Source code for lightning.fabric.strategies.xla_fsdp

# Copyright The Lightning AI team.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import io
from contextlib import ExitStack, nullcontext
from functools import partial
from pathlib import Path
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, ContextManager, Dict, List, Literal, Optional, Set, Tuple, Type, Union

import torch
from torch import Tensor
from torch.nn import Module
from torch.optim import Optimizer
from import DataLoader
from typing_extensions import override

from lightning.fabric.accelerators import Accelerator
from lightning.fabric.accelerators.xla import _XLA_AVAILABLE
from lightning.fabric.plugins import XLAPrecision
from lightning.fabric.plugins.environments import XLAEnvironment
from import XLACheckpointIO
from lightning.fabric.strategies import ParallelStrategy, _StrategyRegistry
from lightning.fabric.strategies.fsdp import _apply_filter
from lightning.fabric.strategies.launchers.xla import _XLALauncher
from lightning.fabric.strategies.strategy import (
from lightning.fabric.utilities.cloud_io import get_filesystem
from lightning.fabric.utilities.imports import _TORCH_GREATER_EQUAL_2_0
from lightning.fabric.utilities.init import _EmptyInit
from lightning.fabric.utilities.rank_zero import rank_zero_only, rank_zero_warn
from lightning.fabric.utilities.types import _PATH, Optimizable, ReduceOp

    from torch_xla.distributed.parallel_loader import MpDeviceLoader

_POLICY_SET = Set[Type[Module]]
_POLICY = Union[_POLICY_SET, Callable[[Module, bool, int], bool]]

[docs]class XLAFSDPStrategy(ParallelStrategy, _Sharded): r"""Strategy for training multiple XLA devices using the :func:`torch_xla.distributed.xla_fully_sharded_data_parallel.XlaFullyShardedDataParallel` method. .. warning:: This is an :ref:`experimental <versioning:Experimental API>` feature. For more information check out Args: auto_wrap_policy: Same as ``auto_wrap_policy`` parameter in :class:`torch_xla.distributed.fsdp.XlaFullyShardedDataParallel`. For convenience, this also accepts a set of the layer classes to wrap. activation_checkpointing_policy: Used when selecting the modules for which you want to enable activation checkpointing. Enabling this can free up a significant amount of memory at the cost of speed since activations in these layers need to be recomputed during backpropagation. This accepts a set of the layer classes to wrap. state_dict_type: The format in which the state of the model and optimizers gets saved into the checkpoint. - ``"full"``: The full weights and optimizer states get assembled on rank 0 and saved to a single file. - ``"sharded"``: Each rank saves its shard of weights and optimizer states to a file. The checkpoint is a folder with files for each shard in the host. Note that TPU VM multihost does not have a shared filesystem. sequential_save: With this enabled, individual ranks consecutively save their state dictionary shards, reducing peak system RAM usage, although it elongates the saving process. \**kwargs: See available parameters in :class:`torch_xla.distributed.fsdp.XlaFullyShardedDataParallel`. """ def __init__( self, accelerator: Optional[Accelerator] = None, parallel_devices: Optional[List[torch.device]] = None, checkpoint_io: Optional[XLACheckpointIO] = None, precision: Optional[XLAPrecision] = None, auto_wrap_policy: Optional[_POLICY] = None, activation_checkpointing_policy: Optional[_POLICY_SET] = None, state_dict_type: Literal["full", "sharded"] = "sharded", sequential_save: bool = False, **kwargs: Any, ) -> None: if not _XLA_AVAILABLE: raise ModuleNotFoundError(str(_XLA_AVAILABLE)) super().__init__( accelerator=accelerator, parallel_devices=parallel_devices, cluster_environment=XLAEnvironment(), checkpoint_io=checkpoint_io, precision=precision, ) self._backward_sync_control = _XLAFSDPBackwardSyncControl() self._auto_wrap_policy = auto_wrap_policy self._activation_checkpointing_policy = activation_checkpointing_policy self._fsdp_kwargs = kwargs self._state_dict_type = state_dict_type self._sequential_save = sequential_save self._launched = False @property @override def root_device(self) -> torch.device: if not self._launched: raise RuntimeError("Accessing the XLA device before processes have spawned is not allowed.") import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm return xm.xla_device() @property def num_processes(self) -> int: return len(self.parallel_devices) if self.parallel_devices is not None else 0 @property # type: ignore[override] @override def checkpoint_io(self) -> XLACheckpointIO: plugin = self._checkpoint_io if plugin is not None: assert isinstance(plugin, XLACheckpointIO) return plugin return XLACheckpointIO() @checkpoint_io.setter @override def checkpoint_io(self, io: Optional[XLACheckpointIO]) -> None: if io is not None and not isinstance(io, XLACheckpointIO): raise TypeError(f"The XLA strategy can only work with the `XLACheckpointIO` plugin, found {io}") self._checkpoint_io = io @property # type: ignore[override] @override def precision(self) -> XLAPrecision: plugin = self._precision if plugin is not None: assert isinstance(plugin, XLAPrecision) return plugin return XLAPrecision("32-true") @precision.setter @override def precision(self, precision: Optional[XLAPrecision]) -> None: if precision is not None and not isinstance(precision, XLAPrecision): raise TypeError(f"The XLA FSDP strategy can only work with the `XLAPrecision` plugin, found {precision}") self._precision = precision @property @override def global_rank(self) -> int: return super().global_rank if self._launched else 0 @property @override def local_rank(self) -> int: return super().local_rank if self._launched else 0 @property @override def node_rank(self) -> int: return super().node_rank if self._launched else 0 @property @override def world_size(self) -> int: return super().world_size if self._launched else 1
[docs] @override def _configure_launcher(self) -> None: self._launcher = _XLALauncher(self)
[docs] @override def setup_environment(self) -> None: assert self.parallel_devices is not None if len(self.parallel_devices) == 1: # spawning only 1 device with PjRT is not supported: # raise NotImplementedError( f"The {type(self).__name__} does not support running on a single device with the PjRT runtime." " Try using all devices or the `SingleDeviceXLAStrategy` strategy" ) self._launched = True rank_zero_only.rank = self.global_rank super().setup_environment()
[docs] @override def setup_module_and_optimizers( self, module: Module, optimizers: List[Optimizer] ) -> Tuple[Module, List[Optimizer]]: """Returns NotImplementedError since for XLAFSDP optimizer setup must happen after module setup.""" raise NotImplementedError( f"The `{type(self).__name__}` does not support the joint setup of module and optimizer(s)." " Please do it in this order: Create the model, call `setup_module`, create the optimizer," " call `setup_optimizer`." )
[docs] @override def setup_module(self, module: Module) -> Module: from torch_xla.distributed.fsdp import XlaFullyShardedDataParallel as XLAFSDP kwargs = self._parse_fsdp_kwargs() if any(isinstance(mod, XLAFSDP) for mod in module.modules()) and "auto_wrap_policy" in kwargs: rank_zero_warn( "A XLAFSDP `auto_wrap_policy` is set, but at least one submodule is already wrapped." " The policy will be ignored." ) del kwargs["auto_wrap_policy"] # XLA FSDP requires that the root is wrapped, even if submodules are already wrapped if not isinstance(module, XLAFSDP): module = XLAFSDP(module=module, **kwargs) return module
[docs] @override def module_to_device(self, module: Module) -> None: pass
[docs] def module_init_context(self, empty_init: Optional[bool] = None) -> ContextManager: precision_init_ctx = self.precision.module_init_context() module_sharded_ctx = self.module_sharded_context() stack = ExitStack() stack.enter_context(_EmptyInit(enabled=bool(empty_init))) stack.enter_context(precision_init_ctx) stack.enter_context(module_sharded_ctx) return stack
[docs] @override def module_sharded_context(self) -> ContextManager: return nullcontext()
[docs] @override def process_dataloader(self, dataloader: DataLoader) -> "MpDeviceLoader": from torch_xla.distributed.parallel_loader import MpDeviceLoader if isinstance(dataloader, MpDeviceLoader): # dataloader is already wrapped by MpDeviceLoader return dataloader dataloader = MpDeviceLoader(dataloader, self.root_device) # Mimic interface to dataloader.dataset = dataloader._loader.dataset dataloader.batch_sampler = getattr(dataloader._loader, "batch_sampler", None) return dataloader
[docs] @override def setup_optimizer(self, optimizer: Optimizer) -> Optimizer: """Set up an optimizer for a model wrapped with XLAFSDP. This setup method doesn't modify the optimizer or wrap the optimizer. The only thing it currently does is verify that the optimizer was created after the model was wrapped with :meth:`setup_module` with a reference to the flattened parameters. """ if any(getattr(p, "_is_sharded", False) for group in optimizer.param_groups for p in group["params"]): return optimizer raise ValueError( "The optimizer does not seem to reference any XLAFSDP parameters. HINT: Make sure to create the optimizer" " after setting up the model." )
[docs] @override def optimizer_step(self, optimizer: Optimizable, **kwargs: Any) -> Any: """Overrides default tpu optimizer_step since FSDP should not call `torch_xla.core.xla_model.optimizer_step`. Performs the actual optimizer step. Args: optimizer: the optimizer performing the step **kwargs: Any extra arguments to ``optimizer.step`` """ loss = optimizer.step(**kwargs) import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm xm.mark_step() return loss
[docs] @override def clip_gradients_norm( self, module: Module, optimizer: Optimizer, max_norm: Union[float, int], norm_type: Union[float, int] = 2.0, error_if_nonfinite: bool = True, ) -> Tensor: """Clip gradients by norm.""" self.precision.unscale_gradients(optimizer) return module.clip_grad_norm_(max_norm=max_norm, norm_type=norm_type)
[docs] @override def clip_gradients_value(self, module: Module, optimizer: Optimizer, clip_val: Union[float, int]) -> None: """Clip gradients by value.""" raise NotImplementedError( "XLA's FSDP strategy does not support to clip gradients by value." " Consider clipping by norm instead or choose another strategy!" )
[docs] @override def all_gather(self, tensor: Tensor, group: Optional[Any] = None, sync_grads: bool = False) -> Tensor: """Function to gather a tensor from several distributed processes. Args: tensor: tensor to all-gather. group: unused. sync_grads: flag that allows users to synchronize gradients for the all-gather operation. Return: A tensor of shape (world_size, ...) """ if not self._launched: return tensor if not isinstance(tensor, Tensor): raise NotImplementedError( f"`{type(self).__name__}.all_gather` is only implemented for tensors. Given {tensor}" ) if tensor.dim() == 0: tensor = tensor.unsqueeze(0) original_device = tensor.device tensor = import torch_xla.core.functions as xf import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm tensor = xf.all_gather(tensor) if sync_grads else xm.all_gather(tensor) tensor = return tensor
[docs] @override def all_reduce( self, output: Union[Tensor, Any], group: Optional[Any] = None, reduce_op: Optional[Union[ReduceOp, str]] = None ) -> Tensor: if not isinstance(output, Tensor): output = torch.tensor(output, device=self.root_device) invalid_reduce_op = isinstance(reduce_op, ReduceOp) and reduce_op != ReduceOp.SUM invalid_reduce_op_str = isinstance(reduce_op, str) and reduce_op.lower() not in ("sum", "mean", "avg") if invalid_reduce_op or invalid_reduce_op_str: raise ValueError( "Currently, the XLAFSDPStrategy only supports `sum`, `mean`, `avg` for the reduce operation, got:" f" {reduce_op}" ) import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm output = xm.mesh_reduce("reduce", output, sum) if isinstance(reduce_op, str) and reduce_op.lower() in ("avg", "mean"): output = output / self.world_size return output
[docs] @override def barrier(self, name: Optional[str] = None, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> None: if not self._launched: return import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm if name is None: # `None` is not supported: "TypeError: _xla_rendezvous(): incompatible function arguments" name = "" xm.rendezvous(name)
[docs] @override def broadcast(self, obj: TBroadcast, src: int = 0) -> TBroadcast: if not self._launched: return obj import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm is_tensor = isinstance(obj, Tensor) if is_tensor: if obj.dim() == 0: obj = obj.unsqueeze(0) original_device = obj.device # XLA distributed requires that the data is on the XLA device obj = else: # support for arbitrary pickle-ables buffer = io.BytesIO(), buffer) obj = torch.tensor( # type: ignore[assignment] bytearray(buffer.getbuffer()), device=self.root_device, dtype=torch.float ) obj = [obj] xm.collective_broadcast(obj, root_ordinal=src) obj = obj[0] if not is_tensor: # this will preserve the dtype and device of any tensors buffer = io.BytesIO(obj.cpu().byte().numpy()) obj = torch.load(buffer) else: obj = return obj
[docs] @override def save_checkpoint( self, path: _PATH, state: Dict[str, Union[Module, Optimizer, Any]], storage_options: Optional[Any] = None, filter: Optional[Dict[str, Callable[[str, Any], bool]]] = None, ) -> None: """Save model, optimizer, and other state in the provided checkpoint directory. If the user specifies sharded checkpointing, the directory will contain one file per process, with model- and optimizer shards stored per file. If the user specifies full checkpointing, the directory will contain a consolidated checkpoint combining all of the sharded checkpoints. """ if not _TORCH_GREATER_EQUAL_2_0: raise NotImplementedError( "Saving and loading checkpoints with the `XLAFSDPStrategy` is not supported in PyTorch < 2.0." " Please upgrade `torch`." ) # broadcast the path from rank 0 to ensure all the states are saved in a common path path = Path(self.broadcast(path)) if path.is_dir() and any(path.iterdir()): raise FileExistsError(f"The checkpoint directory already exists and is not empty: {path}") from torch_xla.distributed.fsdp import XlaFullyShardedDataParallel as XLAFSDP modules = [module for module in state.values() if isinstance(module, XLAFSDP)] if len(modules) == 0: raise ValueError( "Could not find a XLAFSDP model in the provided checkpoint state. Please provide the model as" " part of the state like so: `save_checkpoint(..., state={'model': model, ...})`. Make sure" " you set up the model (and optimizers if any) through the strategy before saving the checkpoint." ) if len(modules) > 1: raise ValueError( "Found multiple XLAFSDP modules in the given state. Saving checkpoints with FSDP is" " currently limited to a single model per checkpoint. To save multiple models, call the" " save method for each model separately with a different path." ) import torch_xla.core.xla_model as xm # ensure model parameters are updated xm.mark_step() parallel_devices = self.parallel_devices assert parallel_devices is not None if self._sequential_save: # each host runs this in parallel, but the ranks in the host run it sequentially for rank in range(len(parallel_devices)): if rank == self.local_rank: self._save_checkpoint_shard(path, state, storage_options, filter) self.barrier(f"wait-for-{rank}-save") else: self._save_checkpoint_shard(path, state, storage_options, filter) if self._state_dict_type == "full": ckpt_prefix = str(path / "checkpoint") ckpt_suffix = "_rank-*-of-*.pth" if len(parallel_devices) != self.world_size: # multihost raise OSError( "Multihost setups do not have a shared filesystem, so the checkpoint shards cannot be consolidated" " into a single checkpoint after saving them. Please switch to" " `XLAFSDPStrategy(state_dict_type='sharded')`. TIP: You can consolidate them manually by getting" " them together into a single directory and running `python -m" f" torch_xla.distributed.fsdp.consolidate_sharded_ckpts --ckpt_prefix {ckpt_prefix!r} --ckpt_suffix" f" {ckpt_suffix!r} --save_path 'path/to/consolidated.ckpt'`." ) from torch_xla.distributed.fsdp import consolidate_sharded_model_checkpoints self.barrier("before_ckpt_consolidation") if self.is_global_zero: save_path = path.parent / "consolidated.ckpt" # save consolidated checkpoint separate to the shards consolidate_sharded_model_checkpoints(ckpt_prefix, ckpt_suffix, str(save_path)) # remove the shards directory self.checkpoint_io.remove_checkpoint(path) # mv the consolidated checkpoint where the user would expect it get_filesystem(save_path).mv(str(save_path), str(path)) self.barrier("after_ckpt_consolidation")
def _save_checkpoint_shard( self, path: Path, state: Dict[str, Union[Module, Optimizer, Any]], storage_options: Optional[Any], filter: Optional[Dict[str, Callable[[str, Any], bool]]], ) -> None: from torch_xla.distributed.fsdp import XlaFullyShardedDataParallel as XLAFSDP converted_state: Dict[str, Any] = {} for key, obj in state.items(): # convert the state if isinstance(obj, Module) and isinstance(obj, XLAFSDP): converted = obj.state_dict() # add shard_metadata to state converted_state["shard_metadata"] = obj.get_shard_metadata() elif isinstance(obj, Optimizer): converted = obj.state_dict() else: converted = obj _apply_filter(key, filter or {}, converted, converted_state) self.checkpoint_io.save_checkpoint( converted_state, path / f"checkpoint_rank-{self.global_rank:08d}-of-{self.world_size:08d}.pth", storage_options=storage_options, )
[docs] @override def load_checkpoint( self, path: _PATH, state: Optional[Union[Module, Optimizer, Dict[str, Union[Module, Optimizer, Any]]]] = None, strict: bool = True, ) -> Dict[str, Any]: """Given a folder, load the contents from a checkpoint and restore the state of the given objects. The strategy currently only supports saving and loading sharded checkpoints which are stored in form of a directory of multiple files rather than a single file. """ if not _TORCH_GREATER_EQUAL_2_0: raise NotImplementedError( "Saving and loading checkpoints with the `FSDPStrategy` is not supported in PyTorch < 2.0." " Please upgrade `torch` or file an issue: ``." ) if not state: raise ValueError( f"Got `XLAFSDPStrategy.load_checkpoint(..., state={state!r})` but a state with at least " " a model instance to reload is required. Pass it in like so:" " `FSDPStrategy.load_checkpoint(..., state={'model': model, ...})`" ) # broadcast the path from rank 0 to ensure all the states are loaded from a common path path = Path(self.broadcast(path)) if isinstance(state, (Module, Optimizer)): raise NotImplementedError( "Loading a single module or optimizer object from a checkpoint" " is not supported yet with the XLAFSDP strategy." ) from torch_xla.distributed.fsdp import XlaFullyShardedDataParallel as XLAFSDP modules = {key: module for key, module in state.items() if isinstance(module, XLAFSDP)} optimizers = {key: optim for key, optim in state.items() if isinstance(optim, Optimizer)} if self._state_dict_type == "sharded": file = path / f"checkpoint_rank-{self.global_rank:08d}-of-{self.world_size:08d}.pth" if not file.is_file(): raise ValueError( f"The path {str(file)!r} does not point to valid sharded checkpoints. Make sure the path points to" " a directory with XLAFSDP checkpoint shards." ) if len(modules) == 0: raise ValueError( "Could not find a XLAFSDP model in the provided checkpoint state. Please provide the model as" " part of the state like so: `load_checkpoint(..., state={'model': model, ...})`. Make sure" " you set up the model (and optimizers if any) through the strategy before loading the checkpoint." ) if len(modules) > 1: raise ValueError( "Found multiple XLAFSDP modules in the given state. Loading checkpoints with FSDP is" " currently limited to a single model per checkpoint. To load multiple models, call the" " load method for each model separately with a different path." ) _, module = list(modules.items())[0] sharded_ckpt = torch.load(file) module.load_state_dict(sharded_ckpt["model"], strict=strict) for opt_key, opt in optimizers.items(): opt.load_state_dict(sharded_ckpt[opt_key]) # Load anything leftover from sharded_ckpt loaded_metadata_keys = sharded_ckpt.keys() - modules.keys() - optimizers.keys() requested_metadata_keys = state.keys() - modules.keys() - optimizers.keys() _validate_keys_for_strict_loading(requested_metadata_keys, loaded_metadata_keys, strict=strict) for key in requested_metadata_keys: if key in loaded_metadata_keys: state[key] = sharded_ckpt[key] loaded_metadata_keys.remove(key) metadata = {} if len(loaded_metadata_keys): for key in loaded_metadata_keys: metadata[key] = sharded_ckpt[key] # remove "shard_metadata" that is loaded in if "shard_metadata" in metadata: metadata.pop("shard_metadata") return metadata if self._state_dict_type == "full": if not path.is_file(): raise ValueError( f"The path {str(path)!r} does not point to a valid full checkpoint. Make sure the path points to a" " directory with a full XLAFSDP checkpoint." ) if len(optimizers) > 0 or len(state.keys() - modules.keys() - optimizers.keys()) > 0: rank_zero_warn( "Loading a full checkpoint will only load the full model." " The optimizer and any additional metadata are not included." ) if len(modules) > 0: raise ValueError( "Found a XLAFSDP model in the provided checkpoint state." " Please provide the model without any XLAFSDP wrapper." ) if "model" not in state or not isinstance(model := state["model"], torch.nn.Module): raise NotImplementedError("XLAFSDP only supports a single model instance with 'model' as the key.") full_ckpt = torch.load(path) model.load_state_dict(full_ckpt.pop("model"), strict=strict) return full_ckpt raise ValueError(f"Unknown state_dict_type: {self._state_dict_type}")
@classmethod @override def register_strategies(cls, strategy_registry: _StrategyRegistry) -> None: strategy_registry.register("xla_fsdp", cls, description=cls.__name__) def _parse_fsdp_kwargs(self) -> Dict: # this needs to be delayed because `self.precision` isn't available at init kwargs = self._fsdp_kwargs.copy() precision = self.precision if isinstance(precision, XLAPrecision): # the `compute_dtype` will be passed to the `auto_wrapper_callable` automatically, so we don't need to pass # it when creating it kwargs.setdefault("compute_dtype", precision._desired_dtype) kwargs = _auto_wrap_policy_kwargs(self._auto_wrap_policy, kwargs) return _activation_checkpointing_kwargs(self._activation_checkpointing_policy, kwargs)
def _auto_wrap_policy_kwargs(policy: Optional["_POLICY"], kwargs: Dict) -> Dict: if policy is None: return kwargs if isinstance(policy, set): from torch_xla.distributed.fsdp.wrap import transformer_auto_wrap_policy # this is not transformer specific despite the name policy = partial(transformer_auto_wrap_policy, transformer_layer_cls=policy) kwargs["auto_wrap_policy"] = policy return kwargs def _activation_checkpointing_auto_wrapper(policy: _POLICY_SET, module: Module, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any) -> Module: from torch_xla.distributed.fsdp import XlaFullyShardedDataParallel as XLAFSDP from torch_xla.distributed.fsdp import checkpoint_module module = checkpoint_module(module) if isinstance(module, tuple(policy)) else module return XLAFSDP(module, *args, **kwargs) def _activation_checkpointing_kwargs(policy: Optional[_POLICY_SET], kwargs: Dict) -> Dict: if not policy: return kwargs if "auto_wrapper_callable" in kwargs: raise ValueError( "You cannot set both `auto_wrapper_callable` and `activation_checkpointing_policy`. Choose one" ) if not isinstance(policy, set): raise TypeError( f"`activation_checkpointing_policy` must be a set, found {policy}. You can try defining and" " passing `auto_wrapper_callable` instead." ) auto_wrapper_callable = partial(_activation_checkpointing_auto_wrapper, policy) kwargs["auto_wrapper_callable"] = auto_wrapper_callable return kwargs class _XLAFSDPBackwardSyncControl(_BackwardSyncControl): @override def no_backward_sync(self, module: Module) -> ContextManager: """Blocks gradient synchronization inside the :class:`~torch_xla.distributed.fsdp.XlaFullyShardedDataParallel` wrapper.""" from torch_xla.distributed.fsdp import XlaFullyShardedDataParallel as XLAFSDP if not isinstance(module, XLAFSDP): raise TypeError( "Blocking backward sync is only possible if the module passed to" f" `{self.__class__.__name__}.no_backward_sync` is wrapped in `XlaFullyShardedDataParallel`." f" Got: {module.__class__.__name__}." ) return module.no_sync()