Models wrapped by Fabric

When you set up a model in Fabric, it gets automatically wrapped by a new module, the FabricModule:

import torch
import lightning as L

fabric = L.Fabric()
model = torch.nn.Linear(10, 2)
model = fabric.setup(model)

print(type(model))  # <class 'lightning.fabric.wrappers._FabricModule'>

This wrapper module takes care of a few things for you, notably:

  • Strategy: Handles strategy-specific logic for the forward method (DDP, FSDP, etc.).

  • Precision: Inputs and outputs passed through forward get automatically converted to the right precision depending on the Fabric(precision=...) setting.

  • Device: The wrapper remembers which device the model is on. You can access it with model.device.


The FabricModule wrapper is completely transparent and most users will never need to interact with it directly.

Below we describe a few functions and properties of the wrapper for advanced use cases. This might be useful if you are building a custom Trainer using Fabric as the core.

Accessing methods and attributes

Access to methods and attributes gets redirected to the original model automatically:

import torch
import lightning as L

fabric = L.Fabric()
model = torch.nn.Linear(10, 2)
fabric_model = fabric.setup(model)

# You can access attributes and methods normally
print(fabric_model.weight is model.weight)  # True

Unwrapping the model

You can check whether a model is wrapped in a FabricModule with the is_wrapped utility function:

import torch
import lightning as L
from lightning.fabric import is_wrapped

fabric = L.Fabric()
model = torch.nn.Linear(10, 2)
fabric_model = fabric.setup(model)

print(is_wrapped(model))  # False
print(is_wrapped(fabric_model))  # True

If you ever need to, you can access the original model explicitly via .module:

# Access the original model explicitly
original_model = fabric_model.module

print(original_model is model)  # True

Using methods other than forward for computation

PyTorch’s nn.Modules have a special contract you need to follow when using them for training: Your forward computation has to be defined in the forward method and you should call this forward method directly. But sometimes your model may need to define different flavors of forward, like in this example below where the regular forward is used for training, but the generate method does something slightly different for inference:

import torch
import lightning as L

class MyModel(torch.nn.Module):
    def __init__(self):
        self.layer = torch.nn.Linear(10, 2)

    def forward(self, x):
        return self.layer(x)

    def generate(self):
        sample = torch.randn(10)
        return self(sample)

If you were to run this model in Fabric with multiple devices (DDP or FSDP), you would get an error:

fabric = L.Fabric(accelerator="cpu", devices=2)
model = MyModel()
model = fabric.setup(model)

# OK: Calling the model directly
output = model(torch.randn(10))

# OK: Calling the model's forward (equivalent to the abvoe)
output = model.forward(torch.randn(10))

# ERROR: Calling another method that calls forward indirectly
output = model.generate()

Fabric produces an error there informing the user about incorrect usage because this is normally not allowed in PyTorch and could potentially lead to silent correctness bugs. If you want to use such methods, you need to mark them explicitly with .mark_forward_method() so that Fabric can do some rerouting behind the scenes for you to do the right thing:

# You must mark special forward methods explicitly:

# Passing just the name is also sufficient

# OK: Fabric will do some rerouting behind the scenes now
output = model.generate()