
Source code for pytorch_lightning.loops.epoch.prediction_epoch_loop

from collections import OrderedDict
from typing import Any, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple

import torch
from deprecate import void

from pytorch_lightning.loops.base import Loop
from pytorch_lightning.overrides.distributed import IndexBatchSamplerWrapper
from pytorch_lightning.trainer.progress import Progress
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.apply_func import move_data_to_device
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.warnings import WarningCache

warning_cache = WarningCache()

[docs]class PredictionEpochLoop(Loop): """Loop performing prediction on arbitrary sequentially used dataloaders.""" def __init__(self) -> None: super().__init__() self.return_predictions: bool = False self.predictions: List[Any] = [] self.current_batch_indices: List[int] = [] self.batch_progress = Progress() self._dl_max_batches: Optional[int] = None self._num_dataloaders: Optional[int] = None self._warning_cache = WarningCache() self._all_batch_indices: List[int] = [] @property def done(self) -> bool: """Ends prediction when the iteration count exceeds the total number of available batches.""" return self.batch_progress.current.completed >= self._dl_max_batches @property def should_store_predictions(self) -> bool: """Whether the predictions should be stored for later usage (e.g. aggregation or returning)""" any_pred = any(cb.interval.on_epoch for cb in self.trainer.prediction_writer_callbacks) return self.return_predictions or any_pred
[docs] def connect(self, **kwargs: "Loop") -> None: raise NotImplementedError(f"{self.__class__.__name__} does not connect any child loops.")
[docs] def reset(self) -> None: """Resets the loops internal state.""" self._all_batch_indices: List[int] = [] self.predictions: List[Any] = [] self.batch_progress.reset_on_run()
[docs] def on_run_start( self, dataloader_iter: Iterator, dataloader_idx: int, dl_max_batches: int, num_dataloaders: int, return_predictions: bool = False, ) -> None: """Prepares the loops internal state. Args: dataloader_iter: the iterator over the current dataloader dataloader_idx: the index of the current dataloader dl_max_batches: the maximum number of batches the current loader can produce num_dataloaders: the total number of dataloaders return_predictions: whether to return the obtained predictions """ void(dataloader_iter, dataloader_idx) self._dl_max_batches = dl_max_batches self._num_dataloaders = num_dataloaders self.return_predictions = return_predictions
[docs] def advance( self, dataloader_iter: Iterator, dataloader_idx: int, dl_max_batches: int, num_dataloaders: int, return_predictions: bool = False, ) -> None: """Runs one prediction step. Args: dataloader_iter: the iterator over the current dataloader dataloader_idx: the index of the current dataloader dl_max_batches: the maximum number of batches the current loader can produce num_dataloaders: the total number of dataloaders return_predictions: whether to return the obtained predictions """ batch_idx, batch = next(dataloader_iter) if batch is None: raise StopIteration with self.trainer.profiler.profile("predict_batch_to_device"): batch = self.trainer.accelerator.batch_to_device(batch, dataloader_idx=dataloader_idx) self.batch_progress.increment_ready() with self.trainer.profiler.profile("predict_step"): self._predict_step(batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx)
[docs] def on_run_end(self) -> Tuple[List[Any], List[int]]: """Returns the predictions and the corresponding batch indices.""" predictions = self.predictions all_batch_indices = self._all_batch_indices # free memory self.predictions = [] self._all_batch_indices = [] return predictions, all_batch_indices
def _predict_step(self, batch: Any, batch_idx: int, dataloader_idx: int) -> None: """Runs the actual predict step together with all the necessary bookkeeping and the hooks tied to the predict step. Args: batch: the current batch to run the prediction on batch_idx: the index of the current batch dataloader_idx: the index of the dataloader producing the current batch """ # configure step_kwargs step_kwargs = self._build_kwargs(batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx) # extract batch_indices and store them self._store_batch_indices(dataloader_idx) model_ref = self.trainer.lightning_module self.trainer.call_hook("on_predict_batch_start", batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx) self.batch_progress.increment_started() model_ref._current_fx_name = "predict_step" predictions = self.trainer.accelerator.predict_step(step_kwargs) self.batch_progress.increment_processed() if predictions is None: self._warning_cache.warn("predict returned None if it was on purpose, ignore this warning...") self.trainer.call_hook("on_predict_batch_end", predictions, batch, batch_idx, dataloader_idx) self.batch_progress.increment_completed() if self.should_store_predictions: self.predictions.append(move_data_to_device(predictions, torch.device("cpu"))) def _build_kwargs(self, batch: Any, batch_idx: int, dataloader_idx: int) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Assembles the keyword arguments for the ``predict_step`` Args: batch: the current batch to run the prediction on batch_idx: the index of the current batch dataloader_idx: the index of the dataloader producing the current batch Returns: the dictionary containing all the keyboard arguments for the predict step """ step_kwargs = OrderedDict([("batch", batch), ("batch_idx", batch_idx)]) if self._num_dataloaders > 1: step_kwargs["dataloader_idx"] = dataloader_idx return step_kwargs def _store_batch_indices(self, dataloader_idx: int) -> None: """Stores the batch indices if the predictions should be stored.""" batch_sampler = self.trainer.predict_dataloaders[dataloader_idx].batch_sampler if isinstance(batch_sampler, IndexBatchSamplerWrapper): self.current_batch_indices = batch_sampler.batch_indices if self.should_store_predictions: self._all_batch_indices.append(batch_sampler.batch_indices) else: warning_cache.warn("Lightning couldn't infer the indices fetched for your dataloader.")

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