Fine-Tuning Scheduler
Author: Dan Dale
License: CC BY-SA
Generated: 2023-01-05T12:03:14.890703
This notebook introduces the Fine-Tuning Scheduler extension and demonstrates the use of it to fine-tune a small foundational model on the RTE task of SuperGLUE with iterative early-stopping defined according to a user-specified schedule. It uses Hugging Face’s datasets
and transformers
libraries to
retrieve the relevant benchmark data and foundational model weights. The required dependencies are installed via the finetuning-scheduler [examples]
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This notebook requires some packages besides pytorch-lightning.
! pip install --quiet "pytorch-lightning>=1.4, <1.9" "finetuning-scheduler[examples]>=0.3.0" "ipython[notebook]>=8.0.0, <8.9.0" "datasets<2.8.0" "torch>=1.8.1, <1.14.0" "setuptools==65.6.3" "torchmetrics>=0.7, <0.12"
WARNING: Running pip as the 'root' user can result in broken permissions and conflicting behaviour with the system package manager. It is recommended to use a virtual environment instead:
Scheduled Fine-Tuning with the Fine-Tuning Scheduler Extension
The Fine-Tuning Scheduler extension accelerates and enhances model experimentation with flexible fine-tuning schedules.
Training with the extension is simple and confers a host of benefits:
it dramatically increases fine-tuning flexibility
expedites and facilitates exploration of model tuning dynamics
enables marginal performance improvements of fine-tuned models
Setup is straightforward, just install from PyPI! Since this notebook-based example requires a few additional packages (e.g. transformers
, sentencepiece
), we installed the finetuning-scheduler
package with the [examples]
extra above. Once the finetuning-scheduler
package is installed, the FinetuningScheduler callback is available for use
with PyTorch Lightning. For additional installation options, please see the Fine-Tuning Scheduler README.
Fundamentally, Fine-Tuning Scheduler enables scheduled, multi-phase, fine-tuning of foundational models. Gradual unfreezing (i.e. thawing) can help maximize foundational model knowledge retention while allowing (typically upper layers of) the model to optimally adapt to new tasks during transfer learning 1, 2, 3
The FinetuningScheduler callback orchestrates the gradual unfreezing of models via a fine-tuning schedule that is either implicitly generated (the default) or explicitly provided by the user (more computationally efficient). Fine-tuning phase transitions are driven by
FTSEarlyStopping criteria (a multi-phase extension of EarlyStopping
packaged with FinetuningScheduler), user-specified epoch transitions or a composition of the two (the default mode). A
FinetuningScheduler training session completes when the final phase of the schedule has its stopping criteria met. See the early stopping documentation for more details on that callback’s configuration.
Basic Usage
If no fine-tuning schedule is provided by the user, FinetuningScheduler will generate a default schedule and proceed to fine-tune according to the generated schedule, using default
FTSEarlyStopping and FTSCheckpoint callbacks with monitor=val_loss
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
from finetuning_scheduler import FinetuningScheduler
trainer = Trainer(callbacks=[FinetuningScheduler()])
The Default Fine-Tuning Schedule
Schedule definition is facilitated via the gen_ft_schedule method which dumps a default fine-tuning schedule (by default using a naive, 2-parameters per level heuristic) which can be adjusted as desired by the user and/or subsequently passed to the callback. Using the default/implicitly generated schedule will likely be less computationally efficient than a user-defined fine-tuning schedule but is useful for exploring a model’s fine-tuning behavior and can serve as a good baseline for subsequent explicit schedule refinement. While the current version of FinetuningScheduler only supports single optimizer and (optional) lr_scheduler configurations, per-phase maximum learning rates can be set as demonstrated in the next section.
Specifying a Fine-Tuning Schedule
To specify a fine-tuning schedule, it’s convenient to first generate the default schedule and then alter the thawed/unfrozen parameter groups associated with each fine-tuning phase as desired. Fine-tuning phases are zero-indexed and executed in ascending order.
First, generate the default schedule to
. It will be named after yourLightningModule
subclass with the suffix_ft_schedule.yaml
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
from finetuning_scheduler import FinetuningScheduler
trainer = Trainer(callbacks=[FinetuningScheduler(gen_ft_sched_only=True)])
Alter the schedule as desired.
Once the fine-tuning schedule has been altered as desired, pass it to FinetuningScheduler to commence scheduled training:
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
from finetuning_scheduler import FinetuningScheduler
trainer = Trainer(callbacks=[FinetuningScheduler(ft_schedule="/path/to/my/schedule/my_schedule.yaml")])
Early-Stopping and Epoch-Driven Phase Transition Criteria
By default, FTSEarlyStopping and epoch-driven transition criteria are composed. If a max_transition_epoch
is specified for a given phase, the next fine-tuning phase will begin at that epoch unless
FTSEarlyStopping criteria are met first. If FinetuningScheduler.epoch_transitions_only is True
FTSEarlyStopping will not be used and transitions will be exclusively epoch-driven.
Tip: Use of regex expressions can be convenient for specifying more complex schedules. Also, a per-phase base maximum lr can be specified:
The end-to-end example in this notebook (Scheduled Fine-Tuning For SuperGLUE) uses FinetuningScheduler in explicit mode to fine-tune a small foundational model on the RTE task of SuperGLUE. Please see the official Fine-Tuning Scheduler documentation if you are interested in a similar CLI-based example using the LightningCLI.
Resuming Scheduled Fine-Tuning Training Sessions
Resumption of scheduled fine-tuning training is identical to the continuation of other training sessions with the caveat that the provided checkpoint must have been saved by a FinetuningScheduler session.
FinetuningScheduler uses FTSCheckpoint (an extension of ModelCheckpoint
) to maintain schedule state with special metadata.
from pytorch_lightning import Trainer
from finetuning_scheduler import FinetuningScheduler
trainer = Trainer(callbacks=[FinetuningScheduler()]), ckpt_path="some/path/to/my_checkpoint.ckpt")
Training will resume at the depth/level of the provided checkpoint according to the specified schedule. Schedules can be altered between training sessions but schedule compatibility is left to the user for maximal flexibility. If executing a user-defined schedule, typically the same schedule should be provided for the original and resumed training sessions.
By default (FinetuningScheduler.restore_best is True
), FinetuningScheduler will attempt to restore the best available checkpoint before fine-tuning depth transitions.
trainer = Trainer(callbacks=[FinetuningScheduler()]), ckpt_path="some/path/to/my_kth_best_checkpoint.ckpt")
Note that similar to the behavior of ModelCheckpoint, (specifically this PR), when resuming training with a different FTSCheckpoint dirpath
from the provided checkpoint,
the new training session’s checkpoint state will be re-initialized at the resumption depth with the provided checkpoint being set as the best checkpoint.
Note: Currently, FinetuningScheduler supports the following strategy types:
(and its aliases e.g.ddp_notebook
Custom or officially unsupported strategies can be used by setting FinetuningScheduler.allow_untested to True
. Note that most currently unsupported strategies are so because they require varying degrees of modification to be compatible (e.g. deepspeed
requires an add_param_group
method, tpu_spawn
an override of the current broadcast method to include python objects)
Scheduled Fine-Tuning For SuperGLUE
The following example demonstrates the use of FinetuningScheduler to fine-tune a small foundational model on the RTE task of SuperGLUE. Iterative early-stopping will be applied according to a user-specified schedule.
import os
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from typing import Any, Dict, List, Optional
from packaging.version import Version
import sentencepiece as sp # noqa: F401 # isort: split
import datasets
import evaluate
import pytorch_lightning as pl
import torch
from datasets import logging as datasets_logging
from lightning_lite.accelerators.cuda import is_cuda_available
from pytorch_lightning.callbacks import EarlyStopping, ModelCheckpoint
from pytorch_lightning.loggers.tensorboard import TensorBoardLogger
from pytorch_lightning.utilities import rank_zero_warn
from torch.optim.lr_scheduler import CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts
from import DataLoader
from transformers import AutoConfig, AutoModelForSequenceClassification, AutoTokenizer
from transformers import logging as transformers_logging
from transformers.tokenization_utils_base import BatchEncoding
if Version(torch.__version__) == Version("1.12.0") or torch.__version__.startswith("1.12.0"):
# we need to use a patched version of AdamW to fix
# and allow examples to succeed with torch 1.12.0 (this torch bug is fixed in 1.12.1)
from fts_examples.patched_adamw import AdamW
from torch.optim.adamw import AdamW
# Import the `FinetuningScheduler` PyTorch Lightning extension module we want to use. This will import all necessary callbacks.
import finetuning_scheduler as fts # isort: split
# set notebook-level variables
TASK_NUM_LABELS = {"boolq": 2, "rte": 2}
# reduce hf logging verbosity to focus on tutorial-relevant code/messages
for hflogger in [transformers_logging, datasets_logging]:
# ignore warnings related tokenizers_parallelism/DataLoader parallelism trade-off and
# expected logging behavior
for warnf in [
r".*does not have many workers.*",
r".*The number of training samples.*",
r".*converting to a fast.*",
r".*number of training batches.*",
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", warnf)
class RteBoolqDataModule(pl.LightningDataModule):
"""A ``LightningDataModule`` designed for both the RTE or BoolQ SuperGLUE Hugging Face datasets."""
TASK_TEXT_FIELD_MAP = {"rte": ("premise", "hypothesis"), "boolq": ("question", "passage")}
def __init__(
model_name_or_path: str,
task_name: str = DEFAULT_TASK,
max_seq_length: int = 128,
train_batch_size: int = 16,
eval_batch_size: int = 16,
tokenizers_parallelism: bool = True,
**dataloader_kwargs: Any,
r"""Initialize the ``LightningDataModule`` designed for both the RTE or BoolQ SuperGLUE Hugging Face
model_name_or_path (str):
Can be either:
- A string, the ``model id`` of a pretrained model hosted inside a model repo on
Valid model ids can be located at the root-level, like ``bert-base-uncased``, or namespaced under
a user or organization name, like ``dbmdz/bert-base-german-cased``.
- A path to a ``directory`` containing model weights saved using
:meth:`~transformers.PreTrainedModel.save_pretrained`, e.g., ``./my_model_directory/``.
task_name (str, optional): Name of the SuperGLUE task to execute. This module supports 'rte' or 'boolq'.
Defaults to DEFAULT_TASK which is 'rte'.
max_seq_length (int, optional): Length to which we will pad sequences or truncate input. Defaults to 128.
train_batch_size (int, optional): Training batch size. Defaults to 16.
eval_batch_size (int, optional): Batch size to use for validation and testing splits. Defaults to 16.
tokenizers_parallelism (bool, optional): Whether to use parallelism in the tokenizer. Defaults to True.
\**dataloader_kwargs: Arguments passed when initializing the dataloader
task_name = task_name if task_name in TASK_NUM_LABELS.keys() else DEFAULT_TASK
self.text_fields = self.TASK_TEXT_FIELD_MAP[task_name]
self.dataloader_kwargs = {
"num_workers": dataloader_kwargs.get("num_workers", 0),
"pin_memory": dataloader_kwargs.get("pin_memory", False),
os.environ["TOKENIZERS_PARALLELISM"] = "true" if self.hparams.tokenizers_parallelism else "false"
self.tokenizer = AutoTokenizer.from_pretrained(
self.hparams.model_name_or_path, use_fast=True, local_files_only=False
def prepare_data(self):
"""Load the SuperGLUE dataset."""
# N.B. PL calls prepare_data from a single process (rank 0) so do not use it to assign
# state (e.g. self.x=y)
datasets.load_dataset("super_glue", self.hparams.task_name)
def setup(self, stage):
"""Setup our dataset splits for training/validation."""
self.dataset = datasets.load_dataset("super_glue", self.hparams.task_name)
for split in self.dataset.keys():
self.dataset[split] = self.dataset[split].map(
self._convert_to_features, batched=True, remove_columns=["label"]
self.columns = [c for c in self.dataset[split].column_names if c in self.LOADER_COLUMNS]
self.dataset[split].set_format(type="torch", columns=self.columns)
self.eval_splits = [x for x in self.dataset.keys() if "validation" in x]
def train_dataloader(self):
return DataLoader(self.dataset["train"], batch_size=self.hparams.train_batch_size, **self.dataloader_kwargs)
def val_dataloader(self):
return DataLoader(self.dataset["validation"], batch_size=self.hparams.eval_batch_size, **self.dataloader_kwargs)
def _convert_to_features(self, example_batch: datasets.arrow_dataset.Batch) -> BatchEncoding:
"""Convert raw text examples to a :class:`~transformers.tokenization_utils_base.BatchEncoding` container
(derived from python dict) of features that includes helpful methods for translating between word/character
space and token space.
example_batch ([type]): The set of examples to convert to token space.
``BatchEncoding``: A batch of encoded examples (note default tokenizer batch_size=1000)
text_pairs = list(zip(example_batch[self.text_fields[0]], example_batch[self.text_fields[1]]))
# Tokenize the text/text pairs
features = self.tokenizer.batch_encode_plus(
text_pairs, max_length=self.hparams.max_seq_length, padding="longest", truncation=True
# Rename label to labels to make it easier to pass to model forward
features["labels"] = example_batch["label"]
return features
class RteBoolqModule(pl.LightningModule):
"""A ``LightningModule`` that can be used to fine-tune a foundational model on either the RTE or BoolQ
SuperGLUE tasks using Hugging Face implementations of a given model and the `SuperGLUE Hugging Face dataset."""
def __init__(
model_name_or_path: str,
optimizer_init: Dict[str, Any],
lr_scheduler_init: Dict[str, Any],
model_cfg: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
task_name: str = DEFAULT_TASK,
experiment_tag: str = "default",
model_name_or_path (str): Path to pretrained model or identifier from
optimizer_init (Dict[str, Any]): The desired optimizer configuration.
lr_scheduler_init (Dict[str, Any]): The desired learning rate scheduler config
model_cfg (Optional[Dict[str, Any]], optional): Defines overrides of the default model config. Defaults to
task_name (str, optional): The SuperGLUE task to execute, one of ``'rte'``, ``'boolq'``. Defaults to "rte".
experiment_tag (str, optional): The tag to use for the experiment and tensorboard logs. Defaults to
if task_name not in TASK_NUM_LABELS.keys():
rank_zero_warn(f"Invalid task_name {task_name!r}. Proceeding with the default task: {DEFAULT_TASK!r}")
task_name = DEFAULT_TASK
self.num_labels = TASK_NUM_LABELS[task_name]
self.model_cfg = model_cfg or {}
conf = AutoConfig.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, num_labels=self.num_labels, local_files_only=False)
self.model = AutoModelForSequenceClassification.from_pretrained(model_name_or_path, config=conf)
self.model.config.update(self.model_cfg) # apply model config overrides
self.init_hparams = {
"optimizer_init": optimizer_init,
"lr_scheduler_init": lr_scheduler_init,
"model_config": self.model.config,
"model_name_or_path": model_name_or_path,
"task_name": task_name,
"experiment_id": f"{'%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')}_{experiment_tag}",
self.metric = evaluate.load("super_glue", self.hparams.task_name, experiment_id=self.hparams.experiment_id)
self.no_decay = ["bias", "LayerNorm.weight"]
def finetuningscheduler_callback(self) -> fts.FinetuningScheduler:
fts_callback = [c for c in self.trainer.callbacks if isinstance(c, fts.FinetuningScheduler)]
return fts_callback[0] if fts_callback else None
def forward(self, **inputs):
return self.model(**inputs)
def training_step(self, batch, batch_idx):
outputs = self(**batch)
loss = outputs[0]
self.log("train_loss", loss)
return loss
def training_epoch_end(self, outputs: List[Any]) -> None:
if self.finetuningscheduler_callback:
self.log("finetuning_schedule_depth", float(self.finetuningscheduler_callback.curr_depth))
def validation_step(self, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx=0):
outputs = self(**batch)
val_loss, logits = outputs[:2]
if self.num_labels >= 1:
preds = torch.argmax(logits, axis=1)
elif self.num_labels == 1:
preds = logits.squeeze()
labels = batch["labels"]
self.log("val_loss", val_loss, prog_bar=True)
metric_dict = self.metric.compute(predictions=preds, references=labels)
self.log_dict(metric_dict, prog_bar=True)
def _init_param_groups(self) -> List[Dict]:
"""Initialize the parameter groups. Used to ensure weight_decay is not applied to our specified bias
parameters when we initialize the optimizer.
List[Dict]: A list of parameter group dictionaries.
return [
"params": [
for n, p in self.model.named_parameters()
if not any(nd in n for nd in self.no_decay) and p.requires_grad
"weight_decay": self.hparams.optimizer_init["weight_decay"],
"params": [
for n, p in self.model.named_parameters()
if any(nd in n for nd in self.no_decay) and p.requires_grad
"weight_decay": 0.0,
def configure_optimizers(self):
# the phase 0 parameters will have been set to require gradients during setup
# you can initialize the optimizer with a simple requires.grad filter as is often done,
# but in this case we pass a list of parameter groups to ensure weight_decay is
# not applied to the bias parameter (for completeness, in this case it won't make much
# performance difference)
optimizer = AdamW(params=self._init_param_groups(), **self.hparams.optimizer_init)
scheduler = {
"scheduler": CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts(optimizer, **self.hparams.lr_scheduler_init),
"interval": "epoch",
return [optimizer], [scheduler]
Our Training Sessions
We’ll be comparing three different fine-tuning training configurations. Every configuration in this example depends upon a shared set of defaults, only differing in their respective fine-tuning schedules.
Experiment Tag |
Training Scenario Description |
Training with a fine-tuning schedule explicitly provided by the user |
A baseline fine-tuning training session (without scheduled fine-tuning) |
Training with an implicitly generated fine-tuning schedule (the default) |
Let’s begin by configuring the fts_explicit
scenario. We’ll subsequently run the other two scenarios for comparison.
# Let's create a fine-tuning schedule for our model and run an explicitly scheduled fine-tuning training scenario with it
# Please see the [FinetuningScheduler documentation]( for a full description of the schedule format
ft_schedule_yaml = """
- model.classifier.bias
- model.classifier.weight
- model.pooler.dense.bias
- model.pooler.dense.weight
- model.deberta.encoder.LayerNorm.bias
- model.deberta.encoder.LayerNorm.weight
- model.deberta.encoder.rel_embeddings.weight
- model.deberta.encoder.layer.{0,11}.(output|attention|intermediate).*
- model.deberta.embeddings.LayerNorm.bias
- model.deberta.embeddings.LayerNorm.weight
- model.deberta.embeddings.word_embeddings.weight
ft_schedule_name = "RteBoolqModule_ft_schedule_deberta_base.yaml"
# Let's write the schedule to a file so we can simulate loading an explicitly defined fine-tuning
# schedule.
with open(ft_schedule_name, "w") as f:
dm = RteBoolqDataModule(model_name_or_path="microsoft/deberta-v3-base", tokenizers_parallelism=True)
Global seed set to 42
Optimizer Configuration
Though other optimizers can arguably yield some marginal advantage contingent on the context, the Adam optimizer (and the AdamW version which implements decoupled weight decay) remains robust to hyperparameter choices and is commonly used for fine-tuning foundational language models. See (Sivaprasad et al., 2020) and (Mosbach, Andriushchenko & Klakow, 2020) for theoretical and systematic empirical justifications of Adam and its use in fine-tuning large transformer-based language models. The values used here have some justification in the referenced literature but have been largely empirically determined and while a good starting point could be could be further tuned.
optimizer_init = {"weight_decay": 1e-05, "eps": 1e-07, "lr": 1e-05}
LR Scheduler Configuration
The CosineAnnealingWarmRestarts scheduler nicely fits with our iterative fine-tuning since it does not depend upon a global max_epoch value. The importance of initial warmup is reduced due to the innate warmup effect of Adam bias correction [5] and the gradual thawing we are performing. Note that commonly used LR schedulers that depend on providing max_iterations/epochs (e.g. the CosineWarmupScheduler used in other pytorch-lightning tutorials) also work with FinetuningScheduler. Though the LR scheduler is theoretically justified (Loshchilov & Hutter, 2016), the particular values provided here are primarily empircally driven.
FinetuningScheduler also supports LR scheduler reinitialization in both explicit and implicit finetuning schedule modes. See the advanced usage documentation for explanations and demonstration of the extension’s support for more complex requirements.
lr_scheduler_init = {"T_0": 1, "T_mult": 2, "eta_min": 1e-07}
# Load our lightning module...
lightning_module_kwargs = {
"model_name_or_path": "microsoft/deberta-v3-base",
"optimizer_init": optimizer_init,
"lr_scheduler_init": lr_scheduler_init,
model = RteBoolqModule(**lightning_module_kwargs, experiment_tag="fts_explicit")
Callback Configuration
The only callback required to invoke the FinetuningScheduler is the FinetuningScheduler callback itself. Default versions of
FTSCheckpoint and FTSEarlyStopping (if not specifying epoch_only_transitions
) will be included (as discussed above) if not provided in the callbacks list. For
demonstration purposes I’m including example configurations of all three callbacks below.
# let's save our callback configurations for the explicit scenario since we'll be reusing the same
# configurations for the implicit and nofts_baseline scenarios (except the config for the
# FinetuningScheduler callback itself of course in the case of nofts_baseline)
earlystopping_kwargs = {"monitor": "val_loss", "min_delta": 0.001, "patience": 2}
checkpoint_kwargs = {"monitor": "val_loss", "save_top_k": 1}
fts_kwargs = {"max_depth": 1}
callbacks = [
fts.FinetuningScheduler(ft_schedule=ft_schedule_name, **fts_kwargs),
logger = TensorBoardLogger("lightning_logs", name="fts_explicit")
# optionally start tensorboard and monitor progress graphically while viewing multi-phase fine-tuning specific training
# logs in the cell output below by uncommenting the next 2 lines
# %load_ext tensorboard
# %tensorboard --logdir lightning_logs
# disable progress bar by default to focus on multi-phase training logs. Set to True to re-enable if desired
enable_progress_bar = False
def train() -> None:
trainer = pl.Trainer(
devices=1 if is_cuda_available() else None,
), datamodule=dm)
"Note given the computation associated w/ the multiple phases of fine-tuning demonstrated, this notebook is best used with an accelerator"
Using 16bit native Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP)
GPU available: True (cuda), used: True
TPU available: False, using: 0 TPU cores
IPU available: False, using: 0 IPUs
HPU available: False, using: 0 HPUs
Note given the computation associated w/ the multiple phases of fine-tuning demonstrated, this notebook is best used with an accelerator
Downloading and preparing dataset super_glue/rte to /root/.cache/huggingface/datasets/super_glue/rte/1.0.3/bb9675f958ebfee0d5d6dc5476fafe38c79123727a7258d515c450873dbdbbed...
Missing logger folder: lightning_logs/fts_explicit
Dataset super_glue downloaded and prepared to /root/.cache/huggingface/datasets/super_glue/rte/1.0.3/bb9675f958ebfee0d5d6dc5476fafe38c79123727a7258d515c450873dbdbbed. Subsequent calls will reuse this data.
fine-tuning schedule dumped to lightning_logs/fts_explicit/version_0/RteBoolqModule_ft_schedule.yaml.
| Name | Type | Params
0 | model | DebertaV2ForSequenceClassification | 184 M
86.0 M Trainable params
98.4 M Non-trainable params
184 M Total params
368.847 Total estimated model params size (MB)
Restoring states from the checkpoint path at lightning_logs/fts_explicit/version_0/checkpoints/epoch=1-step=312.ckpt
Restored all states from the checkpoint file at lightning_logs/fts_explicit/version_0/checkpoints/epoch=1-step=312.ckpt
Multi-phase fine-tuned training continuing at level 1.
Running the Baseline and Implicit Fine-Tuning Scenarios
Let’s now compare our nofts_baseline
and fts_implicit
scenarios with the fts_explicit
one we just ran.
We’ll need to update our callbacks list, using the core PL EarlyStopping
and ModelCheckpoint
callbacks for the nofts_baseline
(which operate identically to their FTS analogs apart from the recursive training support). For both core PyTorch Lightning and user-registered callbacks, we can define our callbacks using a dictionary as we do with the LightningCLI. This allows us to avoid managing imports and support more complex configuration separated from code.
Note that we’ll be using identical callback configurations to the fts_explicit
scenario. Keeping max_depth for the implicit schedule will limit fine-tuning to just the last 4 parameters of the model, which is only a small fraction of the parameters you’d want to tune for maximum performance. Since the implicit schedule
is quite computationally intensive and most useful for exploring model behavior, leaving max_depth 1 allows us to demo implicit mode behavior while keeping the computational cost and runtime of this notebook reasonable. To review how a full implicit mode run compares to the nofts_baseline
and fts_explicit
scenarios, please see the the following tensorboard experiment summary.
nofts_callbacks = [EarlyStopping(**earlystopping_kwargs), ModelCheckpoint(**checkpoint_kwargs)]
fts_implicit_callbacks = [
scenario_callbacks = {"nofts_baseline": nofts_callbacks, "fts_implicit": fts_implicit_callbacks}
for scenario_name, scenario_callbacks in scenario_callbacks.items():
model = RteBoolqModule(**lightning_module_kwargs, experiment_tag=scenario_name)
logger = TensorBoardLogger("lightning_logs", name=scenario_name)
callbacks = scenario_callbacks
print(f"Beginning training the '{scenario_name}' scenario")
Using 16bit native Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP)
GPU available: True (cuda), used: True
TPU available: False, using: 0 TPU cores
IPU available: False, using: 0 IPUs
HPU available: False, using: 0 HPUs
Beginning training the 'nofts_baseline' scenario
Missing logger folder: lightning_logs/nofts_baseline
| Name | Type | Params
0 | model | DebertaV2ForSequenceClassification | 184 M
184 M Trainable params
0 Non-trainable params
184 M Total params
368.847 Total estimated model params size (MB)
Using 16bit native Automatic Mixed Precision (AMP)
GPU available: True (cuda), used: True
TPU available: False, using: 0 TPU cores
IPU available: False, using: 0 IPUs
HPU available: False, using: 0 HPUs
Beginning training the 'fts_implicit' scenario
Missing logger folder: lightning_logs/fts_implicit
fine-tuning schedule dumped to lightning_logs/fts_implicit/version_0/RteBoolqModule_ft_schedule.yaml.
Generated default fine-tuning schedule 'lightning_logs/fts_implicit/version_0/RteBoolqModule_ft_schedule.yaml' for iterative fine-tuning
| Name | Type | Params
0 | model | DebertaV2ForSequenceClassification | 184 M
1.5 K Trainable params
184 M Non-trainable params
184 M Total params
368.847 Total estimated model params size (MB)
Restoring states from the checkpoint path at lightning_logs/fts_implicit/version_0/checkpoints/epoch=0-step=156.ckpt
Restored all states from the checkpoint file at lightning_logs/fts_implicit/version_0/checkpoints/epoch=0-step=156.ckpt
Multi-phase fine-tuned training continuing at level 1.
Reviewing the Training Results
See the tensorboard experiment summaries to get a sense of the relative computational and performance tradeoffs associated with these FinetuningScheduler configurations. The summary compares a full fts_implicit
execution to fts_explicit
and nofts_baseline
scenarios using DDP training
with 2 GPUs. The full logs/schedules and detailed system configuration used for all three scenarios are available here and the checkpoints produced in the scenarios here (caution, ~3.5GB).
Note that the results above may vary to a small degree from the tensorboard summaries generated by this notebook which used DP, 1 GPU and likely when you’re running this, different versions of certain software components (e.g. pytorch, transformers).
FinetuningScheduler expands the space of possible fine-tuning schedules and the composition of more sophisticated schedules can yield marginal fine-tuning performance gains. That stated, it should be emphasized the primary utility of FinetuningScheduler is to grant greater fine-tuning flexibility for model exploration in research. For example, glancing at DeBERTa-v3’s implicit training run, a critical tuning transition point is immediately apparent:
Our val_loss
begins a precipitous decline at step 3119 which corresponds to phase 17 in the schedule. Referring to our schedule, in phase 17 we’re beginning tuning the attention parameters of our 10th encoder layer (of 11). Interesting! Though beyond the scope of this tutorial, it might be worth investigating these dynamics further and FinetuningScheduler
allows one to do just that quite easily.
Note that though this example is intended to capture a common usage scenario, substantial variation is expected among use cases and models. In summary, FinetuningScheduler provides increased fine-tuning flexibility that can be useful in a variety of contexts from exploring model tuning behavior to maximizing performance.
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Chronopoulou, A., Baziotis, C., & Potamianos, A. (2019). An embarrassingly simple approach for transfer learning from pretrained language models. arXiv preprint arXiv:1902.10547. ↩
Peters, M. E., Ruder, S., & Smith, N. A. (2019). To tune or not to tune? adapting pretrained representations to diverse tasks. arXiv preprint arXiv:1903.05987. ↩
Sivaprasad, P. T., Mai, F., Vogels, T., Jaggi, M., & Fleuret, F. (2020). Optimizer benchmarking needs to account for hyperparameter tuning. In International Conference on Machine Learning (pp. 9036-9045). PMLR. ↩
Mosbach, M., Andriushchenko, M., & Klakow, D. (2020). On the stability of fine-tuning bert: Misconceptions, explanations, and strong baselines. arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.04884. ↩
Loshchilov, I., & Hutter, F. (2016). Sgdr: Stochastic gradient descent with warm restarts. arXiv preprint arXiv:1608.03983. ↩
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