Saving and Loading Checkpoints
Fabric makes it easy and efficient to save the state of your training loop into a checkpoint file, no matter how large your model is.
Define the state of your program
To save and resume your training, you need to define which variables in your program you want to have saved. Put everything into a dictionary, including models and optimizers and whatever metadata you have:
# Define the state of your program/loop
state = {"model1": model1, "model2": model2, "optimizer": optimizer, "iteration": iteration, "hparams": ...}
Or optionally use the AttributeDict
container for convenient attribute access
# Optional:
from lightning.fabric.utilities import AttributeDict
state = AttributeDict(model1=model1, model2=model2, optimizer=optimizer, iteration=iteration, hparams=...)
Save a checkpoint
To save the state to the filesystem, pass it to the save()
method:"path/to/checkpoint.ckpt", state)
This will unwrap your model and optimizer and automatically convert their state_dict
for you.
Fabric and the underlying strategy will decide in which format your checkpoint gets saved.
For example, strategy="ddp"
saves a single file on rank 0, while strategy="fsdp"
saves multiple files from all ranks.
Restore from a checkpoint
From a checkpoint saved by Fabric
You can restore the state by loading a saved checkpoint back with load()
fabric.load("path/to/checkpoint.ckpt", state)
Fabric will replace the state of your objects in-place. You can also request only to restore a portion of the checkpoint. For example, you want only to restore the model weights in your inference script:
state = {"model1": model1}
remainder = fabric.load("path/to/checkpoint.ckpt", state)
The remainder of the checkpoint that wasn’t restored gets returned in case you want to do something else with it. If you want to be in complete control of how states get restored, you can omit passing a state and get the entire raw checkpoint dictionary returned:
# Request the raw checkpoint
full_checkpoint = fabric.load("path/to/checkpoint.ckpt")
See also: Efficient initialization
From a raw state-dict file
You can load a raw weights file into a model directly using the load_raw()
model = MyModel()
# A model weights file saved by your friend who doesn't use Fabric
fabric.load_raw("path/to/", model)
# Equivalent to this:
# model.load_state_dict(torch.load("path/to/"))
# Also supports optimizers
optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(model.parameters())
fabric.load_raw("path/to/", optimizer)
The file to load must contain a valid state-dict for the model/optimizer. If your checkpoint has a different format, you will have to convert it manually first.
Load a partial checkpoint
Loading a checkpoint is normally “strict”, meaning parameter names in the checkpoint must match the parameter names in the model. However, when loading checkpoints for fine-tuning or transfer learning, it can happen that only a portion of the parameters match the model. For this case, you can disable strict loading to avoid errors:
state = {"model": model}
# strict loading is the default
fabric.load("path/to/checkpoint.ckpt", state, strict=True)
# disable strict loading
fabric.load("path/to/checkpoint.ckpt", state, strict=False)
Here is a trivial example to illustrate how it works:
import torch
import lightning as L
fabric = L.Fabric()
# Save a checkpoint of a trained model
model1 = torch.nn.Linear(2, 2, bias=True)
state = {"model": model1}"state.ckpt", state)
# Later on, make a new model that misses a parameter
model2 = torch.nn.Linear(2, 2, bias=False)
state = {"model": model2}
# `strict=True` would lead to an error, because the bias
# parameter is missing, but we can load the rest of the
# parameters successfully
fabric.load("state.ckpt", state, strict=False)
The load_raw()
method also supports the strict
See also: Saving and loading models in PyTorch.
Save a partial checkpoint
When saving a checkpoint using Fabric, you have the flexibility to choose which parameters to include in the saved file. This can be useful in scenarios such as fine-tuning, where you only want to save a subset of the parameters, reducing the size of the checkpoint and saving disk space.
To accomplish this, you can use filters during the saving process. The filter is a function that determines whether
an item should be saved (returning True
) or excluded (returning False
The filter operates on dictionary objects and evaluates each key-value pair individually.
Here’s an example of using a filter when saving a checkpoint:
state = {"model": model, "optimizer": optimizer, "foo": 123}
# save only the weights that match a pattern
filter = {"model": lambda k, v: "weight" in k}"path/to/checkpoint.ckpt", state, filter=filter)
# This will save {"model": {"layer.weight": ...}, "optimizer": ..., "foo": 123}
# note that the optimizer params corresponding to the excluded model params are not filtered