:orphan: Level up ======== Learn enough Lightning to match the level of expertise required by your research or job. Basic skills ------------ Learn the basics of model development with Lightning. Researchers and machine learning engineers should start here. .. raw:: html
.. Add callout items below this line .. displayitem:: :header: Level 1: Train a model :description: Learn the basics of training a model. :button_link: model/train_model_basic.html :col_css: col-md-6 :height: 150 :tag: basic .. displayitem:: :header: Level 2: Add a validation and test set :description: Add validation and test sets to avoid over/underfitting. :button_link: levels/basic_level_2.html :col_css: col-md-6 :height: 150 :tag: basic .. displayitem:: :header: Level 3: Use pretrained models :description: Learn how to use pretrained models with Lightning :button_link: advanced/transfer_learning.html :col_css: col-md-6 :height: 150 :tag: basic .. displayitem:: :header: Level 4: Enable script parameters :description: Add parameters to your script so you can run from the commandline. :button_link: common/hyperparameters.html :col_css: col-md-6 :height: 150 :tag: basic .. displayitem:: :header: Level 5: Understand and visualize your model :description: Remove bottlenecks and visualize your model :button_link: levels/basic_level_5.html :col_css: col-md-6 :height: 150 :tag: basic .. displayitem:: :description: Use your model for predictions. :header: Level 6: Predict with your model :button_link: levels/core_level_6.html :col_css: col-md-6 :height: 150 :tag: basic .. raw:: html
---- Intermediate skills ------------------- Learn to scale up your models and enable collaborative model development at academic or industry research labs. .. raw:: html
.. Add callout items below this line .. displayitem:: :header: Level 7: Interactive cloud development :description: Learn how to access GPUs and TPUs on the cloud. :button_link: levels/intermediate_level_7.html :col_css: col-md-6 :height: 150 :tag: intermediate .. displayitem:: :header: Level 8: Modularize your projects :description: Create DataModules to enable dataset reusability. :col_css: col-md-6 :button_link: levels/intermediate_level_9.html :height: 150 :tag: intermediate .. displayitem:: :header: Level 9: Understand your model :description: Use advanced visuals to find the best performing model. :col_css: col-md-6 :button_link: levels/intermediate_level_10.html :height: 150 :tag: intermediate .. displayitem:: :header: Level 10: Explore SOTA scaling techniques :description: Explore SOTA techniques to help convergence, stability and scalability. :col_css: col-md-6 :button_link: levels/intermediate_level_11.html :height: 150 :tag: intermediate .. displayitem:: :header: Level 11: Deploy your models :description: Learn how to deploy your models with optimizations like ONNX and torchscript. :col_css: col-md-6 :button_link: levels/intermediate_level_12.html :height: 150 :tag: intermediate .. displayitem:: :header: Level 12: Optimize training speed :description: Use advanced profilers to mixed precision to train bigger models, faster. :col_css: col-md-6 :button_link: levels/intermediate_level_13.html :height: 150 :tag: intermediate .. displayitem:: :header: Level 13: Run on on-prem clusters :description: Run on a custom on-prem cluster or SLURM cluster. :col_css: col-md-6 :button_link: levels/intermediate_level_14.html :height: 150 :tag: intermediate .. raw:: html
---- Advanced skills --------------- Configure all aspects of Lightning for advanced usecases. .. raw:: html
.. Add callout items below this line .. displayitem:: :header: Level 14: Customize configs to run in production :description: Enable composable YAMLs :col_css: col-md-6 :button_link: levels/advanced_level_15.html :height: 150 :tag: advanced .. displayitem:: :header: Level 15: Customize the trainer :description: Inject custom code into the trainer and modify the progress bar. :col_css: col-md-6 :button_link: levels/advanced_level_16.html :height: 150 :tag: advanced .. displayitem:: :header: Level 16: Own the training loop :description: Learn all the ways of owning your raw PyTorch loops with Lightning. :col_css: col-md-6 :button_link: levels/advanced_level_17.html :height: 150 :tag: advanced .. displayitem:: :header: Level 17: Enable advanced checkpointing :description: Enable composable or cloud based checkpoints. :col_css: col-md-6 :button_link: levels/advanced_level_18.html :height: 150 :tag: advanced .. displayitem:: :header: Level 18: Explore HPUs :description: Explore Havana Gaudi Processing Unit (HPU) for model scaling. :col_css: col-md-6 :button_link: levels/advanced_level_19.html :height: 150 :tag: advanced .. displayitem:: :header: Level 19: Master TPUs :description: Master TPUs and run on cloud TPUs. :col_css: col-md-6 :button_link: levels/advanced_level_20.html :height: 150 :tag: advanced .. displayitem:: :header: Level 20: Train models with billions of parameters :description: Scale GPU training to models with billions of parameters :col_css: col-md-6 :button_link: levels/advanced_level_21.html :height: 150 :tag: advanced .. raw:: html
---- Expert skills ------------- Customize and extend Lightning for things like custom hardware or distributed strategies. .. raw:: html
.. Add callout items below this line .. displayitem:: :header: Level 21: Extend the Lightning CLI :description: Extend the functionality of the Lightning CLI. :col_css: col-md-6 :button_link: levels/expert_level_23.html :height: 150 :tag: expert .. displayitem:: :header: Level 22: Integrate a custom cluster :description: Integrate a custom cluster into Lightning. :col_css: col-md-6 :button_link: levels/expert_level_24.html :height: 150 :tag: expert .. displayitem:: :header: Level 23: Make your own profiler :description: Make your own profiler. :col_css: col-md-6 :button_link: tuning/profiler_expert.html :height: 150 :tag: expert .. displayitem:: :header: Level 24: Add a new accelerator or Strategy :description: Integrate a new accelerator or distributed strategy. :col_css: col-md-6 :button_link: levels/expert_level_25.html :height: 150 :tag: expert .. raw:: html