.. _production_inference: ############################# Deploy models into production ############################# ****** Basics ****** .. raw:: html
.. Add callout items below this line .. displayitem:: :header: Basic :description: Learn the basics of predicting with Lightning :col_css: col-md-6 :button_link: production_basic.html :height: 150 :tag: basic .. displayitem:: :header: Intermediate :description: Learn to remove the Lightning dependencies and use pure PyTorch for prediction. :col_css: col-md-6 :button_link: production_intermediate.html :height: 150 :tag: intermediate .. raw:: html
---- ******** Advanced ******** .. raw:: html
.. Add callout items below this line .. displayitem:: :header: Deploy with ONNX :description: Optimize models for enterprise-scale production environments with ONNX. :col_css: col-md-4 :button_link: production_advanced.html :height: 180 :tag: advanced .. displayitem:: :header: Deploy with torchscript :description: Optimize models for enterprise-scale production environments with torchscript. :col_css: col-md-4 :button_link: production_advanced_2.html :height: 180 :tag: advanced .. displayitem:: :header: Compress models for fast inference :description: Compress models for fast inference for deployment with Quantization and Pruning. :col_css: col-md-4 :button_link: ../advanced/pruning_quantization.html :height: 180 :tag: advanced .. raw:: html