
Source code for pytorch_lightning.utilities.distributed

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"""Utilities that can be used with distributed training."""

import logging
import os
from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, List, Optional, Tuple, Union

import torch
import torch.nn.functional as F
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn.parallel.distributed import DistributedDataParallel

import pytorch_lightning as pl
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.imports import _HPU_AVAILABLE, _TPU_AVAILABLE
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero import rank_zero_debug as new_rank_zero_debug
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero import rank_zero_only  # noqa: F401
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero import rank_zero_deprecation
from pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero import rank_zero_info as new_rank_zero_info

    import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm

if torch.distributed.is_available():
    from torch.distributed import group, ReduceOp


    class ReduceOp:  # type: ignore # (see
        SUM = None

    class group:  # type: ignore
        WORLD = None

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def gather_all_tensors(result: Tensor, group: Optional[Any] = None) -> List[Tensor]: """Function to gather all tensors from several ddp processes onto a list that is broadcasted to all processes. Works on tensors that have the same number of dimensions, but where each dimension may differ. In this case tensors are padded, gathered and then trimmed to secure equal workload for all processes. Args: result: the value to sync group: the process group to gather results from. Defaults to all processes (world) Return: gathered_result: list with size equal to the process group where gathered_result[i] corresponds to result tensor from process i """ if group is None: group = # convert tensors to contiguous format result = result.contiguous() world_size = torch.distributed.get_world_size(group) torch.distributed.barrier(group=group) # if the tensor is scalar, things are easy if result.ndim == 0: return _simple_gather_all_tensors(result, group, world_size) # 1. Gather sizes of all tensors local_size = torch.tensor(result.shape, device=result.device) local_sizes = [torch.zeros_like(local_size) for _ in range(world_size)] torch.distributed.all_gather(local_sizes, local_size, group=group) max_size = torch.stack(local_sizes).max(dim=0).values all_sizes_equal = all(all(ls == max_size) for ls in local_sizes) # 2. If shapes are all the same, then do a simple gather: if all_sizes_equal: return _simple_gather_all_tensors(result, group, world_size) # 3. If not, we need to pad each local tensor to maximum size, gather and then truncate pad_dims = [] pad_by = (max_size - local_size).detach().cpu() for val in reversed(pad_by): pad_dims.append(0) pad_dims.append(val.item()) result_padded = F.pad(result, pad_dims) gathered_result = [torch.zeros_like(result_padded) for _ in range(world_size)] torch.distributed.all_gather(gathered_result, result_padded, group) for idx, item_size in enumerate(local_sizes): slice_param = [slice(dim_size) for dim_size in item_size] gathered_result[idx] = gathered_result[idx][slice_param] return gathered_result
def _simple_gather_all_tensors(result: Tensor, group: Any, world_size: int) -> List[Tensor]: gathered_result = [torch.zeros_like(result) for _ in range(world_size)] torch.distributed.all_gather(gathered_result, result, group) return gathered_result def distributed_available() -> bool: return torch.distributed.is_available() and torch.distributed.is_initialized() or tpu_distributed()
[docs]def sync_ddp_if_available( result: Tensor, group: Optional[Any] = None, reduce_op: Optional[Union[ReduceOp, str]] = None ) -> Tensor: """Function to reduce a tensor across worker processes during distributed training. Args: result: the value to sync and reduce (typically tensor or number) group: the process group to gather results from. Defaults to all processes (world) reduce_op: the reduction operation. Defaults to sum. Can also be a string of 'avg', 'mean' to calculate the mean during reduction. Return: reduced value """ if distributed_available(): return sync_ddp(result, group=group, reduce_op=reduce_op) return result
[docs]def sync_ddp(result: Tensor, group: Optional[Any] = None, reduce_op: Optional[Union[ReduceOp, str]] = None) -> Tensor: """Function to reduce the tensors from several ddp processes to one main process. Args: result: the value to sync and reduce (typically tensor or number) group: the process group to gather results from. Defaults to all processes (world) reduce_op: the reduction operation. Defaults to sum. Can also be a string of 'avg', 'mean' to calculate the mean during reduction. Return: reduced value """ divide_by_world_size = False if group is None: group = op: Optional[ReduceOp] if isinstance(reduce_op, str): if reduce_op.lower() in ("avg", "mean"): op = ReduceOp.SUM divide_by_world_size = True else: op = getattr(ReduceOp, reduce_op.upper()) else: op = reduce_op # WA for HPU. HPU doesn't support Long types, forcefully set it to float if _HPU_AVAILABLE: is_hpu_backend = os.environ.get("HCCL_DISTRIBUTED_BACKEND") == "1" if is_hpu_backend: if (result.type() == "torch.LongTensor") or (result.type() == "torch.hpu.LongTensor"): new_rank_zero_info("Long tensor unsupported on HPU, casting to float") result = result.float() # sync all processes before reduction torch.distributed.barrier(group=group) torch.distributed.all_reduce(result, op=op, group=group, async_op=False) if divide_by_world_size: result = result / torch.distributed.get_world_size(group) return result
[docs]class AllGatherGrad(torch.autograd.Function):
[docs] @staticmethod def forward( # type: ignore[override] ctx: Any, tensor: Tensor, group: Optional["torch.distributed.ProcessGroup"] = group.WORLD, ) -> Tensor: = group gathered_tensor = [torch.zeros_like(tensor) for _ in range(torch.distributed.get_world_size())] torch.distributed.all_gather(gathered_tensor, tensor, group=group) gathered_tensor = torch.stack(gathered_tensor, dim=0) return gathered_tensor
[docs] @staticmethod def backward(ctx: Any, *grad_output: Tensor) -> Tuple[Tensor, None]: grad_output = torch.distributed.all_reduce(grad_output, op=torch.distributed.ReduceOp.SUM, async_op=False, return grad_output[torch.distributed.get_rank()], None
[docs]def all_gather_ddp_if_available( tensor: Tensor, group: Optional["torch.distributed.ProcessGroup"] = None, sync_grads: bool = False ) -> Tensor: """Function to gather a tensor from several distributed processes. Args: tensor: tensor of shape (batch, ...) group: the process group to gather results from. Defaults to all processes (world) sync_grads: flag that allows users to synchronize gradients for all_gather op Return: A tensor of shape (world_size, batch, ...) """ group = group if group is not None else if distributed_available(): if sync_grads: return AllGatherGrad.apply(tensor, group) with torch.no_grad(): return AllGatherGrad.apply(tensor, group) return tensor
[docs]def register_ddp_comm_hook( model: DistributedDataParallel, ddp_comm_state: Optional[object] = None, ddp_comm_hook: Optional[Callable] = None, ddp_comm_wrapper: Optional[Callable] = None, ) -> None: """Function to register communication hook for DDP model Args: model: DDP model ddp_comm_state: state is passed to the hook and can be used to maintain and update any state information that users would like to maintain as part of the training process. Examples: error feedback in gradient compression, peers to communicate with next in GossipGrad etc. ddp_comm_hook: hook(state: object, bucket: dist._GradBucket) -> torch.futures.Future This callable function is called once the bucket is ready. The hook can perform whatever processing is needed and return a Future indicating completion of any async work (ex: allreduce). If the hook doesn't perform any communication, it can also just return a completed Future. The Future should hold the new value of grad bucket's tensors. Once a bucket is ready, c10d reducer would call this hook and use the tensors returned by the Future and copy grads to individual parameters. ddp_comm_wrapper: communication hook wrapper to support a communication hook such as FP16 compression as wrapper, which could be combined with ddp_comm_hook Examples: >>> from torch.distributed.algorithms.ddp_comm_hooks import ( # doctest: +SKIP ... default_hooks as default, ... powerSGD_hook as powerSGD, ... post_localSGD_hook as post_localSGD, ... ) >>> >>> # fp16_compress_hook for compress gradients >>> ddp_model = ... >>> register_ddp_comm_hook( # doctest: +SKIP ... model=ddp_model, ... ddp_comm_hook=default.fp16_compress_hook, ... ) >>> >>> # powerSGD_hook >>> ddp_model = ... >>> register_ddp_comm_hook( # doctest: +SKIP ... model=ddp_model, ... ddp_comm_state=powerSGD.PowerSGDState( ... process_group=None, ... matrix_approximation_rank=1, ... start_powerSGD_iter=5000, ... ), ... ddp_comm_hook=powerSGD.powerSGD_hook, ... ) >>> >>> # post_localSGD_hook >>> subgroup, _ = torch.distributed.new_subgroups() # doctest: +SKIP >>> ddp_model = ... >>> register_ddp_comm_hook( # doctest: +SKIP ... model=ddp_model, ... state=post_localSGD.PostLocalSGDState( ... process_group=None, ... subgroup=subgroup, ... start_localSGD_iter=1_000, ... ), ... ddp_comm_hook=post_localSGD.post_localSGD_hook, ... ) >>> >>> # fp16_compress_wrapper combined with other communication hook >>> ddp_model = ... >>> register_ddp_comm_hook( # doctest: +SKIP ... model=ddp_model, ... ddp_comm_state=powerSGD.PowerSGDState( ... process_group=None, ... matrix_approximation_rank=1, ... start_powerSGD_iter=5000, ... ), ... ddp_comm_hook=powerSGD.powerSGD_hook, ... ddp_comm_wrapper=default.fp16_compress_wrapper, ... ) """ if ddp_comm_hook is None: return # inform mypy that ddp_comm_hook is callable ddp_comm_hook: Callable = ddp_comm_hook if ddp_comm_wrapper is not None: new_rank_zero_info( f"DDP comm wrapper is provided, apply {ddp_comm_wrapper.__qualname__}({ddp_comm_hook.__qualname__})." ) ddp_comm_hook = ddp_comm_wrapper(ddp_comm_hook) new_rank_zero_debug(f"Registering DDP comm hook: {ddp_comm_hook.__qualname__}.") model.register_comm_hook(state=ddp_comm_state, hook=ddp_comm_hook) # type: ignore[operator]
def tpu_distributed() -> bool: return _TPU_AVAILABLE and xm.xrt_world_size() > 1 def get_default_process_group_backend_for_device(device: torch.device) -> str: return "nccl" if device.type == "cuda" else "gloo" def _get_process_group_backend_from_env() -> Optional[str]: torch_backend = os.getenv("PL_TORCH_DISTRIBUTED_BACKEND") if torch_backend is not None: rank_zero_deprecation( "Environment variable `PL_TORCH_DISTRIBUTED_BACKEND`" " was deprecated in v1.6 and will be removed in v1.8." " Specify `process_group_backend` directly on the strategy constructor." ) return torch_backend
[docs]def init_dist_connection( cluster_environment: "pl.plugins.environments.ClusterEnvironment", torch_distributed_backend: str, global_rank: Optional[int] = None, world_size: Optional[int] = None, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: """Utility function to initialize distributed connection by setting env variables and initializing the distributed process group. Args: cluster_environment: ``ClusterEnvironment`` instance torch_distributed_backend: backend to use (includes `nccl` and `gloo`) global_rank: rank of the current process world_size: number of processes in the group kwargs: kwargs for ``init_process_group`` Raises: RuntimeError: If ``torch.distributed`` is not available """ if not torch.distributed.is_available(): raise RuntimeError("torch.distributed is not available. Cannot initialize distributed process group") if torch.distributed.is_initialized(): log.debug("torch.distributed is already initialized. Exiting early") return global_rank = global_rank if global_rank is not None else cluster_environment.global_rank() world_size = world_size if world_size is not None else cluster_environment.world_size() os.environ["MASTER_ADDR"] = cluster_environment.main_address os.environ["MASTER_PORT"] = str(cluster_environment.main_port)"Initializing distributed: GLOBAL_RANK: {global_rank}, MEMBER: {global_rank + 1}/{world_size}") torch.distributed.init_process_group(torch_distributed_backend, rank=global_rank, world_size=world_size, **kwargs) # on rank=0 let everyone know training is starting new_rank_zero_info( f"{'-' * 100}\n" f"distributed_backend={torch_distributed_backend}\n" f"All distributed processes registered. Starting with {world_size} processes\n" f"{'-' * 100}\n" )
def _broadcast_object_list(obj: Any, rank: int) -> Any: objects = [obj if torch.distributed.get_rank() == rank else None] torch.distributed.broadcast_object_list(objects, src=rank) return objects[0] # TODO: Refactor with the Strategy Collectives once finalized. def _collect_states_on_rank_zero(state: Dict[str, Any]) -> Dict[int, Any]: """This distributed utility collects dictionary state across all processes. Args: state: Dictionary containing the state of the current process Returns: states: On global rank 0, a dictionary where the primary keys are the process rank and the values their associated states. Otherwise, returns None. """ if not distributed_available(): return {0: state} return {rank: _broadcast_object_list(state, rank) for rank in range(torch.distributed.get_world_size())} def rank_zero_info(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: rank_zero_deprecation( "pytorch_lightning.utilities.distributed.rank_zero_info has been deprecated in v1.6" " and will be removed in v1.8." " Use the equivalent function from the pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero module instead." ) return new_rank_zero_info(*args, **kwargs) def rank_zero_debug(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: rank_zero_deprecation( "pytorch_lightning.utilities.distributed.rank_zero_debug has been deprecated in v1.6" " and will be removed in v1.8." " Use the equivalent function from the pytorch_lightning.utilities.rank_zero module instead." ) return new_rank_zero_debug(*args, **kwargs)

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