Intermediate skills

Learn to scale up your models and enable collaborative model development at academic or industry research labs.

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   :align: left


.. include:: ../links.rst

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    <div class="display-card-container">
        <div class="row">

.. Add callout items below this line

.. displayitem::
   :header: Level 7: Interactive cloud development
   :description: Learn how to access GPUs and TPUs on the cloud.
   :button_link: intermediate_level_7.html
   :col_css: col-md-6
   :height: 150
   :tag: intermediate

.. displayitem::
   :header: Level 8: Train in the background on the cloud
   :description: Learn how to run models on the cloud in the background.
   :button_link: intermediate_level_8.html
   :col_css: col-md-6
   :height: 150
   :tag: intermediate

.. displayitem::
   :header: Level 9: Modularize your projects
   :description: Create DataModules to enable dataset reusability.
   :col_css: col-md-6
   :button_link: intermediate_level_9.html
   :height: 150
   :tag: intermediate

.. displayitem::
   :header: Level 10: Understand your model
   :description: Use advanced visuals to find the best performing model.
   :col_css: col-md-6
   :button_link: intermediate_level_10.html
   :height: 150
   :tag: intermediate

.. displayitem::
   :header: Level 11: Explore SOTA scaling techniques
   :description: Explore SOTA techniques to help convergence, stability and scalability.
   :col_css: col-md-6
   :button_link: intermediate_level_11.html
   :height: 150
   :tag: intermediate

.. displayitem::
   :header: Level 12: Deploy your models
   :description: Learn how to deploy your models with optimizations like ONNX and torchscript.
   :col_css: col-md-6
   :button_link: intermediate_level_12.html
   :height: 150
   :tag: intermediate

.. displayitem::
   :header: Level 13: Optimize training speed
   :description: Use advanced profilers to mixed precision to train bigger models, faster.
   :col_css: col-md-6
   :button_link: intermediate_level_13.html
   :height: 150
   :tag: intermediate

.. displayitem::
   :header: Level 14: Run on on-prem clusters
   :description: Run on a custom on-prem cluster or SLURM cluster.
   :col_css: col-md-6
   :button_link: intermediate_level_14.html
   :height: 150
   :tag: intermediate

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