######## Warnings ######## Lightning warns users of possible misconfiguration, performance implications or potential mistakes through the ``PossibleUserWarning`` category. Sometimes these warnings can be false positives, and you may want to suppress them to avoid cluttering the logs. .. warning:: Suppressing warnings is not recommended in general, because they may raise important issues that you should address. Only suppress warnings if they are false. ----- ********************************* Suppress a single warning message ********************************* Suppressing an individual warning message can be done through the :mod:`warnings` module: .. code-block:: python import warnings warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", ".*Consider increasing the value of the `num_workers` argument*") ----- ********************************************* Suppress all instances of PossibleUserWarning ********************************************* Suppressing all warnings of the ``PossibleUserWarning`` category can be done programmatically .. code-block:: python from lightning.pytorch.utilities import disable_possible_user_warnings # ignore all warnings that could be false positives disable_possible_user_warnings() or through the environment variable ``POSSIBLE_USER_WARNINGS``: .. code-block:: bash export POSSIBLE_USER_WARNINGS=off # or export POSSIBLE_USER_WARNINGS=0