Drive Storage

Audience: Users who want to put, list, and get files from a shared disk space.


About Drives

Lightning Drive storage makes it easy to share files between LightningWorks so you can run your Lightning App both locally and in the cloud without changing the code.

The Drive object provides a central place for your components to share data.

The Drive acts as an isolate folder and any component can access it by knowing its name.

Your components can put, list, get, and delete files from and to the Drive (except LightningFlows).

What Drive does for you

Think of every instance of the Drive object acting like a Google Drive or like Dropbox.

By sharing the Drive between components through the LightningFlow, several components can have a shared place to read and write files from.

Create a Drive

In order to create a Drive, you simply need to pass its name with the prefix lit:// as follows:

from import Drive

# The identifier of this Drive is ``drive_1``
# Note: You need to add Lightning protocol ``lit://`` as a prefix.

drive_1 = Drive("lit://drive_1")

# The identifier of this Drive is ``drive_2``
drive_2 = Drive("lit://drive_2")

Any components can create a drive object.

from import LightningFlow, LightningWork
from import Drive

class Flow(LightningFlow):
    def __init__(self):
        self.drive_1 = Drive("lit://drive_1")

    def run(self):

class Work(LightningWork):
    def __init__(self):
        self.drive_1 = Drive("lit://drive_1")

    def run(self):

Supported actions with Drives

A Drive supports put, list, get, and delete actions.

from import Drive

drive = Drive("lit://drive")

drive.list(".")  # Returns [] as empty

# Created file.
with open("a.txt", "w") as f:
    f.write("Hello World !")


drive.list(".")  # Returns ["a.txt"] as the file copied in the Drive during the put action.

drive.get("a.txt")  # Get the file into the current worker


drive.list(".")  # Returns [] as empty

Component interactions with Drives

Here is an illustrated code example on how to create drives within works.

from import LightningFlow, LightningWork, LightningApp
from import Drive

class Work_A(LightningWork):
    def __init__(self):
        # The identifier of the Drive is ``drive_1``
        # Note: You need to add Lightning protocol ``lit://`` as a prefix.
        self.drive_1 = Drive("lit://drive_1")

    def run(self):
        # 1. Create a file.
        with open("a.txt", "w") as f:
            f.write("Hello World !")

        # 2. Put the file into the drive.

class Work_B(LightningWork):
    def __init__(self):

        # Note: Work B has access 2 drives.

        # The identifier of this Drive is ``drive_1``
        self.drive_1 = Drive("lit://drive_1")
        # The identifier of this Drive is ``drive_2``
        self.drive_2 = Drive("lit://drive_2")

    def run(self):
        # 1. Create a file.
        with open("b.txt", "w") as f:
            f.write("Hello World !")

        # 2. Put the file into both drives.

class Work_C(LightningWork):
    def __init__(self):
        self.drive_2 = Drive("lit://drive_2")

    def run(self):
        # 1. Create a file.
        with open("c.txt", "w") as f:
            f.write("Hello World !")

        # 2. Put the file into the drive.

Transfer files with Drive

In the example below, the Drive is created by the flow and passed to its LightningWork’s.

The Work_1 put a file a.txt in the Drive(“lit://this_drive_id”) and the Work_2 can list and get the a.txt file from it.

import os

from import LightningApp, LightningFlow, LightningWork
from import Drive

class Work_1(LightningWork):
    def run(self, drive: Drive):
        # 1. Create a file.
        with open("a.txt", "w") as f:
            f.write("Hello World !")

        # 2. Put the file into the drive.

        # 3. Delete the locally.

class Work_2(LightningWork):
    def __init__(self):

    def run(self, drive: Drive):
        print(drive.list("."))  # Prints ["a.txt"]

        print(os.path.exists("a.txt"))  # Prints False

        drive.get("a.txt")  # Transfer the file from this drive to the local filesystem.

        print(os.path.exists("a.txt"))  # Prints True

        with open("a.txt") as f:
            print(f.readlines()[0])  # Prints Hello World !

class Flow(LightningFlow):
    def __init__(self):
        self.drive_1 = Drive("lit://drive_1")
        self.work_1 = Work_1()
        self.work_2 = Work_2()

    def run(self):
        # Pass the drive to both works.
        self.stop("Application End!")

app = LightningApp(Flow())