily organize your metadata in a way that is most convenient for you. The hierarchical structure that you apply to your metadata is reflected in the Neptune web app. See also: - Read about `what objects you can log to Neptune <>`_. - Check out an `example run <>`_ with multiple types of metadata logged. - For more detailed examples, see the `user guide <>`_. Args: api_key: Optional. Neptune API token, found on upon registration. You should save your token to the `NEPTUNE_API_TOKEN` environment variable and leave the api_key argument out of your code. Instructions: `Setting your API token <>`_. project: Optional. Name of a project in the form "workspace-name/project-name", for example "tom/mask-rcnn". If ``None``, the value of `NEPTUNE_PROJECT` environment variable is used. You need to create the project on first. name: Optional. Editable name of the run. The run name is displayed in the Neptune web app. run: Optional. Default is ``None``. A Neptune ``Run`` object. If specified, this existing run will be used for logging, instead of a new run being created. You can also pass a namespace handler object; for example, ``run["test"]``, in which case all metadata is logged under the "test" namespace inside the run. log_model_checkpoints: Optional. Default is ``True``. Log model checkpoint to Neptune. Works only if ``ModelCheckpoint`` is passed to the ``Trainer``. prefix: Optional. Default is ``"training"``. Root namespace for all metadata logging. \**neptune_run_kwargs: Additional arguments like ``tags``, ``description``, ``capture_stdout``, etc. used when a run is created. Raises: ModuleNotFoundError: If the required Neptune package is not installed. ValueError: If an argument passed to the logger's constructor is incorrect. """ LOGGER_JOIN_CHAR = "/" PARAMETERS_KEY = "hyperparams" ARTIFACTS_KEY = "artifacts" def __init__( self, *, # force users to call `NeptuneLogger` initializer with `kwargs` api_key: Optional[str] = None, project: Optional[str] = None, name: Optional[str] = None, run: Optional[Union["Run", "Handler"]] = None, log_model_checkpoints: Optional[bool] = True, prefix: str = "training", **neptune_run_kwargs: Any, ): if not _NEPTUNE_AVAILABLE: raise ModuleNotFoundError(str(_NEPTUNE_AVAILABLE)) # verify if user passed proper init arguments self._verify_input_arguments(api_key, project, name, run, neptune_run_kwargs) super().__init__() self._log_model_checkpoints = log_model_checkpoints self._prefix = prefix self._run_name = name self._project_name = project self._api_key = api_key self._run_instance = run self._neptune_run_kwargs = neptune_run_kwargs self._run_short_id: Optional[str] = None if self._run_instance is not None: self._retrieve_run_data() # make sure that we've log integration version for outside `Run` instances root_obj = self._run_instance if isinstance(root_obj, Handler): root_obj = root_obj.get_root_object() root_obj[_INTEGRATION_VERSION_KEY] = pl.__version__ def _retrieve_run_data(self) -> None: assert self._run_instance is not None root_obj = self._run_instance if isinstance(root_obj, Handler): root_obj = root_obj.get_root_object() root_obj.wait() if root_obj.exists("sys/id"): self._run_short_id = root_obj["sys/id"].fetch() self._run_name = root_obj["sys/name"].fetch() else: self._run_short_id = "OFFLINE" self._run_name = "offline-name" @property def _neptune_init_args(self) -> Dict: args: Dict = {} # Backward compatibility in case of previous version retrieval try: args = self._neptune_run_kwargs except AttributeError: pass if self._project_name is not None: args["project"] = self._project_name if self._api_key is not None: args["api_token"] = self._api_key if self._run_short_id is not None: args["run"] = self._run_short_id # Backward compatibility in case of previous version retrieval try: if self._run_name is not None: args["name"] = self._run_name except AttributeError: pass return args def _construct_path_with_prefix(self, *keys: str) -> str: """Return sequence of keys joined by `LOGGER_JOIN_CHAR`, started with `_prefix` if defined.""" if self._prefix: return self.LOGGER_JOIN_CHAR.join([self._prefix, *keys]) return self.LOGGER_JOIN_CHAR.join(keys) @staticmethod def _verify_input_arguments( api_key: Optional[str], project: Optional[str], name: Optional[str], run: Optional[Union["Run", "Handler"]], neptune_run_kwargs: dict, ) -> None: # check if user passed the client `Run`/`Handler` object if run is not None and not isinstance(run, (Run, Handler)): raise ValueError("Run parameter expected to be of type `neptune.Run`, or `neptune.handler.Handler`.") # check if user passed redundant neptune.init_run arguments when passed run any_neptune_init_arg_passed = any(arg is not None for arg in [api_key, project, name]) or neptune_run_kwargs if run is not None and any_neptune_init_arg_passed: raise ValueError( "When an already initialized run object is provided" " you can't provide other neptune.init_run() parameters.\n" ) def __getstate__(self) -> Dict[str, Any]: state = self.__dict__.copy() # Run instance can't be pickled state["_run_instance"] = None return state def __setstate__(self, state: Dict[str, Any]) -> None: self.__dict__ = state self._run_instance = neptune.init_run(**self._neptune_init_args) @property @rank_zero_experiment def experiment(self) -> Run: r""" Actual Neptune run object. Allows you to use neptune logging features in your :class:`~pytorch_lightning.core.module.LightningModule`. Example:: class LitModel(LightningModule): def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx): # log metrics acc = ... self.logger.experiment["train/acc"].append(acc) # log images img = ... self.logger.experiment["train/misclassified_images"].append(File.as_image(img)) Note that the syntax ``self.logger.experiment["your/metadata/structure"].append(metadata)`` is specific to Neptune and extends the logger capabilities. It lets you log various types of metadata, such as scores, files, images, interactive visuals, and CSVs. Refer to the `Neptune docs <>`_ for more detailed explanations. You can also use the regular logger methods ``log_metrics()``, and ``log_hyperparams()`` with NeptuneLogger. """ return @property @rank_zero_experiment def run(self) -> Run: if not self._run_instance: self._run_instance = neptune.init_run(**self._neptune_init_args) self._retrieve_run_data() # make sure that we've log integration version for newly created self._run_instance[_INTEGRATION_VERSION_KEY] = pl.__version__ return self._run_instance
[docs] @rank_zero_only def log_hyperparams(self, params: Union[Dict[str, Any], Namespace]) -> None: # skipcq: PYL-W0221 r""" Log hyperparameters to the run. Hyperparameters will be logged under the "<prefix>/hyperparams" namespace. Note: You can also log parameters by directly using the logger instance: ``neptune_logger.experiment["model/hyper-parameters"] = params_dict``. In this way you can keep hierarchical structure of the parameters. Args: params: `dict`. Python dictionary structure with parameters. Example:: from pytorch_lightning.loggers import NeptuneLogger import neptune PARAMS = { "batch_size": 64, "lr": 0.07, "decay_factor": 0.97, } neptune_logger = NeptuneLogger( api_key=neptune.ANONYMOUS_API_TOKEN, project="common/pytorch-lightning-integration" ) neptune_logger.log_hyperparams(PARAMS) """ params = _convert_params(params) params = _sanitize_callable_params(params) parameters_key = self.PARAMETERS_KEY parameters_key = self._construct_path_with_prefix(parameters_key)[parameters_key] = stringify_unsupported(params)
[docs] @rank_zero_only def log_metrics(self, metrics: Dict[str, Union[Tensor, float]], step: Optional[int] = None) -> None: """Log metrics (numeric values) in Neptune runs. Args: metrics: Dictionary with metric names as keys and measured quantities as values. step: Step number at which the metrics should be recorded, currently ignored. """ if rank_zero_only.rank != 0: raise ValueError("run tried to log from global_rank != 0") metrics = _add_prefix(metrics, self._prefix, self.LOGGER_JOIN_CHAR) for key, val in metrics.items(): # `step` is ignored because Neptune expects strictly increasing step values which # Lightning does not always guarantee.[key].append(val)
[docs] @rank_zero_only def finalize(self, status: str) -> None: if not self._run_instance: # When using multiprocessing, finalize() should be a no-op on the main process, as no experiment has been # initialized there return if status:[self._construct_path_with_prefix("status")] = status super().finalize(status)
@property def save_dir(self) -> Optional[str]: """Gets the save directory of the experiment which in this case is ``None`` because Neptune does not save locally. Returns: the root directory where experiment logs get saved """ return os.path.join(os.getcwd(), ".neptune") @rank_zero_only def log_model_summary(self, model: "pl.LightningModule", max_depth: int = -1) -> None: model_str = str(ModelSummary(model=model, max_depth=max_depth))[self._construct_path_with_prefix("model/summary")] = neptune.types.File.from_content( content=model_str, extension="txt" )
[docs] @rank_zero_only def after_save_checkpoint(self, checkpoint_callback: Checkpoint) -> None: """Automatically log checkpointed model. Called after model checkpoint callback saves a new checkpoint. Args: checkpoint_callback: the model checkpoint callback instance """ if not self._log_model_checkpoints: return file_names = set() checkpoints_namespace = self._construct_path_with_prefix("model/checkpoints") # save last model if hasattr(checkpoint_callback, "last_model_path") and checkpoint_callback.last_model_path: model_last_name = self._get_full_model_name(checkpoint_callback.last_model_path, checkpoint_callback) file_names.add(model_last_name)[f"{checkpoints_namespace}/{model_last_name}"].upload(checkpoint_callback.last_model_path) # save best k models if hasattr(checkpoint_callback, "best_k_models"): for key in checkpoint_callback.best_k_models.keys(): model_name = self._get_full_model_name(key, checkpoint_callback) file_names.add(model_name)[f"{checkpoints_namespace}/{model_name}"].upload(key) # log best model path and checkpoint if hasattr(checkpoint_callback, "best_model_path") and checkpoint_callback.best_model_path:[self._construct_path_with_prefix("model/best_model_path")] = checkpoint_callback.best_model_path model_name = self._get_full_model_name(checkpoint_callback.best_model_path, checkpoint_callback) file_names.add(model_name)[f"{checkpoints_namespace}/{model_name}"].upload(checkpoint_callback.best_model_path) # remove old models logged to experiment if they are not part of best k models at this point if exp_structure = uploaded_model_names = self._get_full_model_names_from_exp_structure(exp_structure, checkpoints_namespace) for file_to_drop in list(uploaded_model_names - file_names): del[f"{checkpoints_namespace}/{file_to_drop}"] # log best model score if hasattr(checkpoint_callback, "best_model_score") and checkpoint_callback.best_model_score:[self._construct_path_with_prefix("model/best_model_score")] = ( checkpoint_callback.best_model_score.cpu().detach().numpy() )
@staticmethod def _get_full_model_name(model_path: str, checkpoint_callback: Checkpoint) -> str: """Returns model name which is string `model_path` appended to `checkpoint_callback.dirpath`.""" if hasattr(checkpoint_callback, "dirpath"): expected_model_path = f"{checkpoint_callback.dirpath}{os.path.sep}" if not model_path.startswith(expected_model_path): raise ValueError(f"{model_path} was expected to start with {expected_model_path}.") # Remove extension from filepath filepath, _ = os.path.splitext(model_path[len(expected_model_path) :]) else: filepath = model_path return filepath @classmethod def _get_full_model_names_from_exp_structure(cls, exp_structure: Dict[str, Any], namespace: str) -> Set[str]: """Returns all paths to properties which were already logged in `namespace`""" structure_keys: List[str] = namespace.split(cls.LOGGER_JOIN_CHAR) for key in structure_keys: exp_structure = exp_structure[key] uploaded_models_dict = exp_structure return set(cls._dict_paths(uploaded_models_dict)) @classmethod def _dict_paths(cls, d: Dict[str, Any], path_in_build: Optional[str] = None) -> Generator: for k, v in d.items(): path = f"{path_in_build}/{k}" if path_in_build is not None else k if not isinstance(v, dict): yield path else: yield from cls._dict_paths(v, path) @property def name(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the experiment name or 'offline-name' when exp is run in offline mode.""" return self._run_name @property def version(self) -> Optional[str]: """Return the experiment version. It's Neptune Run's short_id """ return self._run_short_id

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